* Check that a debugger is created and there is no error when passing in a prefix.
$log->log('Little lamb');
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$fileContents = file_get_contents($log->_filename);
- $this->assertEquals($config->configAndLogDir . 'CiviCRM.' . 'my-test.' . md5($config->dsn) . '.log', $log->_filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($config->configAndLogDir . 'CiviCRM.' . 'my-test.' . CRM_Core_Error::generateLogFileHash($config) . '.log', $log->_filename);
// The 5 here is a bit arbitrary - on my local the date part is 15 chars (Mar 29 05:29:16) - but we are just checking that
// there are chars for the date at the start.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($fileContents, '[info] Mary had a little lamb') > 10);