$this->assertStringContainsString('<p>Hello testRenderTemplate Abba Baab!</p>', $rendered['html']);
- /**
- * Test that translated strings are rendered for templates where they exist.
- *
- * This system has a relatively open localization policy where any translation can be used,
- * even if the system doesn't allow it in the web UI. Ex: The sysadmin has configured 'fr_FR'
- * strings. The user has requested 'fr_CA', and we'll fallback to 'fr_CA'.
- *
- * @throws \API_Exception|\CRM_Core_Exception
- * @group locale
- */
- public function testRenderTranslatedTemplate_AllowPartialLocales(): void {
- $cleanup = \CRM_Utils_AutoClean::swapSettings(['partial_locales' => TRUE, 'uiLanguages' => ['en_US']]);
+ public function getLocaleConfigurations(): array {
+ $yesPartials = ['partial_locales' => TRUE, 'uiLanguages' => ['en_US']];
+ $noPartials = ['partial_locales' => FALSE, 'uiLanguages' => ['en_US'], 'format_locale' => 'en_US'];
- $this->individualCreate(['preferred_language' => 'fr_FR']);
- $contributionID = $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $this->ids['Contact']['individual_0']]);
- $messageTemplateID = MessageTemplate::get()
- ->addWhere('is_default', '=', 1)
- ->addWhere('workflow_name', '=', 'contribution_online_receipt')
- ->addSelect('id')
- ->execute()->first()['id'];
+ $allTemplates = [];
+ $allTemplates['*'] = ['subject' => 'Hello', 'html' => 'Looky there!', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
+ $allTemplates['fr_FR'] = ['subject' => 'Bonjour', 'html' => 'Voila!', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
+ $allTemplates['fr_CA'] = ['subject' => 'Bonjour Canada', 'html' => 'Voila! Canada', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
+ $allTemplates['es_PR'] = ['subject' => 'Buenos dias', 'html' => 'Listo', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
+ $allTemplates['th_TH'] = ['subject' => 'สวัสดี', 'html' => 'ดังนั้น', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
- Translation::save()->setRecords([
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_subject', 'string' => 'Bonjour'],
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_html', 'string' => 'Voila!'],
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_text', 'string' => '{contribution.total_amount}'],
- ])->setDefaults([
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_msg_template',
- 'entity_id' => $messageTemplateID,
- 'status_id:name' => 'active',
- 'language' => 'fr_FR',
- ])->execute();
+ $onlyTemplates = function(array $locales) use ($allTemplates) {
+ return CRM_Utils_Array::subset($allTemplates, $locales);
+ };
- $messageTemplateFrench = MessageTemplate::get()
- ->addWhere('is_default', '=', 1)
- ->addWhere('workflow_name', '=', 'contribution_online_receipt')
- ->addSelect('id', 'msg_subject', 'msg_html')
- ->setLanguage('fr_FR')
- ->setTranslationMode('fuzzy')
- ->execute()->first();
+ $rendered = [];
+ // $rendered['*'] = ['subject' => 'Hello', 'html' => 'Looky there!', 'text' => '$ 100.00'];
+ $rendered['*'] = ['subject' => 'Hello', 'html' => 'Looky there!', 'text' => '$100.00'];
+ $rendered['fr_FR'] = ['subject' => 'Bonjour', 'html' => 'Voila!', 'text' => '100,00 $US'];
+ $rendered['fr_CA'] = ['subject' => 'Bonjour Canada', 'html' => 'Voila! Canada', 'text' => '100,00 $ US'];
+ $rendered['es_PR'] = ['subject' => 'Buenos dias', 'html' => 'Listo', 'text' => '100.00 $US'];
+ $rendered['th_TH'] = ['subject' => 'สวัสดี', 'html' => 'ดังนั้น', 'text' => 'US$100.00'];
- $this->assertEquals('Bonjour', $messageTemplateFrench['msg_subject']);
- $this->assertEquals('Voila!', $messageTemplateFrench['msg_html']);
+ $result = [/* settings, templates, preferredLanguage, expectMessage */];
- $rendered = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::renderTemplate([
- 'workflow' => 'contribution_online_receipt',
- 'tokenContext' => [
- 'contactId' => $this->ids['Contact']['individual_0'],
- 'contributionId' => $contributionID,
- ],
- ]);
- $this->assertEquals('Bonjour', $rendered['subject']);
- $this->assertEquals('Voila!', $rendered['html']);
- $this->assertEquals('100,00 $US', $rendered['text']);
+ $result['fr_FR matches fr_FR (all-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $allTemplates, 'fr_FR', $rendered['fr_FR']];
+ $result['fr_FR matches fr_FR (all-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $allTemplates, 'fr_FR', $rendered['fr_FR']];
+ $result['fr_FR falls back to fr_CA (ltd-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $onlyTemplates(['*', 'fr_CA']), 'fr_FR', $rendered['fr_CA']];
+ $result['fr_FR falls back to fr_CA (ltd-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $onlyTemplates(['*', 'fr_CA']), 'fr_FR', $rendered['fr_CA']];
- // French Canadian should ALSO pick up French if there
- //is no specific French Canadian.
- $rendered = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::renderTemplate([
- 'workflow' => 'contribution_online_receipt',
- 'tokenContext' => [
- 'contactId' => $this->ids['Contact']['individual_0'],
- 'contributionId' => $contributionID,
- ],
- 'language' => 'fr_CA',
- ]);
- $this->assertEquals('Bonjour', $rendered['subject']);
- $this->assertEquals('Voila!', $rendered['html']);
- // Money is formatted per fr_FR locale as that is the found-template-locale.
- $this->assertEquals('100,00 $US', $rendered['text']);
+ $result['fr_CA matches fr_CA (all-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $allTemplates, 'fr_CA', $rendered['fr_CA']];
+ $result['fr_CA matches fr_CA (all-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $allTemplates, 'fr_CA', $rendered['fr_CA']];
+ $result['fr_CA falls back to fr_FR (ltd-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $onlyTemplates(['*', 'fr_FR']), 'fr_CA', $rendered['fr_FR']];
+ $result['fr_CA falls back to fr_FR (ltd-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $onlyTemplates(['*', 'fr_FR']), 'fr_CA', $rendered['fr_FR']];
- Translation::save()->setRecords([
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_subject', 'string' => 'Bonjour Canada'],
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_html', 'string' => 'Voila! Canada'],
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_text', 'string' => '{contribution.total_amount}'],
- ])->setDefaults([
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_msg_template',
- 'entity_id' => $messageTemplateID,
- 'status_id:name' => 'active',
- 'language' => 'fr_CA',
- ])->execute();
+ $result['th_TH matches th_TH (all-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $allTemplates, 'th_TH', $rendered['th_TH']];
+ $result['th_TH falls back to system default (all-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $allTemplates, 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
+ // ^^ The essence of the `partial_locales` setting -- whether partially-supported locales (th_TH) use mixed-mode or fallback to completely diff locale.
+ $result['th_TH falls back to system default (ltd-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $onlyTemplates(['*']), 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
+ $result['th_TH falls back to system default (ltd-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $onlyTemplates(['*']), 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
- // But, prefer French Canadian where both exist.
- $rendered = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::renderTemplate([
- 'workflow' => 'contribution_online_receipt',
- 'tokenContext' => [
- 'contactId' => $this->ids['Contact']['individual_0'],
- 'contributionId' => $contributionID,
- ],
- 'language' => 'fr_CA',
- ]);
- $this->assertEquals('Bonjour Canada', $rendered['subject']);
- $this->assertEquals('Voila! Canada', $rendered['html']);
- // Note that as there was a native-Canada format the money-formatting is
- // also subtly different.
- $this->assertEquals('100,00 $ US', $rendered['text']);
+ return $result;
* Test that translated strings are rendered for templates where they exist.
- * This system has a relatively closed localization policy where translations will only be
- * used if the locale is fully supported by the app. Ex: Even though there are some strings
- * for 'fr_FR', the language in "Admin=>Localizaton", so we don't use it.
+ * This system has a relatively open localization policy where any translation can be used,
+ * even if the system doesn't allow it in the web UI. Ex: The sysadmin has configured 'fr_FR'
+ * strings. The user has requested 'fr_CA', and we'll fallback to 'fr_CA'.
* @throws \API_Exception|\CRM_Core_Exception
* @group locale
+ * @dataProvider getLocaleConfigurations
- public function testRenderTranslatedTemplate_OnlyFullLocales(): void {
- $cleanup = \CRM_Utils_AutoClean::swapSettings(['partial_locales' => FALSE, 'uiLanguages' => ['en_US']]);
+ public function testRenderTranslatedTemplate($settings, $templates, $preferredLanguage, $expectRendered): void {
+ if (empty($settings['partial_locales']) && count(\CRM_Core_I18n::languages(FALSE)) <= 1) {
+ $this->markTestIncomplete('Full testing of localization requires l10n data.');
+ }
+ $cleanup = \CRM_Utils_AutoClean::swapSettings($settings);
- $this->individualCreate(['preferred_language' => 'fr_FR']);
+ $this->individualCreate(['preferred_language' => $preferredLanguage]);
$contributionID = $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $this->ids['Contact']['individual_0']]);
$messageTemplateID = MessageTemplate::get()
->addWhere('is_default', '=', 1)
- Translation::save()->setRecords([
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_subject', 'string' => 'Bonjour'],
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_html', 'string' => 'Voila!'],
- ['entity_field' => 'msg_text', 'string' => '{contribution.total_amount}'],
- ])->setDefaults([
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_msg_template',
- 'entity_id' => $messageTemplateID,
- 'status_id:name' => 'active',
- 'language' => 'fr_FR',
- ])->execute();
+ foreach ($templates as $tplLocale => $tplData) {
+ if ($tplLocale === '*') {
+ MessageTemplate::update()
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $messageTemplateID)
+ ->setValues([
+ 'msg_subject' => $tplData['subject'],
+ 'msg_html' => $tplData['html'],
+ 'msg_text' => $tplData['text'],
+ ])
+ ->execute();
+ }
+ else {
+ Translation::save()->setRecords([
+ ['entity_field' => 'msg_subject', 'string' => $tplData['subject']],
+ ['entity_field' => 'msg_html', 'string' => $tplData['html']],
+ ['entity_field' => 'msg_text', 'string' => $tplData['text']],
+ ])->setDefaults([
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_msg_template',
+ 'entity_id' => $messageTemplateID,
+ 'status_id:name' => 'active',
+ 'language' => $tplLocale,
+ ])->execute();
+ }
+ }
- $messageTemplateFrench = MessageTemplate::get()
+ $myMessageTemplate = MessageTemplate::get()
->addWhere('is_default', '=', 1)
->addWhere('workflow_name', '=', 'contribution_online_receipt')
- ->addSelect('id', 'msg_subject', 'msg_html')
- ->setLanguage('fr_FR')
+ ->addSelect('id', 'msg_subject', 'msg_html', 'msg_text')
+ ->setLanguage($preferredLanguage)
- $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Bonjour', $messageTemplateFrench['msg_subject']);
- $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Voila!', $messageTemplateFrench['msg_html']);
+ // In our examples, subject+html are constant values, but text has tokens.
+ $this->assertEquals($expectRendered['subject'], $myMessageTemplate['msg_subject']);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectRendered['html'], $myMessageTemplate['msg_html']);
+ $this->assertNotEquals($expectRendered['text'], $myMessageTemplate['msg_text']);
$rendered = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::renderTemplate([
'workflow' => 'contribution_online_receipt',
'contributionId' => $contributionID,
- $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Bonjour', $rendered['subject']);
- $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Voila!', $rendered['html']);
- $this->assertStringNotContainsString('100,00', $rendered['text']);
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ CRM_Utils_Array::subset($expectRendered, ['subject', 'html', 'text']),
+ CRM_Utils_Array::subset($rendered, ['subject', 'html', 'text'])
+ );