irc_connection.on('irc_PRIVMSG', function (msg) {
var tmp, namespace, obj;
if ((msg.trailing.charAt(0) === String.fromCharCode(1)) && (msg.trailing.charAt(msg.trailing.length - 1) === String.fromCharCode(1))) {
// It's a CTCP request
if (msg.trailing.substr(1, 6) === 'ACTION') {
// We have a complete line of data, parse it!
- msg = regex.exec(data[i]);
- console.log('msg: ' + msg);
+ msg = regex.exec(data[i].replace(/^\r+|\r+$/, ''));
if (msg) {
msg = {
prefix: msg[1],
trailing: (msg[7]) ? msg[7].trim() : ''
that.emit('irc_' + msg.command.toUpperCase(), msg);
- if (that.listeners(msg.command.toUpperCase()).length < 1) {
- console.log("Unknown command (" + String(msg.command).toUpperCase() + ")");
+ if (that.listeners('irc_' + msg.command.toUpperCase()).length < 1) {
+ kiwi.log("Unknown command (" + String(msg.command).toUpperCase() + ")");
} else {
- console.log(data[i]);
+ kiwi.log("Malformed IRC line: " + data[i].replace(/^\r+|\r+$/, ''));
this.write = function (data, encoding, callback) {
- console.log('writing: ' + data);
ircSocket.write(data, encoding, callback);
+ this.end = function (data, encoding, callback) {
+ ircSocket.end(data, encoding, callback);
+ };
+ this.destroySoon = function () {
+ ircSocket.destroySoon();
+ };
kiwi.bindIRCCommands(this, websocket);
case 'quit':
- websocket.ircSocket.end('QUIT :' + args.message + '\r\n');
+ websocket.ircConnection.end('QUIT :' + args.message + '\r\n');
websocket.sentQUIT = true;
- websocket.ircSocket.destroySoon();
+ websocket.ircConnection.destroySoon();