// http://civicrm.org/licensing
(function($, CRM) {
- // @var: default select operator options
- var operators, operatorCount;
+ 'use strict';
- * Handle Field Selection
+ * Handle user input - field or operator selection.
+ *
+ * Decide whether to display select drop down, regular text or date
+ * field for the given field and row.
- function handleFieldSelection() {
- var field = $(this).val();
+ function handleUserInputField() {
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
+ var field = $('select[id^=mapper][id$="_1"]', row).val();
+ var op = $('select[id^=operator]', row).val();
+ // These Ops don't get any input field.
+ var noFieldOps = ['', 'IS EMPTY', 'IS NOT EMPTY', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL'];
+ if ($.inArray(op, noFieldOps) > -1) {
+ // Hide the fields and return.
+ $('.crm-search-value', row).hide().find('input, select').val('');
+ return;
+ }
+ $('.crm-search-value', row).show();
if (!CRM.searchBuilder.fieldOptions[field]) {
- if ($.inArray(field, CRM.searchBuilder.dateFields) < 0) {
- removeDate(row);
- if (CRM.searchBuilder.fieldOptions[field]) {
- buildSelect(row, field);
- }
- }
else {
- buildDate(row);
+ buildSelect(row, field, op);
- }
- /**
- * Handle Search Operator Selection
- */
- function handleOperatorSelection() {
- var noValue = ['', 'IS EMPTY', 'IS NOT EMPTY', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL'];
- var row = $(this).closest('tr');
- if ($.inArray($(this).val(), noValue) < 0) {
- $('.crm-search-value', row).show();
- // Change between multiselect and select when using "IN" operator
- var select = $('.crm-search-value select', row);
- if (select.length) {
- var value = select.val() || '';
- var multi = ($(this).val() == 'IN' || $(this).val() == 'NOT IN');
- select.attr('multiple', multi);
- if (multi) {
- $('option[value=""]', select).remove();
- }
- else if ($('option[value=""]', select).length < 1) {
- $(select).prepend('<option value="">' + ts('- select -') + '</option>');
- }
- select.val(value).change();
- }
+ if ($.inArray(field, CRM.searchBuilder.dateFields) < 0) {
+ removeDate(row);
- // Hide value field if the operator doesn't take a value
else {
- $('.crm-search-value', row).hide().find('input, select').val('');
+ buildDate(row, op);
- * Give user a list of options to choose from
+ * Add select list if appropriate for this operation
* @param row: jQuery object
* @param field: string
- function buildSelect(row, field) {
- // Remove operators that can't be used with a select
- removeOperators(row, ['LIKE', 'RLIKE']);
- var op = $('select[id^=operator]', row);
- if (op.val() == 'IN' || op.val() == 'NOT IN') {
- var multiSelect = 'multiple="multiple">';
+ function buildSelect(row, field, op) {
+ var multiSelect = '';
+ // Operators that will get a single drop down list of choices.
+ var dropDownSingleOps = ['=', '!='];
+ // Multiple select drop down list.
+ var dropDownMultipleOps = ['IN', 'NOT IN'];
+ if ($.inArray(op, dropDownMultipleOps) > -1) {
+ multiSelect = 'multiple="multiple"';
- else {
- var multiSelect = '><option value="">' + ts('- select -') + '</option>';
+ else if ($.inArray(op, dropDownSingleOps) < 0) {
+ // If this op is neither supported by single or multiple selects, then we should not render a select list.
+ removeSelect(row);
+ return;
$('.crm-search-value select', row).remove();
- $('input[id^=value]', row).hide().after('<select class="form-select required" ' + multiSelect + '</select>');
+ $('input[id^=value]', row)
+ .hide()
+ .after('<select class="form-select required" ' + multiSelect + '><option value="">' + ts('Loading') + '...</option></select>');
fetchOptions(row, field);
value = value.slice(1, -1);
var options = value.split(',');
- var op = $('select[id^=operator]', row);
- if (op.val() != 'IN' && op.val() != 'NOT IN' && options.length > 1) {
- options = [options[0]];
+ if (select.attr('multiple') == 'multiple') {
+ select.find('option').remove();
+ }
+ else {
+ select.find('option').text(ts('- select -'));
+ if (options.length > 1) {
+ options = [options[0]];
+ }
$.each(CRM.searchBuilder.fieldOptions[field], function(value, label) {
var selected = ($.inArray(value, options) > -1) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
function removeSelect(row) {
$('.crm-search-value input', row).show();
$('.crm-search-value select', row).remove();
- restoreOperators(row);
- * Add a datepicker
+ * Add a datepicker if appropriate for this operation
* @param row: jQuery object
- function buildDate(row) {
+ function buildDate(row, op) {
var input = $('.crm-search-value input', row);
- if (!input.hasClass('hasDatepicker')) {
- // Remove operators that can't be used with a date
- removeOperators(row, ['IN', 'NOT IN', 'LIKE', 'RLIKE', 'IS EMPTY', 'IS NOT EMPTY']);
+ // These are operations that should not get a datepicker
+ var datePickerOp = ($.inArray(op, ['IN', 'NOT IN', 'LIKE', 'RLIKE']) < 0);
+ if (!datePickerOp) {
+ removeDate(row);
+ }
+ else if (!input.hasClass('hasDatepicker')) {
dateFormat: 'yymmdd',
changeMonth: true,
function removeDate(row) {
var input = $('.crm-search-value input', row);
if (input.hasClass('hasDatepicker')) {
- restoreOperators(row);
- /**
- * Remove operators from a row
- * @param row: jQuery object
- * @param illegal: array
- */
- function removeOperators(row, illegal) {
- var value = $('select[id^=operator]').val();
- $('select[id^=operator] option', row).each(function() {
- if ($.inArray($(this).attr('value'), illegal) > -1) {
- $(this).remove();
- }
- });
- if (value !== $('select[id^=operator]').val()) {
- $('select[id^=operator]').change();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Restore operators to the default
- * @param row: jQuery object
- */
- function restoreOperators(row) {
- var op = $('select[id^=operator]', row);
- if ($('option', op).length != operatorCount) {
- var value = op.val();
- op.html(operators).val(value).change();
- }
- }
- $('document').ready(function() {
- operators = $('#operator_1_0').html();
- operatorCount = $('#operator_1_0 option').length;
- // Hide empty blocks & fields
- var newBlock = CRM.searchBuilder && CRM.searchBuilder.newBlock || 0;
- $('#Builder .crm-search-block').each(function(blockNo) {
- var block = $(this);
- var empty = blockNo + 1 > newBlock;
- var skippedRow = false;
- $('tr:not(.crm-search-builder-add-row)', block).each(function(rowNo) {
- var row = $(this);
- if ($('select:first', row).val() === '') {
- if (!skippedRow && (rowNo == 0 || blockNo + 1 == newBlock)) {
- skippedRow = true;
- }
- else {
- row.hide();
- }
+ // Initialize display: Hide empty blocks & fields
+ var newBlock = CRM.searchBuilder && CRM.searchBuilder.newBlock || 0;
+ $('.crm-search-block', '#Builder').each(function(blockNo) {
+ var block = $(this);
+ var empty = blockNo + 1 > newBlock;
+ var skippedRow = false;
+ $('tr:not(.crm-search-builder-add-row)', block).each(function(rowNo) {
+ var row = $(this);
+ if ($('select:first', row).val() === '') {
+ if (!skippedRow && (rowNo == 0 || blockNo + 1 == newBlock)) {
+ skippedRow = true;
else {
- empty = false;
+ row.hide();
- });
- if (empty) {
- block.hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ empty = false;
+ if (empty) {
+ block.hide();
+ }
+ });
- $('#Builder')
- // Reset and hide row
- .on('click', '.crm-reset-builder-row', function() {
- var row = $(this).closest('tr');
- $('input, select', row).val('').change();
- row.hide();
- // Hide entire block if this is the only visible row
- if (row.siblings(':visible').length < 2) {
- row.closest('.crm-search-block').hide();
- }
+ $('#Builder')
+ // Reset and hide row
+ .on('click', '.crm-reset-builder-row', function() {
+ var row = $(this).closest('tr');
+ $('input, select', row).val('').change();
+ row.hide();
+ // Hide entire block if this is the only visible row
+ if (row.siblings(':visible').length < 2) {
+ row.closest('.crm-search-block').hide();
+ }
+ return false;
+ })
+ // Add new field - if there's a hidden one, show it
+ // Otherwise allow form to submit and fetch more from the server
+ .on('click', 'input[name^=addMore]', function() {
+ var table = $(this).closest('table');
+ if ($('tr:hidden', table).length) {
+ $('tr:hidden', table).first().show();
return false;
- })
- // Add new field - if there's a hidden one, show it
- // Otherwise we submit form to fetch more from the server
- .on('click', 'input[name^=addMore]', function() {
- var table = $(this).closest('table');
- if ($('tr:hidden', table).length) {
- $('tr:hidden', table).first().show();
- return false;
- }
- })
- // Add new block - if there's a hidden one, show it
- // Otherwise we submit form to fetch more from the server
- .on('click', '#addBlock', function() {
- if ($('.crm-search-block:hidden', '#Builder').length) {
- var block = $('.crm-search-block:hidden', '#Builder').first();
- block.show();
- $('tr:first-child, tr.crm-search-builder-add-row', block).show();
- return false;
- }
- })
- // Handle field selection
- .on('change', 'select[id^=mapper][id$="_1"]', handleFieldSelection)
- // Handle operator selection
- .on('change', 'select[id^=operator]', handleOperatorSelection)
- // Handle option selection - update hidden value field
- .on('change', '.crm-search-value select', function() {
- var value = $(this).val() || '';
- if ($(this).attr('multiple') == 'multiple' && value.length) {
- value = '(' + value.join(',') + ')';
- }
- $(this).siblings('input').val(value);
- })
- ;
- $('select[id^=operator]', '#Builder').each(handleOperatorSelection);
- $().crmAccordions();
- $('select[id^=mapper][id$="_1"] option[selected=selected]:not([value=""])', '#Builder').parent().each(handleFieldSelection);
- });
+ }
+ })
+ // Add new block - if there's a hidden one, show it
+ // Otherwise allow form to submit and fetch more from the server
+ .on('click', '#addBlock', function() {
+ if ($('.crm-search-block:hidden', '#Builder').length) {
+ var block = $('.crm-search-block:hidden', '#Builder').first();
+ block.show();
+ $('tr:first-child, tr.crm-search-builder-add-row', block).show();
+ return false;
+ }
+ })
+ // Handle field and operator selection
+ .on('change', 'select[id^=mapper][id$="_1"], select[id^=operator]', handleUserInputField)
+ // Handle option selection - update hidden value field
+ .on('change', '.crm-search-value select', function() {
+ var value = $(this).val() || '';
+ if ($(this).attr('multiple') == 'multiple' && value.length) {
+ value = '(' + value.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ $(this).siblings('input').val(value);
+ })
+ ;
+ $().crmAccordions();
+ $('select[id^=mapper][id$="_1"]', '#Builder').each(handleUserInputField);
})(cj, CRM);