+use Civi\Api4\ACLEntityRole;
use Civi\Api4\Contact;
use Civi\Api4\CustomField;
use Civi\Api4\CustomGroup;
$this->aclGroupHookType = 'civicrm_custom_group';
CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = [
$this->assertEquals('Custom_extra_group_4', $getEntities[0]['name']);
+ /**
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ public function testNegativeCustomGroupACL(): void {
+ // Create 2 multi-record custom entities and 2 regular custom fields
+ $customGroups = [];
+ foreach ([1, 2, 3, 4] as $i) {
+ $customGroups[$i] = CustomGroup::create(FALSE)
+ ->addValue('title', "negative_extra_group_$i")
+ ->addValue('extends', 'Contact')
+ ->addValue('is_multiple', $i >= 3)
+ ->addChain('field', CustomField::create()
+ ->addValue('label', "negative_extra_field_$i")
+ ->addValue('custom_group_id', '$id')
+ ->addValue('html_type', 'Text')
+ ->addValue('data_type', 'String')
+ )
+ ->execute()->single()['id'];
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Acl', 'create', [
+ 'name' => 'Permit everyone to access custom group ' . $customGroups[$i],
+ 'deny' => 0,
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_acl_role',
+ 'entity_id' => 0,
+ 'operation' => 'Edit',
+ 'object_table' => 'civicrm_custom_group',
+ 'object_id' => $customGroups[$i],
+ ]);
+ }
+ $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'create', [
+ 'option_group_id' => 'acl_role',
+ 'label' => 'Test Negative ACL Role',
+ 'value' => 4,
+ 'is_active' => 1,
+ ]);
+ $aclGroup = $this->groupCreate();
+ ACLEntityRole::create(FALSE)->setValues([
+ 'acl_role_id' => 4,
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_group',
+ 'entity_id' => $aclGroup,
+ 'is_active' => 1,
+ ])->execute();
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Acl', 'create', [
+ 'name' => 'Test Negative ACL',
+ 'deny' => 1,
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_acl_role',
+ 'entity_id' => 4,
+ 'operation' => 'Edit',
+ 'object_table' => 'civicrm_custom_group',
+ 'object_id' => $customGroups[2],
+ ]);
+ $userID = $this->createLoggedInUser();
+ CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = [
+ 'access CiviCRM',
+ 'view my contact',
+ ];
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
+ 'contact_id' => $userID,
+ 'group_id' => $aclGroup,
+ 'status' => 'Added',
+ ]);
+ Civi::cache('metadata')->clear();
+ Civi::$statics['CRM_ACL_BAO_ACL'] = [];
+ $getFields = Contact::getFields()
+ ->addWhere('name', 'LIKE', 'negative_extra_group_%.negative_extra_field_%')
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $getFields);
+ Civi::cache('metadata')->clear();
+ Civi::$statics['CRM_ACL_BAO_ACL'] = [];
+ }
public function aclGroupHookAllResults($action, $contactID, $tableName, &$allGroups, &$currentGroups) {
if ($tableName === $this->aclGroupHookType) {
$currentGroups = array_keys($allGroups);