+ {* Display location for fields with locations *}
{if $blockName eq 'email' || $blockName eq 'phone' || $blockName eq 'address' || $blockName eq 'im' }
{if $blockName eq 'website' || $blockName eq 'im' || $blockName eq 'phone' }
- {if $blockName eq 'address' || $blockName eq 'email' || $blockName eq 'phone' || $blockName eq 'website' || $blockName eq 'im' }
- <span id="main_{$blockName}_{$blockId}_overwrite">
- {if $row.main}
- (overwrite){$form.location.$blockName.$blockId.html} <br />
- {else}
- (add)
- {/if}
- </span>
- {/if}
- {literal}
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId, type) {
- var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
- // Get type of select list that's been changed (location or type)
- var locTypeId = '';
- var typeTypeId = '';
- // If the location was changed, lookup the type if it exists
- if (type == 'locTypeId') {
- locTypeId = element.value;
- typeTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#type_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_typeTypeId' ).val();
- }
- // Otherwise the type was changed, lookup the location if it exists
- else {
- locTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#location_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_locTypeId' ).val();
- typeTypeId = element.value;
- }
- // Get the matching block, based on location and type, from the main contact record
- if (!typeTypeId) {
- var block = eval( "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId);
- }
- else {
- // @todo Fix this 'special handling' for websites (no location id)
- if (!locTypeId) { locTypeId = 0; }
- var block = eval( "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId + "_" + typeTypeId);
- }
- var label = '';
- if (blockname == 'email' || blockname == 'phone') {
- label = '(overwrite)' + '<span id="main_blockname_blockId_overwrite">{/literal}{$form.location.$blockName.$blockId.operation.html}{literal}<br /></span>';
- }
- else {
- label = '(overwrite)<br />';
- }
- if (!block) {
- block = '';
- label = '(add)';
- }
- CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId ).html( block );
- CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite" ).html( label );
- }
- </script>
- {/literal}
+ {* Display the overwrite/add/add new label *}
+ <span id="main_{$blockName}_{$blockId}_overwrite">
+ {if $row.main}
+ <span class="action_label">(overwrite)</span>
+ {if $blockName eq 'email' || $blockName eq 'phone' }
+ {$form.location.$blockName.$blockId.operation.html}
+ {/if}
+ <br />
+ {else}
+ <span class="action_label">(add)</span>
+ {/if}
+ </span>
{* For non-location blocks *}
{if isset($row.main) || isset($row.other)}
<span id="main_{$blockName}_{$blockId}_overwrite">
{if $row.main}
- (overwrite)<br />
+ <span class="action_label">(overwrite)</span><br />
- (add)
+ <span class="action_label">(add)</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
+ function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId, type) {
+ var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
+ // Get type of select list that's been changed (location or type)
+ var locTypeId = '';
+ var typeTypeId = '';
+ // If the location was changed, lookup the type if it exists
+ if (type == 'locTypeId') {
+ locTypeId = element.value;
+ typeTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#type_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_typeTypeId' ).val();
+ }
+ // Otherwise the type was changed, lookup the location if it exists
+ else {
+ locTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#location_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_locTypeId' ).val();
+ typeTypeId = element.value;
+ }
+ // Get the matching block, based on location and type, from the main contact record
+ if (!typeTypeId) {
+ var block = eval( "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId);
+ }
+ else {
+ // @todo Fix this 'special handling' for websites (no location id)
+ if (!locTypeId) { locTypeId = 0; }
+ var block = eval( "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId + "_" + typeTypeId);
+ }
+ // Create appropriate label / add new link after changing the block
+ if (!block) {
+ block = '';
+ label = '<span class="action_label">(add)</span>';
+ }
+ else {
+ var label = '<span class="action_label">(overwrite)</span> ';
+ if (blockname == 'email' || blockname == 'phone') {
+ var opLabel = 'location[' + blockname + '][' + blockId + '][operation]';
+ label += '<input id="' + opLabel + '" name="' + opLabel + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"> <label for="' + opLabel + '">add new</label><br />';
+ }
+ label += '<br>';
+ }
+ CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId ).html( block );
+ CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite" ).html( label );
+ }
CRM.$(function($) {
+ $('body').on('change', "input[id*='[operation]']", function() {
+ var originalHtml = $(this).prevAll('span.action_label').html();
+ if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
+ $(this).prevAll('span.action_label').html(originalHtml.replace('(overwrite)', '(add new)'));
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).prevAll('span.action_label').html(originalHtml.replace('(add new)', '(overwrite)'));
+ }
+ });
$('table td input.form-checkbox').each(function() {
var ele = null;
var element = $(this).attr('id').split('_',3);