The PHP IMAP extension is NOT necessary at all (but won't harm)!
Below is a list of optional PHP extensions:
- --with-ldap Required for LDAP addressbooks
- --with-mhash Will improve charset decoding if present
- --with-mysql For MySQL storage of preferences or addressbooks
- --with-openssl When you want to use encrypted IMAP connections (TLS)
- If you're going to use LDAP in the addressbook, you must compile PHP
- with the LDAP extension. Include the MHASH extension to improve
- performance in character set decoding.
+ --with-ldap
+ Required for LDAP addressbooks
+ --with-pear and --with-mysql
+ For MySQL storage of preferences or addressbooks
+ --with-openssl
+ Required for encrypted IMAP or SMTP connections (TLS)
+ --with-mcrypt
+ Can be used by SquirrelSpell plugin for encryption of personal
+ dictionaries
+ --with-iconv or --with-recode
+ Can be used by Eastern charset decoding functions
+ --enable-mbstring
+ Required for Japanese translation. Optional for translations that
+ use non-ISO-8859-1 charset
If you want your users to attach files to their mails, make sure
File Uploads in php.ini is set to On.