* Handle the values in preview mode.
+ * Function will be deprecated in favour of validateValues.
+ *
* @param array $values
* The array of values belonging to this line.
* Handle the values in summary mode.
+ * Function will be deprecated in favour of validateValues.
+ *
* @param array $values
* The array of values belonging to this line.
* CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR or CRM_Import_Parser::VALID
public function summary(&$values): int {
- $params = $this->getMappedRow($values);
$rowNumber = (int) ($values[count($values) - 1]);
try {
- $errorMessage = NULL;
- $errorRequired = FALSE;
- switch ($this->_contactType) {
- case 'Individual':
- $missingNames = [];
- if ($this->_firstNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_firstNameIndex])) {
- $errorRequired = TRUE;
- $missingNames[] = ts('First Name');
- }
- if ($this->_lastNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_lastNameIndex])) {
- $errorRequired = TRUE;
- $missingNames[] = ts('Last Name');
- }
- if ($errorRequired) {
- $and = ' ' . ts('and') . ' ';
- $errorMessage = ts('Missing required fields:') . ' ' . implode($and, $missingNames);
- }
- break;
- case 'Household':
- if ($this->_householdNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_householdNameIndex])) {
- $errorRequired = TRUE;
- $errorMessage = ts('Missing required fields:') . ' ' . ts('Household Name');
- }
- break;
- case 'Organization':
- if ($this->_organizationNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_organizationNameIndex])) {
- $errorRequired = TRUE;
- $errorMessage = ts('Missing required fields:') . ' ' . ts('Organization Name');
- }
- break;
- }
- if ($this->_emailIndex >= 0) {
- /* If we don't have the required fields, bail */
- if ($this->_contactType === 'Individual' && !$this->_updateWithId) {
- if ($errorRequired && empty($values[$this->_emailIndex])) {
- if ($errorMessage) {
- $errorMessage .= ' ' . ts('OR') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
- }
- else {
- $errorMessage = ts('Missing required field:') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
- }
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
- }
- }
- $email = $values[$this->_emailIndex] ?? NULL;
- if ($email) {
- if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::email($email)) {
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- elseif ($errorRequired && !$this->_updateWithId) {
- if ($errorMessage) {
- $errorMessage .= ' ' . ts('OR') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
- }
- else {
- $errorMessage = ts('Missing required field:') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
- }
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
- }
- //check for duplicate external Identifier
- $externalID = $values[$this->_externalIdentifierIndex] ?? NULL;
- if ($externalID) {
- /* If it's a dupe,external Identifier */
- if ($externalDupe = CRM_Utils_Array::value($externalID, $this->_allExternalIdentifiers)) {
- $errorMessage = ts('External ID conflicts with record %1', [1 => $externalDupe]);
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
- }
- //otherwise, count it and move on
- $this->_allExternalIdentifiers[$externalID] = $this->_lineCount;
- }
- //date-format part ends
- $errorMessage = NULL;
- //CRM-5125
- //add custom fields for contact sub type
- $csType = NULL;
- if (!empty($this->_contactSubType)) {
- $csType = $this->_contactSubType;
- }
- //checking error in custom data
- $this->isErrorInCustomData($params, $errorMessage, $csType, $this->_relationships);
- //checking error in core data
- $this->isErrorInCoreData($params, $errorMessage);
- if ($errorMessage) {
- $tempMsg = "Invalid value for field(s) : $errorMessage";
- throw new CRM_Core_Exception($tempMsg);
- }
+ $this->validateValues($values);
catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
$this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'ERROR', $e->getMessage());
return (bool) CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM $tableName WHERE _status = 'NEW' LIMIT 1");
+ /**
+ * Validate the import values.
+ *
+ * The values array represents a row in the datasource.
+ *
+ * @param array $values
+ */
+ public function validateValues(array $values): void {
+ $errorMessage = NULL;
+ $errorRequired = FALSE;
+ $params = $this->getMappedRow($values);
+ switch ($this->_contactType) {
+ case 'Individual':
+ $missingNames = [];
+ if ($this->_firstNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_firstNameIndex])) {
+ $errorRequired = TRUE;
+ $missingNames[] = ts('First Name');
+ }
+ if ($this->_lastNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_lastNameIndex])) {
+ $errorRequired = TRUE;
+ $missingNames[] = ts('Last Name');
+ }
+ if ($errorRequired) {
+ $and = ' ' . ts('and') . ' ';
+ $errorMessage = ts('Missing required fields:') . ' ' . implode($and, $missingNames);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Household':
+ if ($this->_householdNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_householdNameIndex])) {
+ $errorRequired = TRUE;
+ $errorMessage = ts('Missing required fields:') . ' ' . ts('Household Name');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Organization':
+ if ($this->_organizationNameIndex < 0 || empty($values[$this->_organizationNameIndex])) {
+ $errorRequired = TRUE;
+ $errorMessage = ts('Missing required fields:') . ' ' . ts('Organization Name');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($this->_emailIndex >= 0) {
+ /* If we don't have the required fields, bail */
+ if ($this->_contactType === 'Individual' && !$this->_updateWithId) {
+ if ($errorRequired && empty($values[$this->_emailIndex])) {
+ if ($errorMessage) {
+ $errorMessage .= ' ' . ts('OR') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorMessage = ts('Missing required field:') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
+ }
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ $email = $values[$this->_emailIndex] ?? NULL;
+ if ($email) {
+ if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::email($email)) {
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($errorRequired && !$this->_updateWithId) {
+ if ($errorMessage) {
+ $errorMessage .= ' ' . ts('OR') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorMessage = ts('Missing required field:') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
+ }
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
+ }
+ //check for duplicate external Identifier
+ $externalID = $values[$this->_externalIdentifierIndex] ?? NULL;
+ if ($externalID) {
+ /* If it's a dupe,external Identifier */
+ if ($externalDupe = CRM_Utils_Array::value($externalID, $this->_allExternalIdentifiers)) {
+ $errorMessage = ts('External ID conflicts with record %1', [1 => $externalDupe]);
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception($errorMessage);
+ }
+ //otherwise, count it and move on
+ $this->_allExternalIdentifiers[$externalID] = $this->_lineCount;
+ }
+ //date-format part ends
+ $errorMessage = NULL;
+ //CRM-5125
+ //add custom fields for contact sub type
+ $csType = NULL;
+ if (!empty($this->_contactSubType)) {
+ $csType = $this->_contactSubType;
+ }
+ //checking error in custom data
+ $this->isErrorInCustomData($params, $errorMessage, $csType, $this->_relationships);
+ //checking error in core data
+ $this->isErrorInCoreData($params, $errorMessage);
+ if ($errorMessage) {
+ $tempMsg = "Invalid value for field(s) : $errorMessage";
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception($tempMsg);
+ }
+ }