- /**
- *
- * Function to check how many contact exits in db for given criteria,
- * if one then return contact id else null
- */
- static function contact() {
- $name = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_GET['name'], 'String');
- $query = "
-FROM civicrm_contact
-WHERE sort_name LIKE '%$name%'";
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
- $dao->fetch();
- if ($dao->N == 1) {
- echo $dao->id;
- }
- CRM_Utils_System::civiExit();
- }
* Function to delete custom value
<access_arguments>access CiviCRM</access_arguments>
- <path>civicrm/ajax/contact</path>
- <page_callback>CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX::contact</page_callback>
- <access_arguments>access CiviCRM</access_arguments>
$('#sort_name_navigation').attr({name: value, placeholder: label}).focus();
- // check if there is only one contact and redirect to view page
+ // redirect to view page if there is only one contact
$('#id_search_block').on('submit', function() {
- var contactId, sortValue = $('#sort_name_navigation').val();
- if (sortValue && $('#sort_name_navigation').attr('name') == 'sort_name') {
- {/literal}{*
- // FIXME: async:false == bad,
- // we should just check the autocomplete results instead of firing a new request
- // when we fix this, the civicrm/ajax/contact server-side callback can be removed as well
- // also that would fix the fact that this only works with sort_name search
- // (and we can remove the above conditional)
- *}{literal}
- var dataUrl = {/literal}"{crmURL p='civicrm/ajax/contact' h=0 q='name='}"{literal} + sortValue;
- contactId = $.ajax({
- url: dataUrl,
- async: false
- }).responseText;
- }
- if (contactId && !isNaN(parseInt(contactId))) {
- var url = {/literal}"{crmURL p='civicrm/contact/view' h=0 q='reset=1&cid='}"{literal} + contactId;
- this.action = url;
+ var $menu = $('#sort_name_navigation').crmAutocomplete('widget');
+ if ($('li.ui-menu-item', $menu).length === 1) {
+ var cid = $('li.ui-menu-item', $menu).data('ui-autocomplete-item').value;
+ document.location = CRM.url('civicrm/contact/view', {reset: 1, cid: cid});
+ return false;