$this->_onbehalf = FALSE;
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_for_organization', $this->_values)) {
- $urlParams = "&id={$this->_id}&qfKey={$this->controller->_key}";
- $this->assign('urlParams', $urlParams);
- $this->_onbehalf = CRM_Utils_Array::value('onbehalf', $_GET);
+ $this->_onbehalf = TRUE;
- if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('hidden_onbehalf_profile', $_POST) &&
- (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_for_organization', $_POST) ||
- CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_for_organization', $this->_values) == 2
- )
- ) {
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_OnBehalfOf::buildQuickForm($this);
- }
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $this->_pcpInfo) &&
$this->_onBehalfRequired = 1;
if ($this->_onbehalf) {
- $this->assign('onbehalf', TRUE);
- return CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_OnBehalfOf::buildQuickForm($this);
+ CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_OnBehalfOf::buildQuickForm($this);
$this->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
| see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{* This file provides the HTML for the on-behalf-of form. Can also be used for related contact edit form. *}
+ * This file provides the HTML for the on-behalf-of form.
+ * Also used for related contact edit form.
+ * FIXME: This is way more complex than it needs to be
+ * FIXME: About 1% of this javascript is needed for contribution forms
+ * FIXME: Why are we not just using the dynamic form tpl to display this profile?
+ *}
{if $buildOnBehalfForm or $onBehalfRequired}
<fieldset id="for_organization" class="for_organization-group">
<script type="text/javascript">
- var reset = {/literal}"{$reset}"{literal};
- var onBehalfRequired = {/literal}"{$onBehalfRequired}"{literal};
- var mainDisplay = {/literal}"{$mainDisplay}"{literal};
- var mode = {/literal}"{$mode}"{literal};
cj( "div#id-onbehalf-orgname-help").hide( );
- if (mainDisplay) {
- showOnBehalf(false);
- }
+ showOnBehalf({/literal}"{$onBehalfRequired}"{literal});
cj( "#mode" ).hide( );
cj( "#mode" ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
- if ( cj( "#mode" ).attr( 'checked' ) && !reset ) {
+ if ( cj( "#mode" ).attr( 'checked' ) && !{/literal}"{$reset}"{literal} ) {
$text = ' {/literal}{ts escape="js"}Use existing organization{/ts}{literal} ';
cj( "#createNewOrg" ).text( $text );
cj( "#mode" ).removeAttr( 'checked' );
function showOnBehalf(onBehalfRequired) {
if ( cj( "#is_for_organization" ).attr( 'checked' ) || onBehalfRequired ) {
- cj( "#for_organization" ).html( '' );
- var urlPath = {/literal}"{crmURL p=$urlPath h=0 q='snippet=4&onbehalf=1'}"{literal};
- urlPath = urlPath + {/literal}"{$urlParams}"{literal};
- if ( mode == 'test' ) {
- urlPath = urlPath + '&action=preview';
- }
- if ( reset ) {
- urlPath = urlPath + '&reset=' + reset;
+ var urlPath = {/literal}"{crmURL p=$urlPath h=0 q='snippet=4&onbehalf=1'}";
+ urlPath += "{$urlParams}";
+ {if $mode eq 'test'}
+ urlPath += '&action=preview';
+ {/if}
+ {if $reset}
+ urlPath += '&reset={$reset}';
+ {/if}{literal}
+ cj("#onBehalfOfOrg").show();
+ if (cj("#onBehalfOfOrg *").length < 1) {
+ cj.ajax({
+ url : urlPath,
+ global : false,
+ async : false,
+ success : function ( content ) {
+ cj( "#onBehalfOfOrg" ).html( content );
+ }
+ });
- cj.ajax({
- url : urlPath,
- async : false,
- global : false,
- success : function ( content ) {
- cj( "#onBehalfOfOrg" ).html( content );
- }
- });
else {
- cj( "#onBehalfOfOrg" ).html('');
- cj( "#for_organization" ).html( '' );
- return;
+ cj("#onBehalfOfOrg").hide();
function createNew( ) {
if (cj("#mode").attr('checked')) {
- textMessage = ' {/literal}{ts escape="js"}Use existing organization{/ts}{literal} ';
+ var textMessage = ' {/literal}{ts escape="js"}Use existing organization{/ts}{literal} ';
resetValues( false );
else {
- textMessage = ' {/literal}{ts escape="js"}Enter a new organization{/ts}{literal} ';
+ var textMessage = ' {/literal}{ts escape="js"}Enter a new organization{/ts}{literal} ';
cj("#mode").attr('checked', 'checked');
setOrgName( );