# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
-version = '1.2.5'
+version = '1.2.6'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '1.2.5'
+release = '1.2.6'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
Show profile of a specific user
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ try:
+ screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ return
if screen_name.startswith('@'):
user = t.users.show(
Friend view
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- user = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ try:
+ user = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ return
if user[0] == '@':
num = int(g['stuff'].split()[1])
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
# Setup query
query = g['stuff'].strip()
+ if not query:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ return
type = c['SEARCH_TYPE']
if type not in ['mixed', 'recent', 'popular']:
type = 'mixed'
target = g['stuff'].split()[0]
printNicely(red('Omg some syntax is wrong.'))
+ return
# Init cursor
d = {'fl': 'followers', 'fr': 'friends'}
next_cursor = -1