if ($this->_action == CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) {
if ($this->_id) {
+ CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Selected mapping has been deleted successfully.'), ts('Deleted'), 'success');
else {
$mapping->id = $id;
if ($mapping->find(TRUE)) {
$result = $mapping->delete();
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Selected mapping has been deleted successfully.'), ts('Deleted'), 'success');
return $result;
return FALSE;
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Mapping ID</title>
<comment>Mapping ID</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Mapping Type</title>
<comment>Mapping Type</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Mapping Field ID</title>
<comment>Mapping Field ID</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Mapping ID</title>
<comment>Mapping to which this field belongs</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Location type ID</title>
<comment>Location type of this mapping, if required</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Phone type ID</title>
<comment>Which type of phone does this number belongs.</comment>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>IM provider ID</title>
<comment>Which type of IM Provider does this name belong.</comment>