class CRM_Utils_Hook_UnitTests extends CRM_Utils_Hook {
protected $mockObject;
+ /**
+ * @var array adhocHooks to call
+ */
protected $adhocHooks;
protected $civiModules = NULL;
- // Call this in CiviUnitTestCase::setUp()
+ /**
+ * Call this in CiviUnitTestCase::setUp()
+ */
public function reset() {
$this->mockObject = NULL;
$this->adhocHooks = array();
* Use a unit-testing mock object to handle hook invocations
* e.g. hook_civicrm_foo === $mockObject->foo()
+ * @param object $mockObject
public function setMock($mockObject) {
$this->mockObject = $mockObject;
* Register a piece of code to run when invoking a hook
+ * @param string $hook hook name, e.g civicrm_pre
+ * @param array $callable function to call ie array(class, method)
+ * eg. array($this, mymethod)
public function setHook($hook, $callable) {
$this->adhocHooks[$hook] = $callable;