return $this->insertInto($table, $fields);
+ /**
+ * Take the results of the SELECT query and copy them into another
+ * table.
+ *
+ * If the same record already exists in the other table (based on
+ * primary-key or unique-key), then update the corresponding record.
+ *
+ * @param string $table
+ * The table to write data into.
+ * @param array|string $keys
+ * List of PK/unique fields
+ * NOTE: This must match the unique-key that was declared in the schema.
+ * @param array $mapping
+ * List of values to select and where to send them.
+ *
+ * For example, consider:
+ * ['relationship_id' => '']
+ *
+ * This would select the value of '' and write to 'relationship_id'.
+ *
+ * @param null|array $args
+ * Use NULL to skip interpolation; use an array of variables to enable.
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function syncInto($table, $keys, $mapping, $args = NULL) {
+ $keys = (array) $keys;
+ $this->select(array_values($mapping), $args);
+ $this->insertInto($table, array_keys($mapping));
+ foreach ($mapping as $intoColumn => $fromValue) {
+ if (!in_array($intoColumn, $keys)) {
+ $this->onDuplicate("$intoColumn = $fromValue", $args);
+ }
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
* @param array $fields
* The fields to fill in the other table (in order).
$this->assertLike('INSERT INTO bar (first, second, third) SELECT, foo.two, foo.three FROM foo ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE second = twiddle(foo.two), third = twiddle(foo.three)', $select->toSQL());
+ public function testSyncInto_EarlyInterpolate() {
+ $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
+ ->where('foo.whiz = 100')
+ ->syncInto('bar', ['name'], [
+ 'name' => '',
+ 'first' => 'concat(, @suffix)',
+ 'second' => 'foo.two',
+ ], [
+ '@suffix' => ' and more',
+ ]);
+ $this->assertLike('INSERT INTO bar (name, first, second) SELECT, concat(, " and more"), foo.two FROM foo WHERE (foo.whiz = 100) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE first = concat(, " and more"), second = foo.two', $select->toSQL());
+ }
+ public function testSyncInto_LateInterpolate() {
+ $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
+ ->where('foo.whiz = 100')
+ ->syncInto('bar', ['name'], [
+ 'name' => '',
+ 'first' => 'concat(, @suffix)',
+ 'second' => 'foo.two',
+ ])
+ ->param(['@suffix' => ' and on and on']);
+ $this->assertLike('INSERT INTO bar (name, first, second) SELECT, concat(, " and on and on"), foo.two FROM foo WHERE (foo.whiz = 100) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE first = concat(, " and on and on"), second = foo.two', $select->toSQL());
+ }
* @param $expected
* @param $actual