- <p>Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>{if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if}</strong> for the following:</p>
+ <p>Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>{if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if}</strong>.</p>
-Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to {if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if} for the following:
+Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to {if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if}.
if ($flag == TRUE) {
$html = "<ul>" . $html . "<ul>";
- $message .= '<br />' . ts("The default copies of the message templates listed below will be updated to handle new features. Your installation has customized versions of these message templates, and you will need to apply the updates manually after running this upgrade. <a href='%1' style='color:white; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:bold;' target='_blank'>Click here</a> for detailed instructions. %2", array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC40/Message+Templates#MessageTemplates-UpgradesandCustomizedSystemWorkflowTemplates', 2 => $html));
+ $message .= '<br />' . ts("The default copies of the message templates listed below will be updated to handle new features. Your installation has customized versions of these message templates, and you will need to apply the updates manually after running this upgrade. <a href='%1' style='color:white; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:bold;' target='_blank'>Click here</a> for detailed instructions. %2", array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Message+Templates#MessageTemplates-UpgradesandCustomizedSystemWorkflowTemplates', 2 => $html));
if ($rev == '4.4.3') {
- $postUpgradeMessage .= '<br />' . ts('Default versions of the following System Workflow Message Templates have been modified to handle new functionality: <ul><li>Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)</li></ul> If you have modified these templates, please review the new default versions and implement updates as needed to your copies (Administer > Communications > Message Templates > System Workflow Messages).');
+ $postUpgradeMessage .= '<br /><br />' . ts('Default versions of the following System Workflow Message Templates have been modified to handle new functionality: <ul><li>Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)</li></ul> If you have modified these templates, please review the new default versions and implement updates as needed to your copies (Administer > Communications > Message Templates > System Workflow Messages).');
- <p>Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>{if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if}</strong> for the following:</p>
+ <p>Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>{if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if}</strong>.</p>
-Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to {if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if} for the following:
+Thank you for your participation. This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to {if $participant_status}{$participant_status}{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}waitlisted{else}registered{/if}{/if}.