// in this case we'll also cache the url as a hidden form variable, this allows us to
// redirect in case the session has disappeared on us
$this->_entryURL = CRM_Utils_System::makeURL(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
+ // In WordPress Shortcodes the standard entryURL generated via makeURL doesn't generally have id=x&reset=1 included so we add them here
+ // This prevents infinite loops caused when the session has timed out.
+ if (stripos($this->_entryURL, 'id') === FALSE && (stripos($this->_entryURL, 'transact') !== FALSE || stripos($this->_entryURL, 'register') !== FALSE)) {
+ $this->_entryURL .= '&id=' . CRM_Utils_Request::retrieveValue('id', 'Positive') . '&reset=1';
+ }
$this->set('entryURL', $this->_entryURL);