echo '<tt><br>' .
'<table width="80%"><tr>' .
'<tr><td colspan=2>' .
- _("Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message is malformed. Please help us making future versions better by submitting this message to the developers knowledgebase!") .
- " <A HREF=\"../src/retrievalerror.php?$par\"><br>" .
- _("Submit message") . '</A><BR> ' .
+ _("Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message is malformed.") .
'</td></tr>' .
- '<td><b>' . _("Command:") . "</td><td>$cmd</td></tr>" .
- '<td><b>' . _("Response:") . "</td><td>$response</td></tr>" .
- '<td><b>' . _("Message:") . "</td><td>$message</td></tr>" .
- '<td><b>' . _("FETCH line:") . "</td><td>$topline</td></tr>" .
+ '<tr><td><b>' . _("Command:") . "</td><td>$cmd</td></tr>" .
+ '<tr><td><b>' . _("Response:") . "</td><td>$response</td></tr>" .
+ '<tr><td><b>' . _("Message:") . "</td><td>$message</td></tr>" .
+ '<tr><td><b>' . _("FETCH line:") . "</td><td>$topline</td></tr>" .
$data = sqimap_run_command ($imap_stream, "FETCH $passed_id BODY[]", true, $response, $message, $uid_support);
+++ /dev/null
- * retrievalerror.php
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The SquirrelMail Project Team
- * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
- *
- * Submits a message which Squirrelmail couldn't handle
- * because of malformedness of the message
- * sends it to
- * Of course, this only happens when the end user has chosen to do so
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-/* Path for SquirrelMail required files. */
-/* SquirrelMail required files. */
-require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php');
-require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php');
-require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/smtp.php');
-require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php');
-require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/load_prefs.php');
-$destination = '';
-$attachments = array();
-/* globals */
-$key = $_COOKIE['key'];
-$username = $_SESSION['username'];
-$onetimepad = $_SESSION['onetimepad'];
-$mailbox = $_GET['mailbox'];
-$passed_id = $_GET['passed_id'];
-$startMessage = $_GET['startMessage'];
-$show_more = $_GET['show_more'];
-$response = $_GET['response'];
-$message = $_GET['message'];
-$topline = $_GET['topline'];
-if(isset($_GET['where'])) {
- $where = $_GET['where'];
-if(isset($_GET['what'])) {
- $what = $_GET['what'];
-/* end globals */
-function ClearAttachments() {
- global $attachments, $attachment_dir, $username;
- $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir);
- foreach ($attachments as $info) {
- $attached_file = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$info[localfilename]";
- if (file_exists($attached_file)) {
- unlink($attached_file);
- }
- }
- $attachments = array();
-$imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
-sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, $mailbox);
-$sid = sqimap_session_id();
-fputs ($imap_stream, "$sid FETCH $passed_id BODY[]\r\n");
-$data = sqimap_read_data ($imap_stream, $sid, true, $response, $message);
-$topline2 = array_shift($data);
-$thebastard = implode('', $data);
-$hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir);
-$localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7);
-$full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename";
-while (file_exists($full_localfilename)) {
- $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7);
- $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename";
-/* Write Attachment to file */
-$fp = fopen ($full_localfilename, 'wb');
-fputs ($fp, $thebastard);
-fclose ($fp);
-$newAttachment = array();
-$newAttachment['localfilename'] = $localfilename;
-$newAttachment['remotefilename'] = 'message.duh';
-$newAttachment['type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
-$attachments[] = $newAttachment;
-$body = "Response: $response\n" .
- "Message: $message\n" .
- "FETCH line: $topline\n" .
- "Server Type: $imap_server_type\n";
-$imap_stream = fsockopen ($imapServerAddress, $imapPort, &$error_number, &$error_string);
-$server_info = fgets ($imap_stream, 1024);
-if ($imap_stream) {
- $body .= " Server info: $server_info";
- fputs ($imap_stream, "a001 CAPABILITY\r\n");
- $read = fgets($imap_stream, 1024);
- $list = explode(' ', $read);
- array_shift($list);
- array_shift($list);
- $read = implode(' ', $list);
- $body .= " Capabilities: $read";
- fputs ($imap_stream, "a002 LOGOUT\r\n");
- fclose($imap_stream);
-$body .= "\nFETCH line for gathering the whole message: $topline2\n";
-sendMessage($destination, '', '', 'submitted message', $body, False, 0);
-displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox);
-$par = 'mailbox='.urlencode($mailbox)."&passed_id=$passed_id";
-if (isset($where) && isset($what)) {
- $par .= '&where='.urlencode($where).'&what='.urlencode($what);
-} else {
- $par .= "&startMessage=$startMessage&show_more=0";
-echo '<BR>The message has been submitted to the developers knowledgebase!<BR>' .
- 'Thank you very much<BR>' .
- 'Please submit every message only once<BR>' .
- "<A HREF=\"../src/read_body.php?$par\">View the message</A><BR>";