+ function testUnpaidPaid() {
+ $this->open($this->sboxPath);
+ // Log in using webtestLogin() method
+ $this->webtestLogin();
+ // Go directly to the URL of the screen that you will be testing (New Event).
+ $this->open($this->sboxPath . "civicrm/event/add?reset=1&action=add");
+ $eventTitle = 'My Conference - ' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $eventDescription = "Here is a description for this conference.";
+ $this->_testAddEventInfo($eventTitle, $eventDescription);
+ //add fee section with pay later checked
+ $this->_testAddFees(FALSE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
+ //make the event unpaid
+ $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Fee_upload-bottom");
+ $this->assertChecked('is_pay_later');
+ $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_0_is_monetary");
+ $this->click("_qf_Fee_upload-bottom");
+ $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Fee_upload-bottom");
+ //check if pay later option is disabled
+ $this->click('CIVICRM_QFID_1_is_monetary');
+ sleep(3);
+ $this->waitForElementPresent('is_pay_later');
+ $this->assertNotChecked('is_pay_later');
+ }
function _testAddEventInfo($eventTitle, $eventDescription) {
// As mentioned before, waitForPageToLoad is not always reliable. Below, we're waiting for the submit
// button at the end of this page to show up, to make sure it's fully loaded.
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec());
function _testAddEventInfoFromTemplate($eventTitle, $eventDescription, $templateID, $eventTypeID) {
$this->waitForTextPresent("'Location' information has been saved.");
- function _testAddFees($discount = FALSE, $priceSet = FALSE, $processorName = "PP Pro", $double = FALSE) {
+ function _testAddFees($discount = FALSE, $priceSet = FALSE, $processorName = "PP Pro", $double = FALSE, $payLater = FALSE) {
$discount1 = "Early-bird" . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
$discount2 = "";
// Go to Fees tab
- $this->click("xpath=//tr[@class='crm-event-manage-fee-form-block-payment_processor']/td[2]/label[text()='$processorName']");
+ if ($payLater) {
+ $this->check('is_pay_later');
+ $this->type('pay_later_receipt', 'testing later instructions');
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->uncheck('is_pay_later');
+ }
+ if ($processorName) {
+ $this->click("xpath=//tr[@class='crm-event-manage-fee-form-block-payment_processor']/td[2]/label[text()='$processorName']");
+ }
$this->select("financial_type_id", "value=4");
if ($priceSet) {
// get one - TBD
// Wait for "saved" status msg
- $this->waitForTextPresent("'Fee' information has been saved.");
+ $this->assertElementContainsText("crm-notification-container", "'Fee' information has been saved");
return array($discount1, $discount2);