function addressbook_inp_field($label, $field, $name, $size, $values, $add) {
global $color;
$value = ( isset($values[$field]) ? $values[$field] : '');
$td_str = addInput($name.'['.$field.']', $value, $size)
. $add ;
return html_tag( 'tr' ,
- html_tag( 'td', $label . ':', 'right', $color[4]) .
- html_tag( 'td', $td_str, 'left', $color[4])
- )
- . "\n";
+ html_tag( 'td', $label . ':', 'right', $color[4]) .
+ html_tag( 'td', $td_str, 'left', $color[4])
+ )
+ . "\n";
function address_form($name, $submittext, $values = array()) {
global $color, $squirrelmail_language;
- if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP')
- {
- echo html_tag( 'table',
- addressbook_inp_field(_("Nickname"), 'nickname', $name, 15, $values,
- ' <small>' . _("Must be unique") . '</small>') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("E-mail address"), 'email', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("Last name"), 'lastname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("First name"), 'firstname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("Additional info"), 'label', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- list_writable_backends($name) .
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- '<input type="submit" name="' . htmlentities($name) . '[SUBMIT]" value="' .
- $submittext . '" />',
- 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')
- )
- , 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" width="90%"') ."\n";
- } else {
- echo html_tag( 'table',
- addressbook_inp_field(_("Nickname"), 'nickname', $name, 15, $values,
- ' <small>' . _("Must be unique") . '</small>') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("E-mail address"), 'email', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("First name"), 'firstname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("Last name"), 'lastname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- addressbook_inp_field(_("Additional info"), 'label', $name, 45, $values, '') .
- list_writable_backends($name) .
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- '<input type="submit" name="' . htmlentities($name) . '[SUBMIT]" value="' .
- $submittext . '" />',
- 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')
- )
- , 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" width="90%"') ."\n";
+ if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP') {
+ echo html_tag( 'table',
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("Nickname"), 'nickname', $name, 15, $values,
+ ' <small>' . _("Must be unique") . '</small>') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("E-mail address"), 'email', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("Last name"), 'lastname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("First name"), 'firstname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("Additional info"), 'label', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ list_writable_backends($name) .
+ html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ addSubmit($submittext, $name.'[SUBMIT]'),
+ 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')
+ )
+ , 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" width="90%"') ."\n";
+ } else {
+ echo html_tag( 'table',
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("Nickname"), 'nickname', $name, 15, $values,
+ ' <small>' . _("Must be unique") . '</small>') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("E-mail address"), 'email', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("First name"), 'firstname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("Last name"), 'lastname', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ addressbook_inp_field(_("Additional info"), 'label', $name, 45, $values, '') .
+ list_writable_backends($name) .
+ html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ addSubmit($submittext, $name.'[SUBMIT]') ,
+ 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')
+ )
+ , 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" width="90%"') ."\n";
+ }
function list_writable_backends($name) {
- global $color, $abook;
- if ( $name != 'addaddr' ) { return; }
- if ( $abook->numbackends > 1 ) {
- $ret = '<select name="backend">';
- $backends = $abook->get_backend_list();
- while (list($undef,$v) = each($backends)) {
- if ($v->writeable) {
- $ret .= '<option value="' . $v->bnum;
- $ret .= '">' . $v->sname . "</option>\n";
- }
+ global $color, $abook;
+ if ( $name != 'addaddr' ) { return; }
+ if ( $abook->numbackends > 1 ) {
+ $ret = '<select name="backend">';
+ $backends = $abook->get_backend_list();
+ while (list($undef,$v) = each($backends)) {
+ if ($v->writeable) {
+ $ret .= '<option value="' . $v->bnum;
+ $ret .= '">' . $v->sname . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $ret .= "</select>";
+ return html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td', _("Add to:"),'right', $color[4] ) .
+ html_tag( 'td', $ret, 'left', $color[4] )) . "\n";
+ } else {
+ return html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ addHidden('backend', '1'),
+ 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')) . "\n";
- $ret .= "</select>";
- return html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td', _("Add to:"),'right', $color[4] ) .
- html_tag( 'td', $ret, 'left', $color[4] )) . "\n";
- } else {
- return html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- addHidden('backend', '1'),
- 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')) . "\n";
- }
/* Open addressbook, with error messages on but without LDAP (the *
$abook = addressbook_init(true, true);
if($abook->localbackend == 0) {
- _("No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."),
- $color);
+ _("No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."),
+ $color);
$olddata = $abook->lookup($enick, $ebackend);
/* Display the "new address" form */
- echo '<form action="' . $form_url . '" method="post">' .
- "\n" .
- html_tag( 'table',
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- "\n". '<strong>' . _("Update address") . '</strong>' ."\n",
- 'center', $color[0] )
- ),
- 'center', '', 'width="100%" ' );
+ echo addForm($form_url, 'post').
+ html_tag( 'table',
+ html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ "\n". '<strong>' . _("Update address") . '</strong>' ."\n",
+ 'center', $color[0] )
+ ),
+ 'center', '', 'width="100%" ' );
address_form("editaddr", _("Update address"), $olddata);
echo addHidden('oldnick', $olddata['nickname']).
- addHidden('backend', $olddata['backend']).
- addHidden('doedit', '1').
- '</form>';
+ addHidden('backend', $olddata['backend']).
+ addHidden('doedit', '1').
+ '</form>';
} else {
/* Handle error messages */
if (!$r) {
/* Display error */
- echo html_tag( 'table',
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- "\n". '<strong><font color="' . $color[2] .
- '">' . _("ERROR") . ': ' . $abook->error . '</font></strong>' ."\n",
- 'center' )
- ),
- 'center', '', 'width="100%"' );
+ echo html_tag( 'table',
+ html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ "\n". '<strong><font color="' . $color[2] .
+ '">' . _("ERROR") . ': ' . $abook->error . '</font></strong>' ."\n",
+ 'center' )
+ ),
+ 'center', '', 'width="100%"' );
/* Display the "new address" form again */
- echo '<form action="' . $form_url .
- '" method="post">' . "\n" .
- html_tag( 'table',
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- "\n". '<strong>' . _("Update address") . '</strong>' ."\n",
- 'center', $color[0] )
- ),
- 'center', '', 'width="100%"' );
+ echo addForm($form_url, 'post').
+ html_tag( 'table',
+ html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ "\n". '<strong>' . _("Update address") . '</strong>' ."\n",
+ 'center', $color[0] )
+ ),
+ 'center', '', 'width="100%"' );
address_form("editaddr", _("Update address"), $newdata);
- addHidden('oldnick', $oldnick).
- addHidden('backend', $backend).
- addHidden('doedit', '1').
- "\n" . '</form>';
+ addHidden('oldnick', $oldnick).
+ addHidden('backend', $backend).
+ addHidden('doedit', '1').
+ "\n" . '</form>';
$abortform = true;
} else {
// Some times we end output before forms are printed
if($abortform) {
- echo "</body></html>\n";
- exit();
+ echo "</body></html>\n";
+ exit();
/* Display error messages */
if (!empty($formerror)) {
echo html_tag( 'table',
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- "\n". '<br /><strong><font color="' . $color[2] .
- '">' . _("ERROR") . ': ' . $formerror . '</font></strong>' ."\n",
- 'center' )
- ),
- 'center', '', 'width="100%"' );
+ html_tag( 'tr',
+ html_tag( 'td',
+ "\n". '<br /><strong><font color="' . $color[2] .
+ '">' . _("ERROR") . ': ' . $formerror . '</font></strong>' ."\n",
+ 'center' )
+ ),
+ 'center', '', 'width="100%"' );
/* List addresses */
if (count($alist) > 0) {
- echo '<form action="' . $form_url . '" method="post">' . "\n";
+ echo addForm($form_url, 'post');
while(list($undef,$row) = each($alist)) {
/* New table header for each backend */
if($prevbackend != $row['backend']) {
if($prevbackend < 0) {
echo html_tag( 'table',
html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'td',
- '<input type="submit" name="editaddr" value="' .
- _("Edit selected") . "\" />\n" .
- '<input type="submit" name="deladdr" value="' .
- _("Delete selected") . "\" />\n",
+ addSubmit(_("Edit selected"), 'editaddr').
+ addSubmit(_("Delete selected"), 'deladdr'),
'center', '', 'colspan="5"' )
) .
html_tag( 'tr',
'center' );
echo "\n<!-- start of address book table -->\n" .
- html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="90%"' ) .
- html_tag( 'tr', "\n" .
- html_tag( 'th', ' ', 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
- html_tag( 'th', _("Nickname") .
- show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by nickname"), 0, 1),
- 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
- html_tag( 'th', _("Name") .
- show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by name"), 2, 3),
- 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
- html_tag( 'th', _("E-mail") .
- show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by email"), 4, 5),
- 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
- html_tag( 'th', _("Info") .
- show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by info"), 6, 7),
- 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n",
- '', $color[9] ) . "\n";
+ html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="90%"' ) .
+ html_tag( 'tr', "\n" .
+ html_tag( 'th', ' ', 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
+ html_tag( 'th', _("Nickname") .
+ show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by nickname"), 0, 1),
+ 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
+ html_tag( 'th', _("Name") .
+ show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by name"), 2, 3),
+ 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
+ html_tag( 'th', _("E-mail") .
+ show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by email"), 4, 5),
+ 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n" .
+ html_tag( 'th', _("Info") .
+ show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by info"), 6, 7),
+ 'left', '', 'width="1%"' ) . "\n",
+ '', $color[9] ) . "\n";
// Separate different backends with <hr />
if($prevbackend > 0) {
echo html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td', "<hr />", 'center', '' ,'colspan="5"' )
- );
+ html_tag( 'td', "<hr />", 'center', '' ,'colspan="5"' )
+ );
// Print backend name
echo html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'td', "\n" . '<strong>' . $row['source'] . '</strong>' . "\n", 'center', $color[0] ,'colspan="5"' )
- );
+ );
$line = 0;
$headerprinted = true;
} /* End of header */
$prevbackend = $row['backend'];
/* Check if this user is selected */
$selected = in_array($row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname'], $defselected);
/* Print one row, with alternating color */
- if ($line % 2) {
+ if ($line % 2) {
$tr_bgcolor = $color[12];
} else {
$tr_bgcolor = $color[4];
- if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP')
- {
- echo html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor);
- if ($abook->backends[$row['backend']]->writeable) {
- echo html_tag( 'td',
- '<small>' .
- addCheckBox('sel[]', $selected, $row['backend'].':'.$row['nickname']).
- '</small>' ,
- 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
- } else {
- echo html_tag( 'td',
- ' ' ,
- 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
- }
- echo html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['nickname'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
- html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['lastname'] . ' ' . $row['firstname'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
- html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) . ' ';
+ if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP') {
+ echo html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor);
+ if ($abook->backends[$row['backend']]->writeable) {
+ echo html_tag( 'td',
+ '<small>' .
+ addCheckBox('sel[]', $selected, $row['backend'].':'.$row['nickname']).
+ '</small>' ,
+ 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
} else {
- echo html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor);
- if ($abook->backends[$row['backend']]->writeable) {
- echo html_tag( 'td',
- '<small>' .
- '<input type="checkbox" ' . $selected . ' name="sel[]" value="' .
- $row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname'] . '" /></small>' ,
- 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
+ echo html_tag( 'td',
+ ' ' ,
+ 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
+ }
+ echo html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['nickname'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
+ html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['lastname'] . ' ' . $row['firstname'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
+ html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) . ' ';
} else {
- echo html_tag( 'td',
- ' ' ,
- 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
- }
- echo html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['nickname'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
- html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['name'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
- html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) . ' ';
+ echo html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor);
+ if ($abook->backends[$row['backend']]->writeable) {
+ echo html_tag( 'td',
+ '<small>' .
+ addCheckBox('sel[]', $selected, $row['backend'] . ':' . $row['nickname']).
+ '</small>' ,
+ 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
+ } else {
+ echo html_tag( 'td',
+ ' ' ,
+ 'center', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' );
+ echo html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['nickname'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
+ html_tag( 'td', ' ' . $row['name'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) .
+ html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%" nowrap' ) . ' ';
+ }
$email = $abook->full_address($row);
echo makeComposeLink('src/compose.php?send_to='.rawurlencode($email),
- htmlspecialchars($row['email']) ) .
- ' </td>'."\n".
- html_tag( 'td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['label']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' ) .
- "</tr>\n";
+ htmlspecialchars($row['email'])).
+ ' </td>'."\n".
+ html_tag( 'td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['label']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'valign="top" width="1%"' ) .
+ "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>" .
- "\n<!-- end of address book table -->\n";
+ "\n<!-- end of address book table -->\n";
/* End of list. Add edit/delete select buttons */
if ($headerprinted) {
echo html_tag( 'table',
html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'td',
- '<input type="submit" name="editaddr" value="' . _("Edit selected") .
- "\" />\n" .
- '<input type="submit" name="deladdr" value="' . _("Delete selected") .
- "\" />\n",
+ addSubmit(_("Edit selected"), 'editaddr') .
+ addSubmit(_("Delete selected"), 'deladdr'),
'center', '', 'colspan="5"' )
- 'center' );
+ 'center' );
echo "</form>\n";
/* Display the "new address" form */
echo '<a name="AddAddress"></a>' . "\n" .
- '<form action="' . $form_url . '" name="f_add" method="post">' . "\n" .
+ addForm($form_url, 'post', 'f_add').
html_tag( 'table',
html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'td', "\n". '<strong>' . _("Add to address book") . '</strong>' . "\n",
'center', $color[0]
+ )
- )
- , 'center', '', 'width="100%"' ) ."\n";
+ , 'center', '', 'width="100%"' ) ."\n";
address_form('addaddr', _("Add address"), $defdata);
echo "</form>\n";