MessageUserPositionInterface, PointInterface, PositionInterface
} from "../../Connection";
import {CurrentGamerInterface, GamerInterface, hasMovedEventName, Player} from "../Player/Player";
-import { DEBUG_MODE, ZOOM_LEVEL} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
+import { DEBUG_MODE, ZOOM_LEVEL, POSITION_DELAY } from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {ITiledMap, ITiledMapLayer, ITiledTileSet} from "../Map/ITiledMap";
import {PLAYER_RESOURCES} from "../Entity/PlayableCaracter";
import Texture = Phaser.Textures.Texture;
RoomId: string;
instance: string;
+ currentTick: number;
+ lastSentTick: number; // The last tick at which a position was sent.
+ lastMoveEventSent: HasMovedEvent = {
+ direction: '',
+ moving: false,
+ x: -1000,
+ y: -1000
+ }
PositionNextScene: Array<any> = new Array<any>();
static createFromUrl(mapUrlFile: string, instance: string): GameScene {
pushPlayerPosition(event: HasMovedEvent) {
+ if (this.lastMoveEventSent === event) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the player is not moving, let's send the info right now.
+ if (event.moving === false) {
+ this.doPushPlayerPosition(event);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the player is moving, and if it changed direction, let's send an event
+ if (event.direction !== this.lastMoveEventSent.direction) {
+ this.doPushPlayerPosition(event);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If more than 200ms happened since last event sent
+ if (this.currentTick - this.lastSentTick >= POSITION_DELAY) {
+ this.doPushPlayerPosition(event);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, do nothing.
+ }
+ private doPushPlayerPosition(event: HasMovedEvent): void {
+ this.lastMoveEventSent = event;
+ this.lastSentTick = this.currentTick;
* @param delta The delta time in ms since the last frame. This is a smoothed and capped value based on the FPS rate.
update(time: number, delta: number) : void {
+ this.currentTick = time;
let nextSceneKey = this.checkToExit();