def __init__(self, connection, id, name=None):
self._connection = connection, = id, name
+ self._cached = []
- def _getajax(self):
- """Returns HTML returned when editing aspects via web UI.
- """
- start_regexp = re.compile('<ul +class=["\']contacts["\'] *>')
- ajax = self._connection.get('aspects/{0}/edit'.format(
- begin = ajax.find(
- end = ajax.find('</ul>')
- return ajax[begin:end]
- def _extractusernames(self, ajax):
- """Extracts usernames and GUIDs from ajax returned by Diaspora*.
- Returns list of two-tuples: (guid, diaspora_name).
- """
- userline_regexp = re.compile('<a href=["\']/people/[a-z0-9]{16,16}["\']>[\w()*@. -]+</a>')
- return [(line[17:33], re.escape(line[35:-4])) for line in userline_regexp.findall(ajax)]
- def _extractpersonids(self, ajax, usernames):
- """Extracts `person_id`s and usernames from ajax and list of usernames.
- Returns list of two-tuples: (username, id)
- """
- personid_regexp = 'alt=["\']{0}["\'] class=["\']avatar["\'] data-person_id=["\'][0-9]+["\']'
- personids = [re.compile(personid_regexp.format(name)).search(ajax).group(0) for guid, name in usernames]
- for n, line in enumerate(personids):
- i, id = -2, ''
- while line[i].isdigit():
- id = line[i] + id
- i -= 1
- personids[n] = (usernames[n][1], id)
- return personids
- def _defineusers(self, ajax, personids):
- """Gets users contained in this aspect by getting users who have `delete` method.
- """
- method_regexp = 'data-method="delete" data-person_id="{0}"'
- users = []
- for name, id in personids:
- if re.compile(method_regexp.format(id)).search(ajax): users.append(name)
- return users
- def _getguids(self, users_in_aspect, usernames):
- """Defines users contained in this aspect.
- """
- guids = []
- for guid, name in usernames:
- if name in users_in_aspect: guids.append(guid)
- return guids
- def getUsers(self):
+ def getUsers(self, fetch = True):
"""Returns list of GUIDs of users who are listed in this aspect.
- ajax = self._getajax()
- usernames = self._extractusernames(ajax)
- personids = self._extractpersonids(ajax, usernames)
- users_in_aspect = self._defineusers(ajax, personids)
- return self._getguids(users_in_aspect, usernames)
+ if fetch:
+ request = self._connection.get('contacts.json?a_id={}'.format(
+ self._cached = request.json()
+ return self._cached
def addUser(self, user):
"""Add user to current aspect.