// Create a contact to be used as soft creditor
$softCreditFname = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
$softCreditLname = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $this->webtestAddContact( $softCreditFname, $softCreditLname, false );
+ $this->webtestAddContact($softCreditFname, $softCreditLname, FALSE);
//financial account for check
$this->openCiviPage("admin/options/payment_instrument", "group=payment_instrument&reset=1");
$financialAccount = $this->getText("xpath=//div[@id='payment_instrument']/div[2]/table/tbody//tr/td[1][text()='Check']/../td[3]");
// Add new Financial Account
- $orgName = 'Alberta '.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $financialAccountTitle = 'Financial Account '.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 4);
+ $orgName = 'Alberta ' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $financialAccountTitle = 'Financial Account ' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 4);
$financialAccountDescription = "{$financialAccountTitle} Description";
$accountingCode = 1033;
$financialAccountType = 'Asset';
$isDefault = FALSE;
//Add new organisation
- if($orgName) {
+ if ($orgName) {
- $firstName = 'John'.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $lastName = 'Dsouza'.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $firstName = 'John' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $lastName = 'Dsouza' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
$this->webtestAddContact($firstName, $lastName);
$this->waitForElementPresent("css=li#tab_contribute a");
$this->type("trxn_id", "P20901X1" . rand(100, 10000));
// create first soft credit
- $this->click("soft_credit_contact_1");
- $this->type("soft_credit_contact_1", $softCreditFname);
- $this->typeKeys("soft_credit_contact_1", $softCreditFname);
- $this->waitForElementPresent("soft_credit_amount_1");
- $this->verifyText("soft_credit_amount_1","100");
+ $this->webtestFillAutocomplete("{$softCreditLname}, {$softCreditFname}", 'soft_credit_contact_1');
$this->type("soft_credit_amount_1", "50");
// add second soft credit field
// create new individual via soft credit
$softCreditSecondFname = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $softCreditSecondLname = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $this->webtestNewDialogContact($softCreditSecondFname,$softCreditSecondLname, null, 4, 'soft_credit_profiles_2','soft_credit_1');
+ $softCreditSecondLname = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $this->webtestNewDialogContact($softCreditSecondFname, $softCreditSecondLname, NULL, 4, 'soft_credit_profiles_2', 'soft_credit_1');
// enter the second soft credit
- $this->verifyText("soft_credit_amount_2",""); // it should be blank cause first soft credit != total_amount
- $this->type("soft_credit_amount_2","100"); //the sum of the soft credit amounts can exceed total_amount
- $this->waitForElementPresent("css=div.ac_results-inner li");
- $this->click("css=div.ac_results-inner li");
+ $this->verifyText("soft_credit_amount_2", ""); // it should be blank cause first soft credit != total_amount
+ $this->type("soft_credit_amount_2", "100"); //the sum of the soft credit amounts can exceed total_amount
//Custom Data
// $this->click('CIVICRM_QFID_3_6');
//$this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("The contribution record has been saved."), "Status message didn't show up after saving!");
// verify if Contribution is created
- $this->waitForElementPresent( "xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']" );
+ $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']");
//click through to the Contribution view screen
- $this->click( "xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']" );
+ $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']");
- $expected = array('Financial Type' => 'Donation',
- 'Total Amount' => '100.00',
+ $expected = array(
+ 'Financial Type' => 'Donation',
+ 'Total Amount' => '100.00',
'Contribution Status' => 'Completed',
- 'Paid By' => 'Check',
- 'Check Number' => 'check #1041',
+ 'Paid By' => 'Check',
+ 'Check Number' => 'check #1041',
'Non-deductible Amount' => '10.00',
- 'Received Into' => $financialAccount,
- 'Soft Credit To' => "{$softCreditFname} {$softCreditLname}",
- 'Soft Credit To' => "{$softCreditSecondFname} {$softCreditSecondLname}",
- 'Amount' => '50.00',
- 'Amount' => '100.00',
+ 'Received Into' => $financialAccount,
- foreach($expected as $label => $value) {
+ foreach ($expected as $value) {
$this->verifyText("xpath=/html/body/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/form/div[2]", preg_quote($value));
- // go to soft creditor contact view page
- $this->click("view_contact");
+ // verify if soft credit was created successfully
+ $expected = array(
+ 'Soft Credit To 1' => "{$softCreditFname} {$softCreditLname}",
+ 'Soft Credit To 2' => "{$softCreditSecondFname} {$softCreditSecondLname}",
+ 'Amount' => '50.00',
+ 'Amount' => '100.00',
+ );
+ foreach ($expected as $value) {
+ $this->verifyText("css=table.crm-soft-credit-listing", preg_quote($value));
+ }
+ // go to first soft creditor contact view page
+ $this->click("css=table.crm-soft-credit-listing tbody tr td a");
// go to contribution tab
$this->waitForElementPresent("css=li#tab_contribute a");
$this->waitForElementPresent("link=Record Contribution (Check, Cash, EFT ...)");
// verify soft credit details
- $expected = array( 3 => 'Donation',
- 2 => '50.00',
- 5 => 'Completed',
- 1 => "{$firstName} {$lastName}"
+ $expected = array(
+ 3 => 'Donation',
+ 2 => '50.00',
+ 5 => 'Completed',
+ 1 => "{$firstName} {$lastName}"
- foreach($expected as $value => $label) {
+ foreach ($expected as $value => $label) {
$this->verifyText("xpath=id('Search')/div[2]/table[2]/tbody/tr[2]/td[$value]", preg_quote($label));
$premiumName = 'test Premium' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
$this->addPremium($premiumName, 'SKU', 3, 12, NULL, NULL);
- $firstName = 'John'.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $lastName = 'Dsouza'.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $firstName = 'John' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $lastName = 'Dsouza' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
$this->webtestAddContact($firstName, $lastName);
//scenario 1 : is_deductible = 0 and non deductible amount is entered
//common function for verifing total_amount, and non_deductible_amount
function _verifyAmounts($verifyData) {
- $this->waitForElementPresent( "xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']" );
- $this->click( "xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']" );
+ $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']");
+ $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']");
foreach ($verifyData as $label => $value) {
- function testOnlineContributionWithZeroAmount () {
+ function testOnlineContributionWithZeroAmount() {
// Create a contact to be used as soft creditor
- $firstName = 'John'.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $lastName = 'Peterson'.substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
- $this->webtestAddContact( $firstName, $lastName);
+ $firstName = 'John' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $lastName = 'Peterson' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $this->webtestAddContact($firstName, $lastName);
$this->waitForElementPresent("css=li#tab_contribute a");
$this->click("css=li#tab_contribute a");
$this->waitForElementPresent("link=Record Contribution (Check, Cash, EFT ...)");
$this->clickLink("link=Record Contribution (Check, Cash, EFT ...)");
- // select financial type
+ // select financial type
$this->select("financial_type_id", "value=1");
// total amount
$this->waitForText("crm-notification-container", "The contribution record has been saved.");
- $this->waitForElementPresent( "xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']" );
- $this->clickLink( "xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']" );
+ $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']");
+ $this->clickLink("xpath=//div[@id='Contributions']//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']");
$expected = array(
- 'Financial Type' => 'Donation',
- 'Total Amount' => '0.00',
+ 'Financial Type' => 'Donation',
+ 'Total Amount' => '0.00',
'Contribution Status' => 'Completed',
- 'Paid By' => 'Credit Card'
+ 'Paid By' => 'Credit Card'