--- /dev/null
+return new class() extends \Civi\Test\EventCheck implements \Civi\Test\HookInterface {
+ private $paramSpecs = [
+ // ## Envelope: Common
+ 'toName' => ['type' => 'string|NULL'],
+ 'toEmail' => ['type' => 'string|NULL'],
+ 'cc' => ['type' => 'string|NULL'],
+ 'bcc' => ['type' => 'string|NULL'],
+ 'headers' => ['type' => 'array'],
+ 'attachments' => ['type' => 'array|NULL'],
+ 'isTest' => ['type' => 'bool|int'],
+ // ## Envelope: singleEmail/messageTemplate
+ 'from' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail']],
+ 'replyTo' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail']],
+ 'returnPath' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail']],
+ 'isEmailPdf' => ['type' => 'bool', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'PDFFilename' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'autoSubmitted' => ['type' => 'bool', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'Message-ID' => ['type' => 'string', 'for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail']],
+ 'messageId' => ['type' => 'string', 'for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail']],
+ // ## Envelope: CiviMail/Flexmailer
+ 'Reply-To' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ 'Return-Path' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ 'From' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ 'Subject' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ 'List-Unsubscribe' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ 'X-CiviMail-Bounce' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ 'Precedence' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer'], 'regex' => '/(bulk|first-class|list)/'],
+ 'job_id' => ['type' => 'int|NULL', 'for' => ['civimail', 'flexmailer']],
+ // ## Content
+ 'subject' => ['for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail'], 'type' => 'string'],
+ 'text' => ['type' => 'string|NULL'],
+ 'html' => ['type' => 'string|NULL'],
+ // ## Model: messageTemplate
+ 'tokenContext' => ['type' => 'array', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'tplParams' => ['type' => 'array', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'contactId' => ['type' => 'int|NULL', 'for' => 'messageTemplate' /* deprecated in favor of tokenContext[contactId] */],
+ 'valueName' => [
+ 'regex' => '/^([a-zA-Z_]+)$/',
+ 'type' => 'string',
+ 'for' => 'messageTemplate',
+ ],
+ 'groupName' => [
+ // This field is generally deprecated. Historically, this was tied to various option-groups (`msg_*`),
+ // but it also seems to have been used with a few long-form English names.
+ 'regex' => '/^(msg_[a-zA-Z_]+|Scheduled Reminder Sender|Activity Email Sender|Report Email Sender|Mailing Event Welcome|CRM_Core_Config_MailerTest)$/',
+ 'type' => 'string',
+ 'for' => ['messageTemplate', 'singleEmail'],
+ ],
+ // The model is not passed into this hook because it would create ambiguity when you alter properties.
+ // If you want to expose it via hook, add another hook.
+ 'model' => ['for' => 'messageTemplate', 'type' => 'NULL'],
+ 'modelProps' => ['for' => 'messageTemplate', 'type' => 'NULL'],
+ // ## Model: Adhoc/incomplete/needs attention
+ 'contributionId' => ['type' => 'int', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'petitionId' => ['type' => 'int', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'petitionTitle' => ['type' => 'string', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'table' => ['type' => 'string', 'for' => 'messageTemplate', 'regex' => '/civicrm_msg_template/'],
+ 'entity' => ['type' => 'string|NULL', 'for' => 'singleEmail'],
+ 'entity_id' => ['type' => 'int|NULL', 'for' => 'singleEmail'],
+ // ## View: messageTemplate
+ 'messageTemplateID' => ['type' => 'int|NULL', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'messageTemplate' => ['type' => 'array|NULL', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ 'disableSmarty' => ['type' => 'bool|int', 'for' => 'messageTemplate'],
+ ];
+ public function isSupported($test) {
+ // MailTest does intentionally breaky things to provoke+ensure decent error-handling.
+ //So we will not enforce generic rules on it.
+ return !($test instanceof CRM_Utils_MailTest);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ensure that the hook data is always well-formed.
+ *
+ * @see \CRM_Utils_Hook::alterMailParams()
+ */
+ public function hook_civicrm_alterMailParams(&$params, $context = NULL) {
+ $msg = "Non-conformant hook_civicrm_alterMailParams(..., $context)";
+ $dump = print_r($params, 1);
+ $this->assertRegExp('/^(messageTemplate|civimail|singleEmail|flexmailer)$/',
+ $context, "$msg: Unrecognized context ($context)\n$dump");
+ $contexts = [$context];
+ if ($context === 'singleEmail' && array_key_exists('tokenContext', $params)) {
+ // Don't look now, but `sendTemplate()` fires this hook twice for the message! Once with $context=messageTemplate; again with $context=singleEmail.
+ $contexts[] = 'messageTemplate';
+ }
+ $paramSpecs = array_filter($this->paramSpecs, function ($f) use ($contexts) {
+ return !isset($f['for']) || array_intersect((array) $f['for'], $contexts);
+ });
+ $unknownKeys = array_diff(array_keys($params), array_keys($paramSpecs));
+ if ($unknownKeys !== []) {
+ echo '';
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals([], $unknownKeys, "$msg: Unrecognized keys: " . implode(', ', $unknownKeys) . "\n$dump");
+ foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
+ $this->assertType($paramSpecs[$key]['type'], $value, "$msg: Bad data-type found in param ($key)\n$dump");
+ if (isset($paramSpecs[$key]['regex'])) {
+ $this->assertRegExp($paramSpecs[$key]['regex'], $value, "Parameter [$key => $value] should match regex ({$paramSpecs[$key]['regex']})");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($context === 'messageTemplate') {
+ $this->assertTrue(!empty($params['valueName']), "$msg: Message templates must always specify the name of the workflow step\n$dump");
+ $this->assertEquals($params['contactId'] ?? NULL, $params['tokenContext']['contactId'] ?? NULL, "$msg: contactId moved to tokenContext, but legacy value should be equivalent\n$dump");
+ // This assertion is surprising -- yet true. We should perhaps check if it was true in past releases...
+ $this->assertTrue(empty($params['text']) && empty($params['html']) && empty($params['subject']), "$msg: Content is not given if context==messageTemplate\n$dump");
+ }
+ if ($context !== 'messageTemplate') {
+ $this->assertTrue(!empty($params['text']) || !empty($params['html']) || !empty($params['subject']), "$msg: Must provide at least one of: text, html, subject\n$dump");
+ }
+ if (isset($params['groupName']) && $params['groupName'] === 'Scheduled Reminder Sender') {
+ $this->assertTrue(!empty($params['entity']), "$msg: Scheduled reminders should have entity\n$dump");
+ $this->assertTrue(!empty($params['entity_id']), "$msg: Scheduled reminders should have entity_id\n$dump");
+ }
+ }