$function = $config->customTranslateFunction;
- else {
- // don't _translate_ anything until bootstrap has progressed enough
- $params['skip_translation'] = 1;
- }
$activeLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale();
--- /dev/null
+namespace E2E\Core;
+ * Class LocalizedDataTest
+ * @package E2E\Core
+ * @group e2e
+ */
+class LocalizedDataTest extends \CiviEndToEndTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Smoke test to check that "civicrm_data*.mysql" files contain
+ * translated strings.
+ */
+ public function testLocalizedData() {
+ $getSql = function($locale) {
+ $path = \Civi::paths()->getPath("[civicrm.root]/sql/civicrm_data.{$locale}.mysql");
+ $this->assertFileExists($path);
+ return file_get_contents($path);
+ };
+ $sqls = [
+ 'de_DE' => $getSql('de_DE'),
+ 'fr_FR' => $getSql('fr_FR'),
+ ];
+ $pats = [
+ 'de_DE' => '/new_organization.*Neue Organisation/i',
+ 'fr_FR' => '/new_organization.*Nouvelle organisation/i',
+ ];
+ $match = function($sqlLocale, $patLocale) use ($pats, $sqls) {
+ return (bool) preg_match($pats[$patLocale], $sqls[$sqlLocale]);
+ };
+ $this->assertTrue($match('de_DE', 'de_DE'), 'The German SQL should match the German pattern.');
+ $this->assertTrue($match('fr_FR', 'fr_FR'), 'The French SQL should match the French pattern.');
+ $this->assertFalse($match('de_DE', 'fr_FR'), 'The German SQL should not match the French pattern.');
+ $this->assertFalse($match('fr_FR', 'de_DE'), 'The French SQL should not match the German pattern.');
+ }