-/*jslint white:true, regexp: true, nomen: true, devel: true, undef: true, browser: true, continue: true, sloppy: true, forin: true, newcap: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */
-/*global kiwi */
-kiwi.view = {};
-kiwi.view.MemberList = Backbone.View.extend({
- tagName: "ul",
- events: {
- "click .nick": "nickClick"
- },
- initialize: function (options) {
- this.model.bind('all', this.render, this);
- $(this.el).appendTo('#memberlists');
- },
- render: function () {
- var $this = $(this.el);
- $this.empty();
- this.model.forEach(function (member) {
- $('<li><a class="nick"><span class="prefix">' + member.get("prefix") + '</span>' + member.get("nick") + '</a></li>').appendTo($this).data('member', member);
- });
- },
- nickClick: function (x) {
- console.log(x);
- },
- show: function () {
- $('#memberlists').children().removeClass('active');
- $(this.el).addClass('active');
- }
-kiwi.view.Panel = Backbone.View.extend({
- tagName: "div",
- className: "messages",
- events: {
- "click .chan": "chanClick"
- },
- initialize: function (options) {
- this.initializePanel(options);
- },
- initializePanel: function (options) {
- this.$el.css('display', 'none');
- this.$container = $('#panels .container1');
- this.$el.appendTo(this.$container);
- this.model.bind('msg', this.newMsg, this);
- this.msg_count = 0;
- this.model.set({"view": this}, {"silent": true});
- },
- render: function () {
- var $this = $(this.el);
- $this.empty();
- this.model.get("backscroll").forEach(this.newMsg);
- },
- newMsg: function (msg) {
- // TODO: make sure that the message pane is scrolled to the bottom (Or do we? ~Darren)
- var re, line_msg, $this = this.$el;
- // Make the channels clickable
- // TODO: HTML parsing may be going into the model.. move this?
- re = new RegExp('\\B(' + kiwi.gateway.channel_prefix + '[^ ,.\\007]+)', 'g');
- msg.msg = msg.msg.replace(re, function (match) {
- return '<a class="chan">' + match + '</a>';
- });
- // Build up and add the line
- line_msg = '<div class="msg <%= type %>"><div class="time"><%- time %></div><div class="nick"><%- nick %></div><div class="text" style="<%= style %>"><%= msg %> </div></div>';
- $this.append(_.template(line_msg, msg));
- // Scroll to the bottom of the channel
- // TODO: Don't scroll down if we're scrolled up the channel a little
- $this[0].scrollTop = $this[0].scrollHeight;
- // Make sure our DOM isn't getting too large (Acts as scrollback)
- this.msg_count++;
- if (this.msg_count > 250) {
- $('.msg:first', this.div).remove();
- this.msg_count--;
- }
- },
- chanClick: function (x) {
- console.log(x);
- },
- show: function () {
- var $this = this.$el;
- // Hide all other panels and show this one
- this.$container.children().css('display', 'none');
- $this.css('display', 'block');
- // Show this panels memberlist
- var members = this.model.get("members");
- if (members) {
- members.view.show();
- } else {
- // Memberlist not found for this panel, hide any active ones
- $('#memberlists').children().removeClass('active');
- }
- // TODO: Why is kiwi.app not defined when this is fist called :/
- if (kiwi.app) {
- kiwi.app.setCurrentTopic(this.model.get("topic") || "");
- }
- kiwi.current_panel = this.model;
- this.trigger('active', this.model);
- }
-kiwi.view.Channel = kiwi.view.Panel.extend({
- initialize: function (options) {
- this.initializePanel(options);
- this.model.bind('change:topic', this.topic, this);
- },
- topic: function (topic) {
- if (typeof topic !== 'string' || !topic) {
- topic = this.model.get("topic");
- }
- this.model.addMsg('', '=== Topic for ' + this.model.get('name') + ' is: ' + topic, 'topic');
- // If this is the active channel then update the topic bar
- if (kiwi.current_panel === this) {
- kiwi.app.setCurrentTopic(this.model.get("topic"));
- }
- }
-// Model for this = kiwi.model.PanelList
-kiwi.view.Tabs = Backbone.View.extend({
- events: {
- "click li": "tabClick",
- 'click li img': 'partClick'
- },
- initialize: function () {
- this.model.on("add", this.panelAdded, this);
- this.model.on("remove", this.panelRemoved, this);
- this.model.on("reset", this.render, this);
- },
- render: function () {
- var that = this;
- $this = $(this.el);
- $this.empty();
- // Add the server tab first
- $('<li><span>' + kiwi.gateway.get('name') + '</span></li>')
- .data('panel_id', this.model.server.cid)
- .appendTo($this);
- this.model.forEach(function (panel) {
- // If this is the server panel, ignore as it's already added
- if (panel == that.model.server) return;
- $('<li><span>' + panel.get("name") + '</span></li>')
- .data('panel_id', panel.cid)
- .appendTo($this);
- });
- },
- panelAdded: function (panel) {
- // Add a tab to the panel
- panel.tab = $('<li><span>' + panel.get("name") + '</span></li>');
- panel.tab.data('panel_id', panel.cid)
- .appendTo(this.$el);
- panel.view.on('active', this.panelActive, this);
- },
- panelRemoved: function (panel) {
- panel.tab.remove();
- delete panel.tab;
- },
- panelActive: function (panel) {
- // Remove any existing tabs or part images
- $('img', this.$el).remove();
- this.$el.children().removeClass('active');
- panel.tab.addClass('active');
- panel.tab.append('<img src="img/redcross.png" />');
- },
- tabClick: function (e) {
- var panel = this.model.getByCid($(e.currentTarget).data('panel_id'));
- if (!panel) {
- // A panel wasn't found for this tab... wadda fuck
- return;
- }
- panel.view.show();
- },
- partClick: function (e) {
- var panel = this.model.getByCid($(e.currentTarget).parent().data('panel_id'));
- kiwi.gateway.part(panel.get('name'));
- }
-kiwi.view.ControlBox = Backbone.View.extend({
- that: this,
- buffer: [], // Stores previously run commands
- buffer_pos: 0, // The current position in the buffer
- events: {
- 'keydown input': 'process'
- },
- initialize: function () {
- that = this;
- kiwi.gateway.bind('change:nick', function () {
- $('.nick', that.$el).text(this.get('nick'));
- });
- },
- process: function (ev) {
- var inp = $(ev.currentTarget);
- switch (true) {
- case (ev.keyCode === 13): // return
- this.processInput(inp.val());
- this.buffer.push(inp.val());
- this.buffer_pos = this.buffer.length;
- inp.val('');
- break;
- case (ev.keyCode === 38): // up
- if (this.buffer_pos > 0) {
- this.buffer_pos--;
- inp.val(this.buffer[this.buffer_pos]);
- }
- break;
- case (ev.keyCode === 40): // down
- if (this.buffer_pos < this.buffer.length) {
- this.buffer_pos++;
- inp.val(this.buffer[this.buffer_pos]);
- }
- }
- },
- processInput: function (command_raw) {
- var command,
- params = command_raw.split(' ');
- // Extract the command and parameters
- if (params[0][0] === '/') {
- command = params[0].substr(1).toLowerCase();
- params = params.splice(1);
- } else {
- command = 'msg';
- }
- // Trigger the command events
- this.trigger('command', {command: command, params: params});
- this.trigger('command_' + command, {command: command, params: params});
- // If we didn't have any listeners for this event, fire a special case
- // TODO: This feels dirty. Should this really be done..?
- if (!this._callbacks['command' + command]) {
- this.trigger('unknown_command', {command: command, params: params});
- }
- }
-// This *may* be needed in future
-kiwi.view.Application = Backbone.View.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- $(window).resize(this.doLayout);
- $('#toolbar').resize(this.doLayout);
- $('#controlbox').resize(this.doLayout);
- this.doLayout();
- $(window).keydown(this.setKeyFocus);
- },
- // Globally shift focus to the command input box on a keypress
- setKeyFocus: function (ev) {
- // If we're copying text, don't shift focus
- if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) {
- return;
- }
- // If we're typing into an input box somewhere, ignore
- if (ev.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
- return;
- }
- $('#controlbox .inp').focus();
- },
- doLayout: function () {
- var el_panels = $('#panels');
- var el_memberlists = $('#memberlists');
- var el_toolbar = $('#toolbar');
- var el_controlbox = $('#controlbox');
- var css_heights = {
- top: el_toolbar.outerHeight(true),
- bottom: el_controlbox.outerHeight(true)
- };
- el_panels.css(css_heights);
- el_memberlists.css(css_heights);
- }
+/*jslint white:true, regexp: true, nomen: true, devel: true, undef: true, browser: true, continue: true, sloppy: true, forin: true, newcap: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */\r
+/*global kiwi */\r
+kiwi.view = {};\r
+kiwi.view.MemberList = Backbone.View.extend({\r
+ tagName: "ul",\r
+ events: {\r
+ "click .nick": "nickClick"\r
+ },\r
+ initialize: function (options) {\r
+ this.model.bind('all', this.render, this);\r
+ $(this.el).appendTo('#memberlists');\r
+ },\r
+ render: function () {\r
+ var $this = $(this.el);\r
+ $this.empty();\r
+ this.model.forEach(function (member) {\r
+ $('<li><a class="nick"><span class="prefix">' + member.get("prefix") + '</span>' + member.get("nick") + '</a></li>').appendTo($this).data('member', member);\r
+ });\r
+ },\r
+ nickClick: function (x) {\r
+ console.log(x);\r
+ },\r
+ show: function () {\r
+ $('#memberlists').children().removeClass('active');\r
+ $(this.el).addClass('active');\r
+ }\r
+kiwi.view.Panel = Backbone.View.extend({\r
+ tagName: "div",\r
+ className: "messages",\r
+ events: {\r
+ "click .chan": "chanClick"\r
+ },\r
+ // The container this panel is within\r
+ $container: null,\r
+ initialize: function (options) {\r
+ this.initializePanel(options);\r
+ },\r
+ initializePanel: function (options) {\r
+ this.$el.css('display', 'none');\r
+ if (options.container) {\r
+ this.$container = $(options.container);\r
+ } else {\r
+ this.$container = $('#panels .container1');\r
+ }\r
+ this.$el.appendTo(this.$container);\r
+ this.model.bind('msg', this.newMsg, this);\r
+ this.msg_count = 0;\r
+ this.model.set({"view": this}, {"silent": true});\r
+ },\r
+ render: function () {\r
+ this.$el.empty();\r
+ this.model.get("backscroll").forEach(this.newMsg);\r
+ },\r
+ newMsg: function (msg) {\r
+ // TODO: make sure that the message pane is scrolled to the bottom (Or do we? ~Darren)\r
+ var re, line_msg, $this = this.$el;\r
+ // Make the channels clickable\r
+ // TODO: HTML parsing may be going into the model.. move this?\r
+ re = new RegExp('\\B(' + kiwi.gateway.channel_prefix + '[^ ,.\\007]+)', 'g');\r
+ msg.msg = msg.msg.replace(re, function (match) {\r
+ return '<a class="chan">' + match + '</a>';\r
+ });\r
+ // Build up and add the line\r
+ line_msg = '<div class="msg <%= type %>"><div class="time"><%- time %></div><div class="nick"><%- nick %></div><div class="text" style="<%= style %>"><%= msg %> </div></div>';\r
+ $this.append(_.template(line_msg, msg));\r
+ this.scrollToBottom();\r
+ // Make sure our DOM isn't getting too large (Acts as scrollback)\r
+ this.msg_count++;\r
+ if (this.msg_count > 250) {\r
+ $('.msg:first', this.div).remove();\r
+ this.msg_count--;\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ chanClick: function (x) {\r
+ console.log(x);\r
+ },\r
+ show: function () {\r
+ var $this = this.$el;\r
+ // Hide all other panels and show this one\r
+ this.$container.children().css('display', 'none');\r
+ $this.css('display', 'block');\r
+ // Show this panels memberlist\r
+ var members = this.model.get("members");\r
+ if (members) {\r
+ members.view.show();\r
+ } else {\r
+ // Memberlist not found for this panel, hide any active ones\r
+ $('#memberlists').children().removeClass('active');\r
+ }\r
+ // TODO: Why is kiwi.app not defined when this is fist called :/\r
+ if (kiwi.app) {\r
+ kiwi.app.setCurrentTopic(this.model.get("topic") || "");\r
+ }\r
+ this.scrollToBottom();\r
+ kiwi.current_panel = this.model;\r
+ this.trigger('active', this.model);\r
+ },\r
+ // Scroll to the bottom of the panel\r
+ scrollToBottom: function () {\r
+ // TODO: Don't scroll down if we're scrolled up the panel a little\r
+ this.$container[0].scrollTop = this.$container[0].scrollHeight;\r
+ }\r
+kiwi.view.Channel = kiwi.view.Panel.extend({\r
+ initialize: function (options) {\r
+ this.initializePanel(options);\r
+ this.model.bind('change:topic', this.topic, this);\r
+ },\r
+ topic: function (topic) {\r
+ if (typeof topic !== 'string' || !topic) {\r
+ topic = this.model.get("topic");\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ this.model.addMsg('', '=== Topic for ' + this.model.get('name') + ' is: ' + topic, 'topic');\r
+ // If this is the active channel then update the topic bar\r
+ if (kiwi.current_panel === this) {\r
+ kiwi.app.setCurrentTopic(this.model.get("topic"));\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+// Model for this = kiwi.model.PanelList\r
+kiwi.view.Tabs = Backbone.View.extend({\r
+ events: {\r
+ "click li": "tabClick",\r
+ 'click li img': 'partClick'\r
+ },\r
+ initialize: function () {\r
+ this.model.on("add", this.panelAdded, this);\r
+ this.model.on("remove", this.panelRemoved, this);\r
+ this.model.on("reset", this.render, this);\r
+ },\r
+ render: function () {\r
+ var that = this;\r
+ $this = $(this.el);\r
+ $this.empty();\r
+ \r
+ // Add the server tab first\r
+ $('<li><span>' + kiwi.gateway.get('name') + '</span></li>')\r
+ .data('panel_id', this.model.server.cid)\r
+ .appendTo($this);\r
+ this.model.forEach(function (panel) {\r
+ // If this is the server panel, ignore as it's already added\r
+ if (panel == that.model.server) return;\r
+ $('<li><span>' + panel.get("name") + '</span></li>')\r
+ .data('panel_id', panel.cid)\r
+ .appendTo($this);\r
+ });\r
+ },\r
+ panelAdded: function (panel) {\r
+ // Add a tab to the panel\r
+ panel.tab = $('<li><span>' + panel.get("name") + '</span></li>');\r
+ panel.tab.data('panel_id', panel.cid)\r
+ .appendTo(this.$el);\r
+ panel.view.on('active', this.panelActive, this);\r
+ },\r
+ panelRemoved: function (panel) {\r
+ panel.tab.remove();\r
+ delete panel.tab;\r
+ },\r
+ panelActive: function (panel) {\r
+ // Remove any existing tabs or part images\r
+ $('img', this.$el).remove();\r
+ this.$el.children().removeClass('active');\r
+ panel.tab.addClass('active');\r
+ panel.tab.append('<img src="img/redcross.png" />');\r
+ },\r
+ tabClick: function (e) {\r
+ var panel = this.model.getByCid($(e.currentTarget).data('panel_id'));\r
+ if (!panel) {\r
+ // A panel wasn't found for this tab... wadda fuck\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ panel.view.show();\r
+ },\r
+ partClick: function (e) {\r
+ var panel = this.model.getByCid($(e.currentTarget).parent().data('panel_id'));\r
+ kiwi.gateway.part(panel.get('name'));\r
+ }\r
+kiwi.view.ControlBox = Backbone.View.extend({\r
+ that: this,\r
+ buffer: [], // Stores previously run commands\r
+ buffer_pos: 0, // The current position in the buffer\r
+ events: {\r
+ 'keydown input': 'process'\r
+ },\r
+ initialize: function () {\r
+ that = this;\r
+ kiwi.gateway.bind('change:nick', function () {\r
+ $('.nick', that.$el).text(this.get('nick'));\r
+ });\r
+ },\r
+ process: function (ev) {\r
+ var inp = $(ev.currentTarget);\r
+ switch (true) {\r
+ case (ev.keyCode === 13): // return\r
+ this.processInput(inp.val());\r
+ this.buffer.push(inp.val());\r
+ this.buffer_pos = this.buffer.length;\r
+ inp.val('');\r
+ break;\r
+ case (ev.keyCode === 38): // up\r
+ if (this.buffer_pos > 0) {\r
+ this.buffer_pos--;\r
+ inp.val(this.buffer[this.buffer_pos]);\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ case (ev.keyCode === 40): // down\r
+ if (this.buffer_pos < this.buffer.length) {\r
+ this.buffer_pos++;\r
+ inp.val(this.buffer[this.buffer_pos]);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ },\r
+ processInput: function (command_raw) {\r
+ var command,\r
+ params = command_raw.split(' ');\r
+ \r
+ // Extract the command and parameters\r
+ if (params[0][0] === '/') {\r
+ command = params[0].substr(1).toLowerCase();\r
+ params = params.splice(1);\r
+ } else {\r
+ command = 'msg';\r
+ }\r
+ // Trigger the command events\r
+ this.trigger('command', {command: command, params: params});\r
+ this.trigger('command_' + command, {command: command, params: params});\r
+ // If we didn't have any listeners for this event, fire a special case\r
+ // TODO: This feels dirty. Should this really be done..?\r
+ if (!this._callbacks['command' + command]) {\r
+ this.trigger('unknown_command', {command: command, params: params});\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+// This *may* be needed in future\r
+kiwi.view.Application = Backbone.View.extend({\r
+ initialize: function () {\r
+ $(window).resize(this.doLayout);\r
+ $('#toolbar').resize(this.doLayout);\r
+ $('#controlbox').resize(this.doLayout);\r
+ this.doLayout();\r
+ $(window).keydown(this.setKeyFocus);\r
+ },\r
+ // Globally shift focus to the command input box on a keypress\r
+ setKeyFocus: function (ev) {\r
+ // If we're copying text, don't shift focus\r
+ if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ // If we're typing into an input box somewhere, ignore\r
+ if (ev.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ $('#controlbox .inp').focus();\r
+ },\r
+ doLayout: function () {\r
+ var el_panels = $('#panels');\r
+ var el_memberlists = $('#memberlists');\r
+ var el_toolbar = $('#toolbar');\r
+ var el_controlbox = $('#controlbox');\r
+ var css_heights = {\r
+ top: el_toolbar.outerHeight(true),\r
+ bottom: el_controlbox.outerHeight(true)\r
+ };\r
+ el_panels.css(css_heights);\r
+ el_memberlists.css(css_heights);\r
+ }\r
\ No newline at end of file