if (interview.errors[error]) errorList = errorList + '<li>' + interview.errors[error] + '</li>';
if ( errorList ) {
- var allErrors = '<i class="crm-i fa-exclamation-triangle crm-i-red" aria-hidden="true"></i> {/literal}{ts}Please correct the following errors in the survey fields below:{/ts}{literal}<ul>' + errorList + '</ul>';
+ var allErrors = '<i class="crm-i fa-exclamation-triangle crm-i-red" aria-hidden="true"></i> {/literal}{ts escape='js'}Please correct the following errors in the survey fields below:{/ts}{literal}<ul>' + errorList + '</ul>';
CRM.$('#responseErrors').show( ).html(allErrors);
- .text("{/literal}{ts}Save Anyway{/ts}{literal}")
+ .text("{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Save Anyway{/ts}{literal}")
.click(function() {
- .text("{/literal}{ts}Reload Page{/ts}{literal}")
+ .text("{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Reload Page{/ts}{literal}")
.click(function() {
window.location.href = CRM.url('civicrm/contact/add', {
reset: 1,
var add_new_check_length = this_controls.find(".location_operation_checkbox input:checked").length;
if (mainBlock != false) {
if (add_new_check_length > 0) {
- operation_description = "{/literal}{ts}add new{/ts}{literal}";
+ operation_description = "{/literal}{ts escape='js'}add new{/ts}{literal}";
else {
- operation_description = "{/literal}{ts}overwrite{/ts}{literal}";
+ operation_description = "{/literal}{ts escape='js'}overwrite{/ts}{literal}";
this_controls.find(".location_operation_description").text("(" + operation_description + ")");
if (mainBlock != false && (blockName == 'email' || blockName == 'phone')) {
var op_id = 'location_blocks[' + blockName + '][' + blockId + '][operation]';
- '<input id="' + op_id + '" name="' + op_id + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"><label for="' + op_id + '">{/literal}{ts}Add new{/ts}{literal}</label>'
+ '<input id="' + op_id + '" name="' + op_id + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"><label for="' + op_id + '">{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Add new{/ts}{literal}</label>'
else {
if (blockName != 'website' && (mainBlock == false || mainBlock['is_primary'] != "1" || add_new_check_length > 0)) {
var prim_id = 'location_blocks[' + blockName + '][' + blockId + '][set_other_primary]';
- '<input id="' + prim_id + '" name="' + prim_id + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"><label for="' + prim_id + '">{/literal}{ts}Set as primary{/ts}{literal}</label>'
+ '<input id="' + prim_id + '" name="' + prim_id + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"><label for="' + prim_id + '">{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Set as primary{/ts}{literal}</label>'
else {
if (!addressHTML) {
- addressHTML = {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Selected contact does not have an address. Please click the following link to edit that contact to add an address, or select a different contact.{/ts}"{literal} + ' <a target="_blank" href="' + CRM.url('civicrm/contact/add', 'reset=1&action=update&cid=' + sharedContactId) + '">{/literal}{ts}Edit Contact Details{/ts}{literal}</a>';
+ addressHTML = {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Selected contact does not have an address. Please click the following link to edit that contact to add an address, or select a different contact.{/ts}"{literal} + ' <a target="_blank" href="' + CRM.url('civicrm/contact/add', 'reset=1&action=update&cid=' + sharedContactId) + '">{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Edit Contact Details{/ts}{literal}</a>';
var choose = "{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Choose price set{/ts}{literal}";
cj("#price_set_id option[value='']").html(choose);
- cj('label[for="total_amount"]').text('{/literal}{ts}Total Amount{/ts}{literal}');
+ cj('label[for="total_amount"]').text('{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Total Amount{/ts}{literal}');
cj("#financial_type_id option[value='']").attr('selected', true);
var manual = "{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Manual contribution amount{/ts}{literal}";
cj("#price_set_id option[value='']").html(manual);
- cj('label[for="total_amount"]').text('{/literal}{ts}Price Sets{/ts}{literal}');
+ cj('label[for="total_amount"]').text('{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Price Sets{/ts}{literal}');
if (financialtypeIds) {
cj("#financial_type_id option[value="+financialtypeIds[priceSetId]+"]").prop('selected', true);
$('#action').on('change', function() {
selected = $(this).find("option:selected").text();
if (selected == 'Cancel' && contributionID) {
- CRM.alert('{/literal}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{literal}', 'Warning', 'alert');
+ CRM.alert('{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{literal}', 'Warning', 'alert');