{% if prev_entry_url or next_entry_url %}
<div class="grid_5 alpha omega">
+ {# There are no previous entries for the very first media entry #}
{% if prev_entry_url %}
<a class="navigation_button navigation_left" href="{{ prev_entry_url }}">
<img src="/mgoblin_static/images/navigation_left.png" alt="Previous image" />
+ {% else %}
+ {# This is the first entry. display greyed-out 'previous' image #}
+ <p class="navigation_button navigation_left">
+ <img src="/mgoblin_static/images/navigation_end.png" alt="No previous images" />
+ </p>
{% endif %}
+ {# Likewise, this could be the very last media entry #}
{% if next_entry_url %}
<a class="navigation_button" href="{{ next_entry_url }}">
<img src="/mgoblin_static/images/navigation_right.png" alt="Next image" />
+ {% else %}
+ {# This is the last entry. display greyed-out 'next' image #}
+ <p class="navigation_button">
+ <img src="/mgoblin_static/images/navigation_end.png" alt="No following images" />
+ </p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}