- // write to changelog before transation is committed/rolled
+ // write to changelog before transaction is committed/rolled
// back (and prepare status to display)
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) {
$logMsg = "Activity (id: {$result->id} ) updated with ";
- * function to get the list Actvities
+ * function to get the list Activities
* @param array $input array of parameters
* Keys include
- * - contact_id int contact_id whose activties we want to retrieve
+ * - contact_id int contact_id whose activities we want to retrieve
* - offset int which row to start from ?
* - rowCount int how many rows to fetch
* - sort object|array object or array describing sort order for sql query.
* - context string page on which selector is build
* - activity_type_id int|string the activitiy types we want to restrict by
- * @return array (reference) $values the relevant data object values of open activitie
+ * @return array (reference) $values the relevant data object values of open activities
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $input array of parameters
* Keys include
- * - contact_id int contact_id whose activties we want to retrieve
+ * - contact_id int contact_id whose activities we want to retrieve
* - admin boolean if contact is admin
* - caseId int case ID
* - context string page on which selector is build
- * - activity_type_id int|string the activitiy types we want to restrict by
+ * - activity_type_id int|string the activity types we want to restrict by
* @return int count of activities
* @param array $input array of parameters
* Keys include
- * - contact_id int contact_id whose activties we want to retrieve
+ * - contact_id int contact_id whose activities we want to retrieve
* - admin boolean if contact is admin
* - caseId int case ID
* - context string page on which selector is build
* - count boolean are we interested in the count clause only?
- * - activity_type_id int|string the activitiy types we want to restrict by
+ * - activity_type_id int|string the activity types we want to restrict by
* @return int count of activities
* @param int $userID use this userID if set
* @param string $from
* @param array $attachments the array of attachments if any
- * @param string $cc cc recepient
- * @param string $bcc bcc recepient
+ * @param string $cc cc recipient
+ * @param string $bcc bcc recipient
* @param array $contactIds contact ids
* @return array ( sent, activityId) if any email is sent and activityId
* Function to add activity for Membership/Event/Contribution
- * @param object $activity (reference) perticular component object
+ * @param object $activity (reference) particular component object
* @param string $activityType for Membership Signup or Renewal
- * Function to get Parent activity for currently viewd activity
+ * Function to get Parent activity for currently viewed activity
* @param int $activityId current activity id
- * @return int $parentId Id of parent acyivity otherwise false.
+ * @return int $parentId Id of parent activity otherwise false.
* @access public
static function getParentActivity($activityId) {
* @param int $activityId current activity id
- * @return int $params count of prior acyivities otherwise false.
+ * @return int $params count of prior activities otherwise false.
* @access public
static function getPriorCount($activityID) {
- * Function to get all prior activities of currently viewd activity
+ * Function to get all prior activities of currently viewe
+ * d activity
* @param int $activityId current activity id
- * @return array $result prior acyivities info.
+ * @return array $result prior activities info.
* @access public
static function getPriorAcitivities($activityID, $onlyPriorRevisions = FALSE) {