{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_county.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
-- Bounce classification patterns
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('AOL', '{ts escape="sql"}AOL Terms of Service complaint{/ts}', 1);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'AOL';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Client TOS Notification');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Away', '{ts escape="sql"}Recipient is on vacation{/ts}', 30);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Away';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(be|am)? (out of|away from) (the|my)? (office|computer|town)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'i am on vacation');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Dns', '{ts escape="sql"}Unable to resolve recipient domain{/ts}', 3);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Dns';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, 'name(server entry| lookup failure)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no (mail server|matches to nameserver query|dns entries)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'reverse dns entry'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Host or domain name not found'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Unable to resolve MX record for');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Host', '{ts escape="sql"}Unable to deliver to destintation mail server{/ts}', 3);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Host';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(unknown|not local) host'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'all hosts have been failing'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'allowed rcpthosts'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'connection (refused|timed out)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not connected'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'couldn\'t find any host named'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'error involving remote host'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'host unknown'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'invalid host name'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'isn\'t in my control/locals file'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'local configuration error'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not a gateway'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'server is (down or unreachable|not responding)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'too many connections'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unable to connect'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'lost connection'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'conversation with [^ ]* timed out while'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'server requires authentication'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'authentication (is )?required');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Inactive', '{ts escape="sql"}User account is no longer active{/ts}', 1);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Inactive';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(my )?e-?mail( address)? has changed'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'account (inactive|expired|deactivated)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'account is locked'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'changed \w+( e-?mail)? address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'deactivated mailbox'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'disabled or discontinued'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'inactive user'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'is inactive on this domain'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'mail receiving disabled'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'mail( ?)address is administrative?ly disabled'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (temporarily disabled|currently suspended)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no longer (accepting mail|on server|in use|with|employed|on staff|works for|using this account)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not accepting (mail|messages)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'please use my new e-?mail address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'this address no longer accepts mail'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'user account suspended'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'account that you tried to reach is disabled'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'User banned');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Invalid', '{ts escape="sql"}Email address is not valid{/ts}', 1);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Invalid';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(user|recipient( name)?) is not recognized'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '554 delivery error'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'address does not exist'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'address(es)?( you (entered|specified))? (could|was)( not|n.t)( be)? found'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'address(ee)? (unknown|invalid)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'bad destination'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'badly formatted address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'can\'t open mailbox for'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'cannot deliver'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'delivery to the following recipient(s)? failed'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'destination addresses were unknown'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'did not reach the following recipient'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'does not exist'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'does not like recipient'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'does not specify a valid notes mail file'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'illegal alias'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'invalid (mailbox|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|final delivery)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'invalid( or unknown)?( virtual)? user'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '(mail )?delivery (to this user )?is not allowed'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (not found|unavailable|name not allowed)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'message could not be forwarded'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'missing or malformed local(-| )part'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no e-?mail address registered'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no such (mail drop|mailbox( \\w+)?|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|(local )?user|person)( here)?'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no mailbox (here )?by that name'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not (listed in|found in directory|known at this site|our customer)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not a valid( (user|mailbox))?'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not present in directory entry'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'recipient (does not exist|(is )?unknown|rejected|denied|not found)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'this user doesn\'t have a yahoo.com address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unavailable to take delivery of the message'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unavailable mailbox'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unknown (local( |-)part|recipient|address error)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unknown( or illegal)? user( account)?'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unrecognized recipient'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unregistered address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'user (unknown|(does not|doesn\'t) exist)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'user doesn\'t have an? \w+ account'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'user(\'s e-?mail name is)? not found'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '^Validation failed for:'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '5.1.0 Address rejected'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no valid recipients?'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'RecipNotFound'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no one at this address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'misconfigured forwarding address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'account is not allowed'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Address .<[^>]*>. not known here'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '{literal}Recipient address rejected: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}{/literal}'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Non sono riuscito a trovare l.indirizzo e-mail'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'nadie con esta direcci..?n'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'ni bilo mogo..?e najti prejemnikovega e-po..?tnega naslova'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Elektronski naslov (je ukinjen|ne obstaja)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'nepravilno nastavljen predal');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Loop', '{ts escape="sql"}Mail routing error{/ts}', 3);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Loop';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(mail( forwarding)?|routing).loop'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'excessive recursion'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'loop detected'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'maximum hop count exceeded'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'message was forwarded more than the maximum allowed times'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'too many (hops|recursive forwards)');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Quota', '{ts escape="sql"}User inbox is full{/ts}', 3);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Quota';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(disk(space)?|over the allowed|exceed(ed|s)?|storage) quota'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '522_mailbox_full'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'exceeds allowed message count'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'file too large'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'full mailbox'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '(mail|in)(box|folder) ((for user \\w+ )?is )?full'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (has exceeded|is over) the limit'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox( exceeds allowed)? size'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no space left for this user'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'over\\s?quota'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'quota (for the mailbox )?has been exceeded'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'quota ?(usage|violation|exceeded)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'recipient storage full'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not able to receive more mail'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'doesn.t have enough disk space left'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'exceeded storage allocation'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'running out of disk space');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Relay', '{ts escape="sql"}Unable to reach destination mail server{/ts}', 3);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Relay';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, 'cannot find your hostname'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'ip name lookup'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not configured to relay mail'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'relay(ing)? (not permitted|(access )?denied)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'relayed mail to .+? not allowed'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'sender ip must resolve'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unable to relay'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'No route to host'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Network is unreachable'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unrouteable address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'We don.t handle mail for'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'we do not relay'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Rejected by next-hop'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'not permitted to( *550)? relay through this server');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Spam', '{ts escape="sql"}Message caught by a content filter{/ts}', 1);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Spam';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, '(bulk( e-?mail)|content|attachment blocking|virus|mail system) filters?'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '(hostile|questionable|unacceptable) content'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'address .+? has not been verified'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'anti-?spam (polic\w+|software)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'anti-?virus gateway has detected'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'blacklisted'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'blocked message'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'content control'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'delivery not authorized'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'does not conform to our e-?mail policy'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'excessive spam content'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'message looks suspicious'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'open relay'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'sender was rejected'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'spam(check| reduction software| filters?)'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'blocked by a user configured filter'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '(detected|rejected) (as|due to) spam'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Client host .[^ ]*. blocked'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'automatic(ally-generated)? messages are not accepted'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'denied by policy'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'has no corresponding reverse \\(PTR\\) address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'has a policy that( [^ ]*)? prohibited the mail that you sent'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'is likely unsolicited mail'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Local Policy Violation'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'ni bilo mogo..?e dostaviti zaradi varnostnega pravilnika'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'abuse report');
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
- (name, description, hold_threshold)
- VALUES ('Syntax', '{ts escape="sql"}Error in SMTP transaction{/ts}', 3);
-SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Syntax';
-INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
- (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, 'nonstandard smtp line terminator'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'syntax error in from address'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'unknown smtp code');
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/AOL.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Away.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Dns.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Host.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Inactive.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Invalid.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Loop.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Quota.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Relay.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Spam.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
+{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_mailing_bounce_type/Syntax.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_uf_group.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}
{php}echo (include "sql/civicrm_data/civicrm_uf_join.sqldata.php")->toSQL();{/php}