Removing all the pages that were carried over from last year but didn't actually...
authorZak Rogoff <>
Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:26:44 +0000 (17:26 -0500)
committerZak Rogoff <>
Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:26:44 +0000 (17:26 -0500)
26 files changed:
2016/call_for_sessions/confirmation.html [deleted file]
2016/call_for_sessions/index.html [deleted file]
2016/discussion_list/index.html [deleted file]
2016/exhibit/confirmation.html [deleted file]
2016/exhibit/index.html [deleted file]
2016/exhibit/payment_confirmation.html [deleted file]
2016/live/confirmation.html [deleted file]
2016/live/index.html [deleted file]
2016/live/menu.html [deleted file]
2016/live/room123.html [deleted file]
2016/live/room141.html [deleted file]
2016/live/room155.html [deleted file]
2016/mailing-list/index.html [deleted file]
2016/mailing_list.html [deleted file]
2016/program/exhibit-hall.html [deleted file]
2016/program/grid-schedule.html [deleted file]
2016/program/index.html [deleted file]
2016/program/schedule.html [deleted file]
2016/program/social.html [deleted file]
2016/program/speakers.html [deleted file]
2016/scholarships/confirmation.html [deleted file]
2016/scholarships/index.html [deleted file]
2016/sponsors/index.html [deleted file]
2016/volunteer/confirmation.html [deleted file]
2016/volunteer/index.html [deleted file]

diff --git a/2016/call_for_sessions/confirmation.html b/2016/call_for_sessions/confirmation.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e6c02b8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Call for Sessions Confirmation</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-                       <h2> Call for Sessions</h2>
-                       <p>
-                         Thanks for proposing a session! The FSF will review your proposal and follow up via email.
-                       </p>
-                       <div class="alert alert-info margin-top">
-                         <p>
-                               <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox"></span>
-                               <strong>Please check your email for a confirmation link.</strong>
-                         </p>
-                       </div>
-                       <p>
-                         <a href="/2015/">
-                               Return to the homepage.
-                         </a>
-                       </p>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/footer.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/common_js.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/cfs_js.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
diff --git a/2016/call_for_sessions/index.html b/2016/call_for_sessions/index.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 7d14f68..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Call for Sessions</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h2> Call for Sessions</h2>
-<p>The Call for Sessions for LibrePlanet 2015 is open from <strong>Monday, September 15th, 2014</strong> to <strong><s>Sunday, November 2nd</s> Sunday, November 9th, 2014 at 19:59 EST (23:59 UTC)</strong>.</p>
-<p>This year, the theme of LibrePlanet is "Free Software Everywhere." We're looking for talks that touch on the many places and ways that free software is used around the world, as well as ways to make free software ubiquitous. Think "where" in the broadest sense of the word--it's not just geography-based talks we're after. What are some contexts where free software is thriving, and some others where it needs a push? How have you worked to gain a foothold for free software in your company or community? And what about free software on all of the myriad pieces of hardware we use, including laptops, phones, tablets, and even coffee makers? At LibrePlanet 2015, we're taking software freedom around the world, to outer space, and through all kinds of industries, governments, organizations, fields of study, and communities.</p>
-<h2>Should I submit a session proposal for LibrePlanet?</h2>
-<p>Yes! We encourage speakers of all experience levels to submit a proposal. LibrePlanet is a great place for new and seasoned speakers alike. While LibrePlanet always includes technical talks, our program also emphasizes topics that are appropriate for newcomers. We are especially interested to see proposals from people who use free software or apply its values for social benefit, from academic research to community organizing, education to medicine and the arts. </p>
-<p>While we do not provide honorariums for our speakers, speakers are eligible to apply for travel scholarships (see our list of important dates for more info). So yes, please submit a proposal even if you live far away and aren't sure you can afford a plane ticket!</p>
-<h2>Important dates (subject to change)</h2>
-<li>September 15: Call for sessions opens  </li>
-<li>November 2: Call for sessions deadline  </li>
-<li>Week of December 15 <s>December 8</s>: Speakers notified  </li>
-<li>January 15: Conference schedule announced  </li>
-<h2>Some ideas for sessions</h2>
-<li>Sharing a story of how free software has been applied for social benefit</li>
-<li>Tackling a threat or organizing challenge facing the free software movement</li>
-<li>Demonstrating a new and exciting piece of software or development within an existing software project</li>
-<li>Engaging youth, the future of the free software movement. We're looking for proposals for all age groups, from young children, to high school age, to college students</li>
-<li>Thinking critically about challenges and opportunities facing the movement, and charting a path to victory</li>
-<li>Bringing a key part of free software history to life</li>
-<li>Giving newcomers a way to learn about free software principles and philosophy, and/or giving newcomers a way to start using free software in their daily lives</li>
-<p>At LibrePlanet, we are looking for sessions that embrace the free software movement's ideals and also its language. For example, successful proposals will use phrases like "free software" and avoid phrases like "open source." </p>
-<h2>Past sessions</h2>
-  <li><a href="">2014</a></li>
-  <li><a href="">2013</a></li>
-<h2>Other ways to engage</h2>
-<p>There is also a place on the proposal form to indicate if you would like to participate in the conference in other ways in addition to your session – by framing and moderating a panel; facilitating a caucus space; sharing media-making skills; demonstrating something cool in the exhibit hall; or blogging about the conference. Please let us know about the community-building skills you have to share!</p>
-                       <form action=";reset=1"
-                                 class="form-horizontal margin-top" method="post" name="Edit"
-                          id="Edit1" >
-                         <div>
-                               <input name="entryURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value=";amp;reset=1&amp;amp;delete=1&amp;amp;cid=743827" />
-                               <!-- change the below URL to
-                                        before merging to stable branch -->
-                               <input name="postURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value="confirmation.html" />
-                               <!-- change the below URL to
-                                        before merging to stable branch -->
-                               <input name="cancelURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value="" />
-                               <input name="add_to_group" type="hidden" value="804" />
-                               <input name="_qf_default" type="hidden" value="Edit:cancel" />
-                         </div>
-                         <div id="crm-container1" class="crm-container crm-public" lang="en"
-                                  xml:lang="en">
-                               <div id="editrow-first_name" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="first_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       First Name
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input  name="first_name"
-                                                       type="text" id="first_name"
-                                                       class="form-control" required>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-last_name" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="last_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Last Name
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input  name="last_name"
-                                                       type="text" id="last_name" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-current_employer" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="current_employer" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Organization
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="current_employer"
-                                                  type="text"
-                                                  id="current_employer" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <p>We'll put your organization on your speaker name tag if your presentation is accepted.</p>
-                               <div id="editrow-email-Primary1"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="email-Primary1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Email
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="email-Primary" type="email"
-                                                  id="email-Primary1"
-                                                  class="form-control" required>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-phone-Primary-1"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="phone-Primary-1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Phone
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="phone-Primary-1" type="tel"
-                                                  id="phone-Primary-1" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-country-Primary" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="country-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Country
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <select name="country-Primary" id="country-Primary"
-                                                       class="form-control">
-                                         <option value="">- select -</option>
-                                         <option value="1228" selected="selected">United States</option>
-                                         <option value="1001">Afghanistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1241">Åland Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1002">Albania</option>
-                                         <option value="1003">Algeria</option>
-                                         <option value="1004">American Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1005">Andorra</option>
-                                         <option value="1006">Angola</option>
-                                         <option value="1007">Anguilla</option>
-                                         <option value="1008">Antarctica</option>
-                                         <option value="1009">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
-                                         <option value="1010">Argentina</option>
-                                         <option value="1011">Armenia</option>
-                                         <option value="1012">Aruba</option>
-                                         <option value="1013">Australia</option>
-                                         <option value="1014">Austria</option>
-                                         <option value="1015">Azerbaijan</option>
-                                         <option value="1212">Bahamas</option>
-                                         <option value="1016">Bahrain</option>
-                                         <option value="1017">Bangladesh</option>
-                                         <option value="1018">Barbados</option>
-                                         <option value="1019">Belarus</option>
-                                         <option value="1020">Belgium</option>
-                                         <option value="1021">Belize</option>
-                                         <option value="1022">Benin</option>
-                                         <option value="1023">Bermuda</option>
-                                         <option value="1024">Bhutan</option>
-                                         <option value="1025">Bolivia</option>
-                                         <option value="1250">Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba</option>
-                                         <option value="1026">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
-                                         <option value="1027">Botswana</option>
-                                         <option value="1028">Bouvet Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1029">Brazil</option>
-                                         <option value="1030">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
-                                         <option value="1032">Brunei Darussalam</option>
-                                         <option value="1033">Bulgaria</option>
-                                         <option value="1034">Burkina Faso</option>
-                                         <option value="1036">Burundi</option>
-                                         <option value="1037">Cambodia</option>
-                                         <option value="1038">Cameroon</option>
-                                         <option value="1039">Canada</option>
-                                         <option value="1040">Cape Verde</option>
-                                         <option value="1041">Cayman Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1042">Central African Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1043">Chad</option>
-                                         <option value="1044">Chile</option>
-                                         <option value="1045">China</option>
-                                         <option value="1046">Christmas Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1047">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1048">Colombia</option>
-                                         <option value="1049">Comoros</option>
-                                         <option value="1051">Congo, Republic of the</option>
-                                         <option value="1050">Congo, The Democratic Republic of the</option>
-                                         <option value="1052">Cook Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1053">Costa Rica</option>
-                                         <option value="1054">Côte d'Ivoire</option>
-                                         <option value="1055">Croatia</option>
-                                         <option value="1056">Cuba</option>
-                                         <option value="1248">Curaçao</option>
-                                         <option value="1057">Cyprus</option>
-                                         <option value="1058">Czech Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1059">Denmark</option>
-                                         <option value="1060">Djibouti</option>
-                                         <option value="1061">Dominica</option>
-                                         <option value="1062">Dominican Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1064">Ecuador</option>
-                                         <option value="1065">Egypt</option>
-                                         <option value="1066">El Salvador</option>
-                                         <option value="1067">Equatorial Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1068">Eritrea</option>
-                                         <option value="1069">Estonia</option>
-                                         <option value="1070">Ethiopia</option>
-                                         <option value="1072">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
-                                         <option value="1073">Faroe Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1074">Fiji</option>
-                                         <option value="1075">Finland</option>
-                                         <option value="1076">France</option>
-                                         <option value="1077">French Guiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1078">French Polynesia</option>
-                                         <option value="1079">French Southern Territories</option>
-                                         <option value="1080">Gabon</option>
-                                         <option value="1213">Gambia</option>
-                                         <option value="1081">Georgia</option>
-                                         <option value="1082">Germany</option>
-                                         <option value="1083">Ghana</option>
-                                         <option value="1084">Gibraltar</option>
-                                         <option value="1085">Greece</option>
-                                         <option value="1086">Greenland</option>
-                                         <option value="1087">Grenada</option>
-                                         <option value="1088">Guadeloupe</option>
-                                         <option value="1089">Guam</option>
-                                         <option value="1090">Guatemala</option>
-                                         <option value="1245">Guernsey</option>
-                                         <option value="1091">Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1092">Guinea-Bissau</option>
-                                         <option value="1093">Guyana</option>
-                                         <option value="1094">Haiti</option>
-                                         <option value="1095">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1096">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
-                                         <option value="1097">Honduras</option>
-                                         <option value="1098">Hong Kong</option>
-                                         <option value="1099">Hungary</option>
-                                         <option value="1100">Iceland</option>
-                                         <option value="1101">India</option>
-                                         <option value="1102">Indonesia</option>
-                                         <option value="1103">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1104">Iraq</option>
-                                         <option value="1105">Ireland</option>
-                                         <option value="1246">Isle of Man</option>
-                                         <option value="1106">Israel</option>
-                                         <option value="1107">Italy</option>
-                                         <option value="1108">Jamaica</option>
-                                         <option value="1109">Japan</option>
-                                         <option value="1244">Jersey</option>
-                                         <option value="1110">Jordan</option>
-                                         <option value="1111">Kazakhstan</option>
-                                         <option value="1112">Kenya</option>
-                                         <option value="1113">Kiribati</option>
-                                         <option value="1114">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1115">Korea, Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1251">Kosovo</option>
-                                         <option value="1116">Kuwait</option>
-                                         <option value="1117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
-                                         <option value="1118">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1119">Latvia</option>
-                                         <option value="1120">Lebanon</option>
-                                         <option value="1121">Lesotho</option>
-                                         <option value="1122">Liberia</option>
-                                         <option value="1123">Libya</option>
-                                         <option value="1124">Liechtenstein</option>
-                                         <option value="1125">Lithuania</option>
-                                         <option value="1126">Luxembourg</option>
-                                         <option value="1127">Macao</option>
-                                         <option value="1128">Macedonia, Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1129">Madagascar</option>
-                                         <option value="1130">Malawi</option>
-                                         <option value="1131">Malaysia</option>
-                                         <option value="1132">Maldives</option>
-                                         <option value="1133">Mali</option>
-                                         <option value="1134">Malta</option>
-                                         <option value="1135">Marshall Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1136">Martinique</option>
-                                         <option value="1137">Mauritania</option>
-                                         <option value="1138">Mauritius</option>
-                                         <option value="1139">Mayotte</option>
-                                         <option value="1140">Mexico</option>
-                                         <option value="1141">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
-                                         <option value="1142">Moldova</option>
-                                         <option value="1143">Monaco</option>
-                                         <option value="1144">Mongolia</option>
-                                         <option value="1243">Montenegro</option>
-                                         <option value="1145">Montserrat</option>
-                                         <option value="1146">Morocco</option>
-                                         <option value="1147">Mozambique</option>
-                                         <option value="1035">Myanmar</option>
-                                         <option value="1148">Namibia</option>
-                                         <option value="1149">Nauru</option>
-                                         <option value="1150">Nepal</option>
-                                         <option value="1152">Netherlands</option>
-                                         <option value="1153">New Caledonia</option>
-                                         <option value="1154">New Zealand</option>
-                                         <option value="1155">Nicaragua</option>
-                                         <option value="1156">Niger</option>
-                                         <option value="1157">Nigeria</option>
-                                         <option value="1158">Niue</option>
-                                         <option value="1159">Norfolk Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1160">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1161">Norway</option>
-                                         <option value="1162">Oman</option>
-                                         <option value="1163">Pakistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1164">Palau</option>
-                                         <option value="1165">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
-                                         <option value="1166">Panama</option>
-                                         <option value="1167">Papua New Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1168">Paraguay</option>
-                                         <option value="1169">Peru</option>
-                                         <option value="1170">Philippines</option>
-                                         <option value="1171">Pitcairn</option>
-                                         <option value="1172">Poland</option>
-                                         <option value="1173">Portugal</option>
-                                         <option value="1174">Puerto Rico</option>
-                                         <option value="1175">Qatar</option>
-                                         <option value="1179">Reunion</option>
-                                         <option value="1176">Romania</option>
-                                         <option value="1177">Russian Federation</option>
-                                         <option value="1178">Rwanda</option>
-                                         <option value="1180">Saint Helena</option>
-                                         <option value="1181">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
-                                         <option value="1182">Saint Lucia</option>
-                                         <option value="1183">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
-                                         <option value="1184">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
-                                         <option value="1185">Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1186">San Marino</option>
-                                         <option value="1207">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
-                                         <option value="1187">Saudi Arabia</option>
-                                         <option value="1188">Senegal</option>
-                                         <option value="1242">Serbia</option>
-                                         <option value="1238">Serbia and Montenegro</option>
-                                         <option value="1189">Seychelles</option>
-                                         <option value="1190">Sierra Leone</option>
-                                         <option value="1191">Singapore</option>
-                                         <option value="1249">Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)</option>
-                                         <option value="1192">Slovakia</option>
-                                         <option value="1193">Slovenia</option>
-                                         <option value="1194">Solomon Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1195">Somalia</option>
-                                         <option value="1196">South Africa</option>
-                                         <option value="1197">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1247">South Sudan</option>
-                                         <option value="1198">Spain</option>
-                                         <option value="1199">Sri Lanka</option>
-                                         <option value="1200">Sudan</option>
-                                         <option value="1201">Suriname</option>
-                                         <option value="1202">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
-                                         <option value="1203">Swaziland</option>
-                                         <option value="1204">Sweden</option>
-                                         <option value="1205">Switzerland</option>
-                                         <option value="1206">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1208">Taiwan</option>
-                                         <option value="1209">Tajikistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1210">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1211">Thailand</option>
-                                         <option value="1063">Timor-Leste</option>
-                                         <option value="1214">Togo</option>
-                                         <option value="1215">Tokelau</option>
-                                         <option value="1216">Tonga</option>
-                                         <option value="1217">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
-                                         <option value="1218">Tunisia</option>
-                                         <option value="1219">Turkey</option>
-                                         <option value="1220">Turkmenistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1221">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1222">Tuvalu</option>
-                                         <option value="1223">Uganda</option>
-                                         <option value="1224">Ukraine</option>
-                                         <option value="1225">United Arab Emirates</option>
-                                         <option value="1226">United Kingdom</option>
-                                         <option value="1227">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1229">Uruguay</option>
-                                         <option value="1230">Uzbekistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1231">Vanuatu</option>
-                                         <option value="1232">Venezuela</option>
-                                         <option value="1233">Viet Nam</option>
-                                         <option value="1031">Virgin Islands, British</option>
-                                         <option value="1234">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
-                                         <option value="1235">Wallis and Futuna</option>
-                                         <option value="1236">Western Sahara</option>
-                                         <option value="1237">Yemen</option>
-                                         <option value="1239">Zambia</option>
-                                         <option value="1240">Zimbabwe</option>
-                                       </select>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="crm-section
-                                                       helprow-custom_117-section"
-                                        id="helprow-custom_117">
-                                 <br/>
-                                 <h3>Session information</h3>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_187"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Session type
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-9">
-                                   <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Individual_Presentation_2"
-                                          class="radio-inline">
-                                     <input value="Individual Presentation"
-                                             type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_Individual_Presentation_2"
-                                            name="custom_187" required />
-                                     Individual Presentation
-                                   </label>
-                                   <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Panel_4"
-                                          class="radio-inline">
-                                     <input value="Panel" type="radio"
-                                            id="CIVICRM_QFID_Panel_4" name="custom_187" />
-                                     Panel
-                                   </label>
-                                   <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Workshop_6"
-                                          class="radio-inline">
-                                     <input value="Workshop"
-                                            type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_Workshop_6"
-                                            name="custom_187"/>
-                                     Workshop
-                                   </label>
-                                   <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Strategic_Action_Session_8"
-                                          class="radio-inline">
-                                     <input value="Strategic Action Session" type="radio"
-                                            id="CIVICRM_QFID_Strategic_Action_Session_8" name="custom_187"/>
-                                     Strategic Action Session
-                                   </label>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="form-group"
-                                        id="helprow-custom_1171">
-                                       <p><strong>Individual presentations</strong></p>
-                                       <p>Presentations are typically 45 minutes in length. This is an
-                                         opportunity to talk about your software project, organizing effort,
-                                         licensing knowledge, or just something you've learned from using free
-                                         software, with time for discussion. Describe your proposal, your
-                                         background, how it relates to the conference theme, and what you hope
-                                         participants will gain from your presentation.  </p>
-                                       <p><strong>Panels</strong></p>
-                                       <p>Panels are typically 1 ½ hours long and are composed of three or more
-                                         people who want to engage deeply with a particular question, challenge,
-                                         or theme. Describe your proposal, how it relates to the conference
-                                         theme, and what you hope participants will gain from your presentation.
-                                         We encourage you to propose a full list of panelists from diverse
-                                         backgrounds. In addition to you own biography, please use the "Presenter
-                                         bio(s)" field to include biographical and contact information for each
-                                         panelist and indicate whether you have approached them about
-                                         participating in your panel. If accepted, we will work with you and
-                                         connect you with similar proposals. In some cases we may combine
-                                         proposals or add speakers to a proposed panel.</p>
-                                       <p><strong>Workshops</strong></p>
-                                       <p>Workshops are generally 1 ½ hours long and are submitted by one or
-                                         more people who have an intersectional, interactive presentation to
-                                         share. Workshops take many formats – from software or hardware
-                                         demonstrations, to workshops for new contributors, to skillshares and
-                                         tutorials. If you are submitting a proposal for a workshop, please
-                                         describe the goals and take-aways for the session. In addition to you
-                                         own biography, please use the "Presenter bio(s)" field to include
-                                         biographical and contact information for each panelist and indicate
-                                         whether you have approached them about participating in your workshop. </p>
-                                       <p><strong>Strategic Action Sessions</strong>  </p>
-                                       <p>Strategic action sessions are generally 1 ½ hours long and provide a
-                                         space for activists to learn from each other’s organizing work and share
-                                         strategies, successes, and challenges. Examples of strategy sessions
-                                         might include: starting a local user group, discussing how to message
-                                         free software to political activists, sharing PR best practices to
-                                         promote free software, among others.  </p>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_118"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_189" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Session title
-                                       (no more than 80 characters, please)
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-7">
-                                       <textarea name="custom_189" rows="4"
-                                                         id="custom_189"
-                                                         class="form-control" required></textarea>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="form-group"
-                                        id="helprow-custom_118">
-                                       The working title for your proposed session. If your
-                                       session is accepted, we will contact you to finalize the title and
-                                       description.
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_188"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_188" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Session description
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-7">
-                                       <textarea rows="4"
-                                                         name="custom_188" id="custom_188"
-                                                         class="form-control" required></textarea>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_181"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_181" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Presenter bio(s)
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-7">
-                                       <textarea rows="4"
-                                                         name="custom_181" id="custom_181"
-                                                         class="form-control" required></textarea>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_183" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_183" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Other ways to participate
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-7">
-                                       <textarea
-                                          rows="4" name="custom_183" id="custom_183"
-                                          class="form-control"></textarea>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="form-group" id="helprow-custom_142">
-                                 <p>Would you like to participate in the conference in other
-                                       ways – by framing and moderating a panel; facilitating a caucus space;
-                                       sharing media-making skills, or blogging about the conference? Please
-                                       let us know about the community-building skills you have to
-                                       share!</p>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="form-group"
-                                        id="helprow-custom_140">
-                                       <br>
-                                       <h3>Identity and demographics</h3>
-                                       <p>LibrePlanet is committed to increasing the diversity of the free
-                                         software movement, and to making the diversity that already exists more
-                                         visible. To that end, our CFS process takes demographic information
-                                         into account in order to build a program that features as many different
-                                         voices and perspectives as possible. We ask you to please share any demographic information about yourself
-                                         that you are comfortable sharing.</p>
-                                       <p><strong>Your proposal will not be judged negatively if you decline to
-                                               answer any of the following questions.</strong></p>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_185"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_185" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Race/Ethnicity
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="custom_185"
-                                                  type="text"
-                                                  id="custom_185" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_184"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_184" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Gender
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="custom_184"
-                                                  type="text"
-                                                  id="custom_184" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                                  <div id="editrow-custom_186"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_186" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Anything else you'd like to share about your identity?
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-7">
-                                       <textarea
-                                          rows="4"
-                                          name="custom_186" id="custom_186"
-                                          class="form-control"></textarea></div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="form-group"
-                                        id="helprow-custom_127">
-                                 <br>
-                                 <h3>Miscellaneous</h3>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_179"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Have you come to the conference before?
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-9">
-                                       <input type="hidden"
-                                                  name="custom_179[attended previous conference(s)]" value="" />
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline"
-                                          for="custom_179_attended_previous_conference(s)">
-                                         <input
-                                                id="custom_179_attended_previous_conference(s)"
-                                                name="custom_179[attended previous conference(s)]"
-                                                type="checkbox"
-                                                value="1" />
-                                         Attended previous conference(s)
-                                       </label>
-                                       <input type="hidden"
-                                                  name="custom_179[received travel stipend to attend previous conference(s)]"
-                                                  value="" />
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline"
-                                                  for="custom_179_received_travel_stipend_to_attend_previous_conference(s)">
-                                         <input id="custom_179_received_travel_stipend_to_attend_previous_conference(s)"
-                                                        name="custom_179[received travel stipend to attend previous conference(s)]"
-                                                        type="checkbox" value="1"
-                                                        />
-                                         Received travel stipend to attend
-                                         previous conference(s)</label>
-                                       <input type="hidden"
-                                                  name="custom_179[presented at previous conference(s)]" value="" />
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline" for="custom_179_presented_at_previous_conference(s)">
-                                         <input
-                                                id="custom_179_presented_at_previous_conference(s)"
-                                                name="custom_179[presented at previous conference(s)]" type="checkbox"
-                                                value="1"  />Presented at previous conference(s)</label>
-                                       <input type="hidden" name="custom_179[have not attended]" value="" />
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline"
-                                                  for="custom_179_have_not_attended">
-                                         <input id="custom_179_have_not_attended"
-                                                        name="custom_179[have not attended]" type="checkbox" value="1" />
-                                         Have not attended</label>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-<div id="editrow-custom_197" class="form-group">
-<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">I would like to apply for a travel scholarship</label>
-<div class="col-sm-9">
-<input type="hidden" name="custom_197[yes]" value="" />
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline"
-                                          for="custom_197_yes">
-                                         <input
-                                                id="custom_197_yes"
-                                                name="custom_197[yes]"
-                                                type="checkbox"
-                                                value="1" />
-                                         Yes
-                                       </label>
- </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div class="form-group"
-                                        id="helprow-custom_128">
-                                 <p>We are unable
-                                       to provide honorariums or speaker's fees to presenters at LibrePlanet.
-                                       However, presenters are eligible to apply for travel scholarships which
-                                       may fund or partially fund transportation and hotel
-                                       expenses.</p>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_791"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label class="col-sm-3">
-                                       Would you like to join the FSF's low-volume
-                                       mailing list and receive our monthly newsletter?
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input
-                                          type="hidden" name="custom_79[yes]" value="" />
-                                       <label class="checkbox"
-                                                  for="custom_79_yes1">
-                                         <input id="custom_79_yes1"
-                                                        name="custom_79[yes]"
-                                                        type="checkbox" value="1"
-                                                        checked="checked"
-                                                    />Sign me up!
-                                       </label>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                         </div> <!-- end form-layout-compressed for last profile -->
-                         <div class="form-group">
-                               <p>We will not publish or share your information with any party
-                                 outside the FSF. See our
-                                 <a href="">privacy policy</a>
-                                 for more information.</p>
-                               <p><strong>Please hit save when you complete the form, then check your
-                                       email for a confirmation. Your session proposal will not be submitted
-                                       until you confirm.</strong></p>
-                               <p><strong>Thanks for submitting a proposal!</strong></p>
-                         </div>
-                         <div class="form-group">
-                                 <input class="btn btn-default"
-                                                accesskey="S"
-                                                name="_qf_Edit_next"
-                                                value="Save" type="submit"
-                                                id="_qf_Edit_next1" />
-                         </div>
-                 </form>
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-<FORM Method=POST ACTION=""><input type="hidden" name="sub_form_token" value="1413996711:f7de6b300e463bf154657640489fdcc25524f079">
-       <p>You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
-            prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the
-            list of members is available only to the list administrator.</p>
-       <p><INPUT type="Text" name="email" size="30" value=""></p>
-       <p><INPUT type="Submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe"></p>
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-                       <h2> Exhibitor  <small>application</small> </h2>
-                       <p>
-                         Thanks for applying to exhibit at LibrePlanet. We will review your application and get in touch via email.
-                       </p>
-                       <div class="alert alert-info margin-top">
-                         <p>
-                               <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox"></span>
-                               <strong>Please check your email for a confirmation link.</strong>
-                         </p>
-                       </div>
-                       <p>
-                         <a href="/2015/">
-                               Return to the homepage.
-                         </a>
-                       </p>
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-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Exhibitor Application</title>
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-                       <h1> Exhibitor Application</h1>
-                       <p>LibrePlanet is the perfect place to
-                         spread the word about your organization to an audience of hundreds of software developers, free
-                         software activists, academics, students, and computer users. Exhibitor tables will be located in a highly visible primary
-                         thoroughfare for both of the two days of the conference.
-                       </p>
-                       <p>Exhibitors will be accepted on a rolling basis. &nbsp;We will get in touch once we receive your
-                         application. If you have questions, please contact <a href=""></a>.&nbsp;Please
-                         note we offer discounted rates for non-profit
-                         organizations.
-                       </p>
-                       <p>Here is a list of the kinds of groups that might exhibit at our
-                         conference:</p>
-                       <ul>
-                         <li>Free software related organizations</li>
-                         <li>Free software projects</li>
-                         <li>Businesses offering hardware that the FSF endorses or certifies</li>
-                         <li>Companies that provide free software services</li>
-                         <li>Colleges and universities</li>
-                       </ul>
-                       <h3><span id="Tables" class="mw-headline">Tables</span></h3>
-                       <p>All exhibits will include:</p>
-                       <ul>
-                         <li>Two complimentary conference registrations</li>
-                         <li>Wireless Internet</li>
-                         <li>Organization's name listed in the conference program</li>
-                         <li>Display table</li>
-                         <li>Two folding chairs</li>
-                         <li>Exhibitor sign</li>
-                       </ul>
-                       <p>Exhibits for nonprofit organizations cost $250. Exhibits for
-                         for-profit organizations cost $800.</p>
-                       <form class="form-horizontal"
-                                 action=";reset=1"
-                                 method="post" name="Edit" id="Edit1" >
-                         <div>
-                               <input name="entryURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value=";reset=1/field/update?reset=1&amp;amp;action=update&amp;amp;id=2925&amp;amp;gid=326" />
-                               <!-- change the below URL to
-                                        before merging to stable branch -->
-                               <input name="postURL" type="hidden"
-                                                 value="" />
-                               <!-- change the below URL to
-                                        before merging to stable branch -->
-                               <input name="cancelURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value="" />
-                               <input name="add_to_group" type="hidden" value="803" />
-                               <input name="_qf_default" type="hidden" value="Edit:cancel" />
-                         </div>
-                         <div id="crm-container1" class="crm-container crm-public" lang="en"
-                                  xml:lang="en">
-                               <div id="editrow-organization_name" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="organization_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Organization Name
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="organization_name"
-                                                  type="text" id="organization_name"
-                                                  class="form-control" required />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_190"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_190" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Exhibitor type
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <select name="custom_190"
-                                                       id="custom_190" class="form-control" required>
-                                         <option value="">- select -</option>
-                                         <option value="1">Non-profit ($250)</option>
-                                         <option value="2">Commercial ($800)</option>
-                                       </select>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-url-1" class="form-group">
-                                 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label" for="url-1">
-                                       Website
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input onfocus="if (!this.value) {  this.value='http://';} else return false" onblur="if ( this.value == 'http://') {  this.value='';} else return false" name="url-1" type="text" id="url-1" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-nick_name" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="nick_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Contact Name
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="nick_name"
-                                                  type="text" id="nick_name"
-                                                  class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-phone-Primary-1" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="phone-Primary-1"
-                                                class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Phone
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="phone-Primary-1" type="tel"
-                                                  id="phone-Primary-1" class="form-control"
-                                                  />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-email-Primary1" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="email-Primary1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Email
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="email-Primary" type="email" id="email-Primary1"
-                                                  class="form-control" required>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-street_address-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="street_address-Primary"
-                                                class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Street Address
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-6">
-                                       <input
-                                          name="street_address-Primary" type="text"
-                                          id="street_address-Primary" class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-city-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="city-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       City
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input
-                                          name="city-Primary" type="text"
-                                          id="city-Primary" class="form-control"/>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-state_province-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="state_province-Primary"
-                                                class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       State
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <select name="state_province-Primary"
-                                                       id="state_province-Primary"
-                                                       class="form-control">
-                                         <option value="">- select -</option>
-                                         <option value="1000">Alabama</option>
-                                         <option value="1001">Alaska</option>
-                                         <option value="1052">American Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1002">Arizona</option>
-                                         <option value="1003">Arkansas</option>
-                                         <option value="1060">Armed Forces Americas</option>
-                                         <option value="1059">Armed Forces Europe</option>
-                                         <option value="1061">Armed Forces Pacific</option>
-                                         <option value="1004">California</option>
-                                         <option value="1005">Colorado</option>
-                                         <option value="1006">Connecticut</option>
-                                         <option value="1007">Delaware</option>
-                                         <option value="1050">District of Columbia</option>
-                                         <option value="1008">Florida</option>
-                                         <option value="1009">Georgia</option>
-                                         <option value="1053">Guam</option>
-                                         <option value="1010">Hawaii</option>
-                                         <option value="1011">Idaho</option>
-                                         <option value="1012">Illinois</option>
-                                         <option value="1013">Indiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1014">Iowa</option>
-                                         <option value="1015">Kansas</option>
-                                         <option value="1016">Kentucky</option>
-                                         <option value="1017">Louisiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1018">Maine</option>
-                                         <option value="1019">Maryland</option>
-                                         <option value="1020">Massachusetts</option>
-                                         <option value="1021">Michigan</option>
-                                         <option value="1022">Minnesota</option>
-                                         <option value="1023">Mississippi</option>
-                                         <option value="1024">Missouri</option>
-                                         <option value="1025">Montana</option>
-                                         <option value="1026">Nebraska</option>
-                                         <option value="1027">Nevada</option>
-                                         <option value="1028">New Hampshire</option>
-                                         <option value="1029">New Jersey</option>
-                                         <option value="1030">New Mexico</option>
-                                         <option value="1031">New York</option>
-                                         <option value="1032">North Carolina</option>
-                                         <option value="1033">North Dakota</option>
-                                         <option value="1055">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1034">Ohio</option>
-                                         <option value="1035">Oklahoma</option>
-                                         <option value="1036">Oregon</option>
-                                         <option value="1037">Pennsylvania</option>
-                                         <option value="1056">Puerto Rico</option>
-                                         <option value="1038">Rhode Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1039">South Carolina</option>
-                                         <option value="1040">South Dakota</option>
-                                         <option value="1041">Tennessee</option>
-                                         <option value="1042">Texas</option>
-                                         <option value="1058">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1043">Utah</option>
-                                         <option value="1044">Vermont</option>
-                                         <option value="1057">Virgin Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1045">Virginia</option>
-                                         <option value="1046">Washington</option>
-                                         <option value="1047">West Virginia</option>
-                                         <option value="1048">Wisconsin</option>
-                                         <option value="1049">Wyoming</option>
-                                       </select>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-postal_code-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="postal_code-Primary"
-                                                class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       ZIP
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="postal_code-Primary"
-                                                  type="number" id="postal_code-Primary"
-                                                  class="form-control"/>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-country-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="country-Primary"
-                                                class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Country (if outside the US)
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <select name="country-Primary"
-                                          id="country-Primary" class="form-control">
-                                         <option value="">- select -</option>
-                                         <option value="1228" selected="selected">United States</option>
-                                         <option value="1001">Afghanistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1241">Åland Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1002">Albania</option>
-                                         <option value="1003">Algeria</option>
-                                         <option value="1004">American Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1005">Andorra</option>
-                                         <option value="1006">Angola</option>
-                                         <option value="1007">Anguilla</option>
-                                         <option value="1008">Antarctica</option>
-                                         <option value="1009">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
-                                         <option value="1010">Argentina</option>
-                                         <option value="1011">Armenia</option>
-                                         <option value="1012">Aruba</option>
-                                         <option value="1013">Australia</option>
-                                         <option value="1014">Austria</option>
-                                         <option value="1015">Azerbaijan</option>
-                                         <option value="1212">Bahamas</option>
-                                         <option value="1016">Bahrain</option>
-                                         <option value="1017">Bangladesh</option>
-                                         <option value="1018">Barbados</option>
-                                         <option value="1019">Belarus</option>
-                                         <option value="1020">Belgium</option>
-                                         <option value="1021">Belize</option>
-                                         <option value="1022">Benin</option>
-                                         <option value="1023">Bermuda</option>
-                                         <option value="1024">Bhutan</option>
-                                         <option value="1025">Bolivia</option>
-                                         <option value="1250">Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba</option>
-                                         <option value="1026">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
-                                         <option value="1027">Botswana</option>
-                                         <option value="1028">Bouvet Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1029">Brazil</option>
-                                         <option value="1030">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
-                                         <option value="1032">Brunei Darussalam</option>
-                                         <option value="1033">Bulgaria</option>
-                                         <option value="1034">Burkina Faso</option>
-                                         <option value="1036">Burundi</option>
-                                         <option value="1037">Cambodia</option>
-                                         <option value="1038">Cameroon</option>
-                                         <option value="1039">Canada</option>
-                                         <option value="1040">Cape Verde</option>
-                                         <option value="1041">Cayman Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1042">Central African Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1043">Chad</option>
-                                         <option value="1044">Chile</option>
-                                         <option value="1045">China</option>
-                                         <option value="1046">Christmas Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1047">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1048">Colombia</option>
-                                         <option value="1049">Comoros</option>
-                                         <option value="1051">Congo, Republic of the</option>
-                                         <option value="1050">Congo, The Democratic Republic of the</option>
-                                         <option value="1052">Cook Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1053">Costa Rica</option>
-                                         <option value="1054">Côte d'Ivoire</option>
-                                         <option value="1055">Croatia</option>
-                                         <option value="1056">Cuba</option>
-                                         <option value="1248">Curaçao</option>
-                                         <option value="1057">Cyprus</option>
-                                         <option value="1058">Czech Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1059">Denmark</option>
-                                         <option value="1060">Djibouti</option>
-                                         <option value="1061">Dominica</option>
-                                         <option value="1062">Dominican Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1064">Ecuador</option>
-                                         <option value="1065">Egypt</option>
-                                         <option value="1066">El Salvador</option>
-                                         <option value="1067">Equatorial Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1068">Eritrea</option>
-                                         <option value="1069">Estonia</option>
-                                         <option value="1070">Ethiopia</option>
-                                         <option value="1072">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
-                                         <option value="1073">Faroe Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1074">Fiji</option>
-                                         <option value="1075">Finland</option>
-                                         <option value="1076">France</option>
-                                         <option value="1077">French Guiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1078">French Polynesia</option>
-                                         <option value="1079">French Southern Territories</option>
-                                         <option value="1080">Gabon</option>
-                                         <option value="1213">Gambia</option>
-                                         <option value="1081">Georgia</option>
-                                         <option value="1082">Germany</option>
-                                         <option value="1083">Ghana</option>
-                                         <option value="1084">Gibraltar</option>
-                                         <option value="1085">Greece</option>
-                                         <option value="1086">Greenland</option>
-                                         <option value="1087">Grenada</option>
-                                         <option value="1088">Guadeloupe</option>
-                                         <option value="1089">Guam</option>
-                                         <option value="1090">Guatemala</option>
-                                         <option value="1245">Guernsey</option>
-                                         <option value="1091">Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1092">Guinea-Bissau</option>
-                                         <option value="1093">Guyana</option>
-                                         <option value="1094">Haiti</option>
-                                         <option value="1095">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1096">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
-                                         <option value="1097">Honduras</option>
-                                         <option value="1098">Hong Kong</option>
-                                         <option value="1099">Hungary</option>
-                                         <option value="1100">Iceland</option>
-                                         <option value="1101">India</option>
-                                         <option value="1102">Indonesia</option>
-                                         <option value="1103">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1104">Iraq</option>
-                                         <option value="1105">Ireland</option>
-                                         <option value="1246">Isle of Man</option>
-                                         <option value="1106">Israel</option>
-                                         <option value="1107">Italy</option>
-                                         <option value="1108">Jamaica</option>
-                                         <option value="1109">Japan</option>
-                                         <option value="1244">Jersey</option>
-                                         <option value="1110">Jordan</option>
-                                         <option value="1111">Kazakhstan</option>
-                                         <option value="1112">Kenya</option>
-                                         <option value="1113">Kiribati</option>
-                                         <option value="1114">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1115">Korea, Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1251">Kosovo</option>
-                                         <option value="1116">Kuwait</option>
-                                         <option value="1117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
-                                         <option value="1118">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1119">Latvia</option>
-                                         <option value="1120">Lebanon</option>
-                                         <option value="1121">Lesotho</option>
-                                         <option value="1122">Liberia</option>
-                                         <option value="1123">Libya</option>
-                                         <option value="1124">Liechtenstein</option>
-                                         <option value="1125">Lithuania</option>
-                                         <option value="1126">Luxembourg</option>
-                                         <option value="1127">Macao</option>
-                                         <option value="1128">Macedonia, Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1129">Madagascar</option>
-                                         <option value="1130">Malawi</option>
-                                         <option value="1131">Malaysia</option>
-                                         <option value="1132">Maldives</option>
-                                         <option value="1133">Mali</option>
-                                         <option value="1134">Malta</option>
-                                         <option value="1135">Marshall Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1136">Martinique</option>
-                                         <option value="1137">Mauritania</option>
-                                         <option value="1138">Mauritius</option>
-                                         <option value="1139">Mayotte</option>
-                                         <option value="1140">Mexico</option>
-                                         <option value="1141">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
-                                         <option value="1142">Moldova</option>
-                                         <option value="1143">Monaco</option>
-                                         <option value="1144">Mongolia</option>
-                                         <option value="1243">Montenegro</option>
-                                         <option value="1145">Montserrat</option>
-                                         <option value="1146">Morocco</option>
-                                         <option value="1147">Mozambique</option>
-                                         <option value="1035">Myanmar</option>
-                                         <option value="1148">Namibia</option>
-                                         <option value="1149">Nauru</option>
-                                         <option value="1150">Nepal</option>
-                                         <option value="1152">Netherlands</option>
-                                         <option value="1153">New Caledonia</option>
-                                         <option value="1154">New Zealand</option>
-                                         <option value="1155">Nicaragua</option>
-                                         <option value="1156">Niger</option>
-                                         <option value="1157">Nigeria</option>
-                                         <option value="1158">Niue</option>
-                                         <option value="1159">Norfolk Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1160">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1161">Norway</option>
-                                         <option value="1162">Oman</option>
-                                         <option value="1163">Pakistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1164">Palau</option>
-                                         <option value="1165">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
-                                         <option value="1166">Panama</option>
-                                         <option value="1167">Papua New Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1168">Paraguay</option>
-                                         <option value="1169">Peru</option>
-                                         <option value="1170">Philippines</option>
-                                         <option value="1171">Pitcairn</option>
-                                         <option value="1172">Poland</option>
-                                         <option value="1173">Portugal</option>
-                                         <option value="1174">Puerto Rico</option>
-                                         <option value="1175">Qatar</option>
-                                         <option value="1179">Reunion</option>
-                                         <option value="1176">Romania</option>
-                                         <option value="1177">Russian Federation</option>
-                                         <option value="1178">Rwanda</option>
-                                         <option value="1180">Saint Helena</option>
-                                         <option value="1181">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
-                                         <option value="1182">Saint Lucia</option>
-                                         <option value="1183">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
-                                         <option value="1184">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
-                                         <option value="1185">Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1186">San Marino</option>
-                                         <option value="1207">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
-                                         <option value="1187">Saudi Arabia</option>
-                                         <option value="1188">Senegal</option>
-                                         <option value="1242">Serbia</option>
-                                         <option value="1238">Serbia and Montenegro</option>
-                                         <option value="1189">Seychelles</option>
-                                         <option value="1190">Sierra Leone</option>
-                                         <option value="1191">Singapore</option>
-                                         <option value="1249">Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)</option>
-                                         <option value="1192">Slovakia</option>
-                                         <option value="1193">Slovenia</option>
-                                         <option value="1194">Solomon Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1195">Somalia</option>
-                                         <option value="1196">South Africa</option>
-                                         <option value="1197">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1247">South Sudan</option>
-                                         <option value="1198">Spain</option>
-                                         <option value="1199">Sri Lanka</option>
-                                         <option value="1200">Sudan</option>
-                                         <option value="1201">Suriname</option>
-                                         <option value="1202">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
-                                         <option value="1203">Swaziland</option>
-                                         <option value="1204">Sweden</option>
-                                         <option value="1205">Switzerland</option>
-                                         <option value="1206">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1208">Taiwan</option>
-                                         <option value="1209">Tajikistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1210">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1211">Thailand</option>
-                                         <option value="1063">Timor-Leste</option>
-                                         <option value="1214">Togo</option>
-                                         <option value="1215">Tokelau</option>
-                                         <option value="1216">Tonga</option>
-                                         <option value="1217">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
-                                         <option value="1218">Tunisia</option>
-                                         <option value="1219">Turkey</option>
-                                         <option value="1220">Turkmenistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1221">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1222">Tuvalu</option>
-                                         <option value="1223">Uganda</option>
-                                         <option value="1224">Ukraine</option>
-                                         <option value="1225">United Arab Emirates</option>
-                                         <option value="1226">United Kingdom</option>
-                                         <option value="1227">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1229">Uruguay</option>
-                                         <option value="1230">Uzbekistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1231">Vanuatu</option>
-                                         <option value="1232">Venezuela</option>
-                                         <option value="1233">Viet Nam</option>
-                                         <option value="1031">Virgin Islands, British</option>
-                                         <option value="1234">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
-                                         <option value="1235">Wallis and Futuna</option>
-                                         <option value="1236">Western Sahara</option>
-                                         <option value="1237">Yemen</option>
-                                         <option value="1239">Zambia</option>
-                                         <option value="1240">Zimbabwe</option>
-                                       </select>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_791" class="form-group">
-                                 <div class="col-sm-3">
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-                         <div class="form-group">
-                               <p>
-                                 <strong>
-                                       Exhibitors, please review the following exhibit-hall
-                                       guidelines:
-                                 </strong>
-                               </p>
-                               <ul>
-                                 <li>The Free Software Foundation reserves the right to accept or decline
-                                       exhibit applications on a case-by-case basis. Products and services in
-                                       the exhibit hall must meet the FSF's criteria.</li>
-                                 <li>Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.</li>
-                                 <li>Exhibitors must follow our
-                                       <a href="../anti-harassment/">anti-harassment
-                                         policy</a>.</li>
-                                 <li>Logistical details, including shipping information, will be provided
-                                       at a later date.</li>
-                               </ul>
-                               <p>We will not publish or share your information with any party outside
-                                 the FSF. See our <a href="">privacy policy</a>
-                                 for more information.
-                               </p>
-                         </div>
-                         <div class="form-group">
-                               <input class="btn btn-default"
-                                          accesskey="S"
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deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 6e3d5d0..0000000
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Exhibitor Payment Confirmation</title>
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-                       <h2> Exhibitor  <small>payment confirmation</small> </h2>
-                       <p>
-Thank you for being an exhibitor at LibrePlanet 2015! You will receive a payment receipt at the email you provided. For any questions, contact Jeanne Rasata at <a href=""></a>.
-                       </p>
-                       <p>
-                         <a href="/2015/">
-                               Return to the homepage.
-                         </a>
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index 66c075ce1129ae395502d7f9faf781140f7790ff..ce432784a824359c110851908696547bb5222596 100755 (executable)
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        Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0</a>.
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       which is licensed under <a href="">
        Expat</a>. The JavaScript is free software with <!-- <a href="" rel="jslicense">-->
diff --git a/2016/live/confirmation.html b/2016/live/confirmation.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 1e9d69a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; LP16 announcements Confirmation</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>LibrePlanet 2016 announcements</h1>
-<div class="row margin-top">
-  <div class="col-sm-8">
-       <p>You'll be the first to get news about LibrePlanet 2016.</p>
-       <div class="alert alert-info margin-top">
-         <p>
-               <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox"></span>
-               <strong>&nbsp;Please check your email now for the confirmation link.</strong>
-         </p>
-       </div>
-       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/live_menu.html" -->
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index f00fd27..0000000
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-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Live</title>
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-<h1>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Live</h1>
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-    <p>
-      LibrePlanet 2015 is now over.
-      <strong>Thanks for watching!</strong>
-    </p>
-    <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/media-status.html"-->
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deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 28254f6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Live</title>
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-<h1> Menu </h1>
-<div class="row margin-top">
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-         <a class="list-group-item alt-a" href="/2015/live/room123.html">Room 123</a>
-         <a class="list-group-item alt-a" href="/2015/live/room141.html" >Room 141</a>
-         <a class="list-group-item alt-a" href="/2015/live/room155.html" >Room 155</a>
-       </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="col-sm-4"> <!-- start of sidebar column -->
-       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/live_sidebar.html" -->
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deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e158bc2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Live &mdash; Room 123</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1> Room 123 </h1>
-<p>Now presenting: <strong id="speaker-name"></strong> - "<i id="talk-title"></i>"</p>
-<p id="viewer-counter"></p>
-<div class="row margin-top">
-  <div class="col-sm-8"> <!-- start of main content -->
-    <div class="thumbnail"> <!-- start Live Player -->
-      <video class="lp-video" controls>
-       <source src="" type="video/webm" />
-       <p><em>Your browser does not support the video
-         tag, <a href="">
-         [ please download ]</a> the video instead.</em></p>
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-    </div>  <!-- end Live Player -->
-       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/live_menu.html" -->
-       <div class="panel panel-default">
-         <div class="panel-body text-center">
-               Problem streaming? Contact <strong><a class="alt-a" href=""></a></strong>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <p>Join the discussion online!</p>
-       <ul>
-         <li>Conference-wide Freenode IRC channel: <strong>#libreplanet</strong></li>
-         <li>Freenode IRC channel for Room 123: <strong>#libreplanet_room123</strong></li>
-         <li>Conference hashtag for <a href="">microblogging</a>: <strong>#lp2015</strong></li>
-       </ul>
-       <div id="kiwiirc-widget"><!-- Start of Kiwiirc widget -->
-         <h2> IRC </h2>
-         <iframe src=";theme=mini#libreplanet_room123"
-                  class="irc-client">
-          </iframe>
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-<script type="text/javascript" src="/2015/assets/js/stream.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- $("#room123").addClass("active").html("<strong>Room 123</strong>");
- monitorStream('/test.webm');
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
diff --git a/2016/live/room141.html b/2016/live/room141.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 8c31f65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Live &mdash; Room 141</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Room 141 </h1>
-<div class="row margin-top">
-  <div class="col-sm-8">
-       <div class="thumbnail"> <!-- start Live Player -->
-           <video class="lp-video" controls>
-                 <source
-                     src=""
-                     type="video/ogg" />
-                 <p><em>Your browser does not support the video
-                         tag, <a href="">
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-       </div>  <!-- end Live Player -->
-       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/live_menu.html" -->
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-               Problem streaming? Contact <strong><a class="alt-a" href=""></a></strong>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <p>Join the discussion online!</p>
-       <ul>
-         <li>Conference-wide Freenode IRC channel: <strong>#libreplanet</strong></li>
-         <li>Freenode IRC channel for Room 141: <strong>#libreplanet_room141</strong></li>
-         <li>Conference hashtag for <a href="">microblogging</a>: <strong>#lp2015</strong></li>
-       </ul>
-       <div id="kiwiirc-widget"><!-- Start of Kiwiirc widget -->
-         <h2> IRC </h2>
-         <iframe src=";theme=mini#libreplanet_room141"
-                  class="irc-client">
-          </iframe>
-       </div><!-- End of Kiwiirc widget -->
-  </div> <!-- end of main content -->
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-<script type="text/javascript">
-  $("#room141").addClass("active").html("<strong>Room 141</strong>");
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diff --git a/2016/live/room155.html b/2016/live/room155.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index a8bac77..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Live &mdash; Room 155</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Room 155 </h1>
-<div class="row margin-top">
-  <div class="col-sm-8">
-       <div class="thumbnail"> <!-- start Live Player -->
-         <video class="lp-video" controls>
-               <source
-                   src=""
-                   type="video/ogg" />
-               <p><em>Your browser does not support the video
-                       tag, <a href="">
-                         [ please download ]</a> the video instead.</em></p>
-         </video>
-       </div>  <!-- end Live Player -->
-       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/live_menu.html" -->
-       <div class="panel panel-default">
-         <div class="panel-body text-center">
-               Problem streaming? Contact <strong><a class="alt-a" href=""></a></strong>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <p>Join the discussion online!</p>
-       <ul>
-         <li>Conference-wide Freenode IRC channel: <strong>#libreplanet</strong></li>
-         <li>Freenode IRC channel for Room 155: <strong>#libreplanet_room155</strong></li>
-         <li>Conference hashtag for <a href="">microblogging</a>: <strong>#lp2015</strong></li>
-       </ul>
-       <div id="kiwiirc-widget"><!-- Start of Kiwiirc widget -->
-         <h2> IRC </h2>
-         <iframe src=";theme=mini#libreplanet_room155"
-                  class="irc-client">
-          </iframe>
-       </div><!-- End of Kiwiirc widget -->
-  </div> <!-- end of main content -->
-  <div class="col-sm-4"> <!-- start of right sidebar column -->
-       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/live_sidebar.html" -->
-  </div> <!-- end of right sidebar column -->
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-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/common_js.html"-->
-<script type="text/javascript">
-  $("#room155").addClass("active").html("<strong>Room 155</strong>");
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
diff --git a/2016/mailing-list/index.html b/2016/mailing-list/index.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index c27e012..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->\r
-<title>LibrePlanet &#8212; acting locally for global free software adoption.</title>\r
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-      <div>\r
-              <h2><small>Acting locally for global free software adoption.</small></h2>\r
-       </div>\r
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-       <h2>Join the mailing list</h2>\r
-       <p>You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to\r
-            prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the\r
-            list of members is available only to the list administrator.</p>\r
-            <form action=""\r
-                    class="form-horizontal margin-top" method="post" name="Edit" id="Edit1" role="form">\r
-                  <div>\r
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-                      <input name="email" type="email" id="email-sub"\r
-                           class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" required/>\r
-                    </div>\r
-                      <button class="btn btn-default"\r
-                          accesskey="s" name="email-button"\r
-                          value="Subscribe" type="submit"\r
-                          id="_qf_subscribe"> Subscribe\r
-                      </button>\r
-                  </div>\r
-            </form>\r
-        </div>\r
-    <h3>For existing subscribers</h3>\r
-        <p>To unsubscribe from libreplanet-discuss, get a password reminder,\r
-        or change your subscription options enter your subscription\r
-        email address: </p>\r
-    <form action=""\r
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-                 accesskey="u" name="UserOptions"\r
-                 value="Unsubscribe or edit options" type="submit"\r
-                 id="_qf_unsubscribe"> Unsubscribe or edit options\r
-             </button>\r
-          <p class="help-block">If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address </p>\r
-               </form>\r
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deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 2fd4756..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Discussion List Signup</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<FORM Method=POST ACTION=""><input type="hidden" name="sub_form_token" value="1413996711:f7de6b300e463bf154657640489fdcc25524f079">
-       <p>You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
-            prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the
-            list of members is available only to the list administrator.</p>
-       <p><INPUT type="Text" name="email" size="30" value=""></p>
-       <p><INPUT type="Submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe"></p>
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index eaf5a6b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Exhibit Hall </title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Exhibit Hall</small></h1>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/program-menu.html"-->
-<p>The exhibit hall at LibrePlanet will be open from 09:00 - 18:00 on both conference days, and will have something for everyone. Be sure to take a stroll around and chat with our friends from:  </p>
-<li><a href="">GNU Press</a></li>
-<li><a href="">MaidSafe</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Student Information Processing Board (SIPB) at MIT</a></li>
-<li><a href="">ThinkPenguin</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Vermont Law School Center for Legal Innovation</a></li>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/footer.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/common_js.html"-->
-<script type="text/javascript">
- $("#p-exhibit-hall").addClass("active").text("Exhibit Hall");
- </script>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
diff --git a/2016/program/grid-schedule.html b/2016/program/grid-schedule.html
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index fbd2387..0000000
+++ /dev/null
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-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-       <title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Grid Schedule </title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Grid Schedule</small></h1>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/program-menu.html"-->
-<div class="thumbnail">
-  <img class="img-responsive"
-          src="//"
-          alt="[ Saturday Grid Schedule ]">
-<div class="thumbnail">
-  <img class="img-responsive"
-          src="//"
-          alt="[ Sunday Grid Schedule ]">
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-<script type="text/javascript">
- $("#p-grid-schedule").addClass("active").text("Grid Schedule");
- </script>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
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-<!--#include virtual="/2016/includes/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2016 &mdash; Sessions </title>
-<!--#include virtual="/2016/includes/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/2016/includes/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Sessions</small></h1>
-<div class="row"> <!-- session row start -->
-  <div class="col-sm-9"> <!-- session column start -->
-    <article id="sat-program" class="program-day"> <!-- sat program start -->
-      <header class="program-day-header">
-        <hgroup>
-          <h2>Saturday, March 19
-            <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-               data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-               aria-controls="sat-timeslots"
-               href="#sat-timeslots">
-              &#x2193;
-            </a>
-          </h2>
-        </hgroup>
-      </header>
-      <div class="collapse in" id="sat-timeslots"> <!-- sat-timeslots start -->
-        <article id="sat-ts-b0"
-                 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sat-ts-b0 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>09:00 - 09:45: Registration and Breakfast</h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-        </article> <!-- sat-ts-b0 end -->
-        <article id="sat-ts0" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sat-ts0 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>09:45 - 10:45: Opening Keynote: Richard Stallman
-                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-                   data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                   aria-controls="sat-ts0-sessions"
-                   href="#sat-ts0-sessions">
-                  &#x2193;
-                </a>
-              </h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-          <div class="collapse in"
-               id="sat-ts0-sessions"> <!-- sat-ts0-sessions start -->
-            <section id="sat-ts0-s0" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts0-s0 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>Free software, free hardware, and other things</h2>
-              </header>
-              <a href="#" class="program-session-speaker">Richard Stallman</a>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sat-ts0-s0-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sat-ts0-s0-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts0-s0-collapse">
-                <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
-                       <p>Preceded by a welcome address from John Sullivan, FSF
-                         executive director.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sat-ts0-s0 end -->
-          </div> <!-- sat-ts0-sessions end -->
-        </article> <!-- sat-ts0 end -->
-        <article id="sat-ts1" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sat-ts1 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>10:55 - 11:40: Session Block 1A
-                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-                   data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                   aria-controls="sat-ts1-sessions"
-                   href="#sat-ts1-sessions">
-                  &#x2193;
-                </a>
-              </h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-          <div class="collapse in"
-               id="sat-ts1-sessions"> <!-- sat-ts1-sessions start -->
-            <section id="sat-ts1-s0" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts1-s0 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>Federation and GNU</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker">
-                <a href="#">Christopher Webber</a>
-              </span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sat-ts1-s0-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sat-ts1-s0-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts1-s0-collapse">
-                       <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
-                           <p>The effort to re-decentralize the web has been under
-                             way for a number of years, but what's really happening
-                             under the hood? Various projects like Diaspora, GNU
-                             social, GNU MediaGoblin, Friendica Red, and Pump.IO all
-                             exist, but not all these projects can talk to each
-                             other. How can we fix that? A demo of PyPump will be
-                             given, as well as a rundown on the progress of the W3C
-                             Social Working Group.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sat-ts1-s0 end -->
-            <section id="sat-ts1-s1" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts1-s1 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll: advocating for free software in nonfree academic contexts</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker">
-                <a href="/2015/program/speakers.html#coons">
-                  ginger coons
-                </a>
-              </span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sat-ts1-s1-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sat-ts1-s1-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts1-s1-collapse">
-                       <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-141</span></p>
-                       <p>What if the classic horror trope of the good doctor who
-                             becomes a monster at night were reversed? Instead of the
-                             good Dr. Jekyll transforming into the rampaging Mr. Hyde,
-                             advocates of free who work in nonfree environments can
-                             feel as if they only get to put on their altruistic
-                             persona at night. For academics advocating free software
-                             and free culture in particular, libre ethics are often at
-                             odds with both administrative structures and expected
-                             teaching outcomes. This session explores the struggles of
-                             advocating free in both research and teaching.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sat-ts1-s1 end -->
-            <section id="sat-ts1-s2" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts1-s2 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>TAFTA, CETA, TISA: traps and threats to Free Software Everywhere</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker">
-                <a href="#">
-                  Marianne Corvellec</a>,
-                <a href="#">
-                  Jonathan Le Lous</a>
-              </span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sat-ts1-s2-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sat-ts1-s2-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts1-s2-collapse">
-                       <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-155</span></p>
-                           <p>TAFTA, CETA, and TISA are far-reaching trade agreements
-                             posing major threats to online freedom and creating legal
-                             uncertainty for all Internet players. They set forth an
-                             ever stronger protection of copyright and patents. They
-                             'recycle' the most toxic parts of ACTA, the
-                             anti-counterfeiting trade agreement which was rejected in
-                             2012. The presentation focuses on the software aspects of
-                             TAFTA, CETA, TISA. We will call for action against these
-                             global treaty projects and offer alternative proposals,
-                             which favour Free Software Everywhere.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sat-ts1-s2 end -->
-          </div> <!-- sat-ts1-sessions end -->
-        </article> <!-- sat-ts1 end -->
-        <article id="sat-ts-b1"
-                 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sat-ts-b1 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>11:40 - 11:50: Break</h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-        </article> <!-- sat-ts-b1 end -->
-        <article id="sat-ts2" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sat-ts2 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>11:50 - 12:35: Session Block 2A
-                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-                   data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                   aria-controls="sat-ts2-sessions"
-                   href="#sat-ts2-sessions">
-                  &#x2193;
-                </a>
-              </h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-          <div class="collapse in"
-               id="sat-ts2-sessions"> <!-- sat-ts2-sessions start -->
-            <section id="sat-ts2-s0" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts2-s0 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                           <h2>Let's encrypt!</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker">
-                <a href="#">Seth Schoen</a>
-              </span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sat-ts2-s0-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sat-ts2-s0-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts2-s0-collapse">
-                       <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
-                           <p>This year a robotic certificate authority will start
-                             issuing publicly-trusted certificates, at no charge, by
-                             the millions. Called Let's Encrypt, this CA is an
-                             initiative of several organizations. Our free software and
-                             protocol will let sysadmins run a single command to turn
-                             on HTTPS on their servers in about a minute, helping
-                             eliminate obstacles to activating encryption for every Web
-                             server. I'll describe how it all works and give a demo. We
-                             need lots of testing and integration help!</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sat-ts2-s0 end -->
-            <section id="sat-ts2-s1" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts2-s1 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                           <h2>Attribution revolution -- turning copyright upside-down</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker"><a href="#">Jonas Öberg</a></span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sat-ts2-s1-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sat-ts2-s1-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts2-s1-collapse">
-                       <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-141</span></p>
-                       <p>Reusing works licensed under free licenses seems pretty
-                         simple, but it can often be quite time consuming. One image
-                         or a few lines of source code might be okay, but keeping
-                         track of the license and attribution of a thousand different
-                         pieces, or when quoting from massive data sets such as
-                         Wikipedia? Whoah! Don’t we have computers to do that for
-                         us!? We do, but there’s no widespread support for including
-                         licensing or author information when sharing or reusing
-                         digital works. This session will discuss how this should
-                         work in a free knowledge environment, and could it be that
-                         many problems regarding copyright and "piracy" in our
-                         digital society could be solved with free software?</p>
-                       <p>In order to relate effectively to the digital works we
-                             see online, attribution (who made or built something)
-                             matters. Proper attribution is the start of being able to
-                             explore digital works online in their right context. This
-                             talk will focus on the philosophical background of why
-                             attribution matters, the benefits that free software can
-                             bring to the way we work with pieces of art (lolcats and
-                             Shakespeare alike), and where we're heading in the
-                             future.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sat-ts2-s1 end -->
-          </div> <!-- sat-ts2-sessions end -->
-        </article> <!-- sat-ts2 end -->
-      </div> <!-- sat-timeslots end -->
-    </article> <!-- sat program end -->
-    <article id="sun-program" class="program-day"> <!-- sun program start -->
-      <header class="program-day-header">
-        <hgroup>
-          <h2>Sunday, March 20
-            <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-               data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-               aria-controls="sun-timeslots"
-               href="#sun-timeslots">
-              &#x2193;
-            </a>
-          </h2>
-        </hgroup>
-      </header>
-      <div class="collapse in" id="sun-timeslots"> <!-- sun-timeslots start -->
-        <article id="sun-ts-b0"
-                 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sun-ts-b0 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>09:00 - 09:45: Registration and breakfast</h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-        </article> <!-- sun-ts-b0 end -->
-        <article id="sun-ts0" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sun-ts0 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>09:45 - 10:30: Keynote: Benjamin Mako Hill
-                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-                        data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                        aria-controls="sun-ts0-sessions"
-                        href="#sun-ts0-sessions">
-                  &#x2193;
-                </a>
-              </h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-          <div class="collapse in"
-               id="sun-ts0-sessions"> <!-- sun-ts0-sessions start -->
-            <section id="sun-ts0-s0"
-                     class="program-session"> <!-- sun-ts0-s0 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>Access without empowermentg</h2>
-              </header>
-              <a href="#" class="program-session-speaker">
-                Benjamin Mako Hill</a>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sun-ts0-s0-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sun-ts0-s0-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sun-ts0-s0-collapse">
-                <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
-                <p>The free software movement has twin goals:
-                promoting access to software through users' freedom to
-                share, and empowering users by giving them control
-                over their technology. For all our movement's success,
-                we have been much more successful at the former. I
-                will use data from free software and from several
-                related movements to explain why promoting empowerment
-                is systematically more difficult than promoting access
-                and I will explore how our movement might address the
-                second challenge in the future.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sun-ts0-s0 end -->
-          </div> <!-- sun-ts0-sessions end -->
-        </article> <!-- sun-ts0 end -->
-        <article id="sun-ts-b1"
-                 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sun-ts-b1 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>10:30 - 10:40: Break</h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-        </article> <!-- sun-ts-b1 end -->
-        <article id="sun-ts1" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sun-ts1 start -->
-          <header class="program-timeslot-header">
-            <hgroup>
-              <h2>10:40 - 11:25: Session Block 1B
-                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
-                        data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                        aria-controls="sun-ts1-sessions"
-                        href="#sun-ts1-sessions">
-                  &#x2193;
-                </a>
-              </h2>
-            </hgroup>
-          </header>
-          <div class="collapse in"
-               id="sun-ts1-sessions"> <!-- sun-ts1-sessions start -->
-            <section id="sun-ts1-s0"
-                     class="program-session"> <!-- sun-ts1-s0 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>Fork and ignore: fighting a GPL violation by coding instead</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker">
-                <a href="#">Bradley Kuhn</a>
-              </span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sun-ts1-s0-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sun-ts1-s0-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sun-ts1-s0-collapse">
-                <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
-                           <p>Typically, GPL enforcement activity involves
-                           copyright infringement actions which compel license
-                           violators to correct errors in their GPL compliance,
-                           defending the policy goals of the GPL: the rights of
-                           developers and users to copy, share, modify and
-                           redistribute.</p>
-                           <p>While traditional enforcement is often undeniably
-                           necessary for embedded electronics products, novel
-                           approaches to GPL violations are often possible and
-                           even superior for more traditional software
-                           distributions.</p>
-                           <p>Recently, Software Freedom Conservancy engaged in
-                           an enforcement action whereby, rather than fight the
-                           violator in court, we instead provided resources and
-                           assistance to a vetted GPL-compliant fork of a
-                           violating codebase.</p>
-                           <p>This talk discusses which scenarios make this
-                           remedy optimal and the lessons learned. The talk
-                           includes some licensing and technical content about
-                           vetting the licensing information of codebases.</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sun-ts1-s0 end -->
-            <section id="sun-ts1-s1"
-                     class="program-session"> <!-- sun-ts1-s1 start -->
-              <header class="program-session-header">
-                <h2>Who did this? Just wait until your father gets home</h2>
-              </header>
-              <span class="program-session-speaker">
-                <a href="#">Ken Starks</a>
-              </span>
-              <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
-                      data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
-                      aria-controls="sun-ts1-s1-collapse"
-                      data-target="#sun-ts1-s1-collapse">
-                Details
-              </button>
-              <div class="collapse in" id="sun-ts1-s1-collapse">
-                <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-141</span></p>
-                <p>What's going on in here? Computer parts laying all
-                  over the place... screws and ribbon cables scattered
-                  cross heaven's half acre. And who left this power
-                  supply in the refrigerator? Is that your dad's new
-                  impact drive? Don't you dare let me get up in the
-                  middle of the night and step on that motherboard in my
-                  bare feet. Just what in the name of Michael Dell is
-                  going on here?</p>
-              </div>
-            </section> <!-- sun-ts1-s1 end -->
-          </div> <!-- sun-ts1-sessions end -->
-        </article> <!-- sun-ts1 end -->
-      </div> <!-- sun-timeslots end -->
-    </article>
-  </div> <!-- session column end -->
-</div> <!-- session row end -->
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-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-       <title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Schedule </title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Schedule</small></h1>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/program-menu.html"-->
-<p>This schedule is in draft form and is subject to change. Check back soon for a full time-bound schedule.</p>
-<h2 id="saturday">Saturday March 21</h2>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">09:00 - 09:45 | </span>Registration and breakfast </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">09:45 - 10:45 | </span>Opening plenary: Richard Stallman</h3>
-<!-- Content formatting kept for reference when we launch time-bound schedule <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
-<p><em><a href="/2015/program/speakers#sullivan">John Sullivan</a>, executive director, Free Software Foundation</em></p>
-<p>Just like a description or something like of the talk.
-<h3><span class="text-muted">10:55 - 11:40 |</span> Block 1A</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">11:40 - 11:50 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">11:50 - 12:35 |</span> Block 2A</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">12:35 - 13:50 |</span> Lunch</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">13:50 - 14:35 |</span> Block 3A </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">14:35 - 14:45 |</span> Break </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">14:45 - 16:05 |</span> Block 4A </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">16:05 - 16:15 |</span> Break </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">16:15 - 17:35 |</span> Block 5A </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">17:35 - 17:45 |</span> Break </h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">17:45 - 18:45 |</span> Free Software Awards </h3>
-<h2 id="sunday">Sunday, March 22</h2>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">09:00 - 09:45 |</span> Registration and breakfast</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">09:45 - 10:30 |</span> Keynote: Benjamin Mako Hill</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">10:30 - 10:40 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">10:40 - 11:25 |</span> Block 1B</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">11:25 - 11:35 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">11:35 - 12:20 |</span> Block 2B</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">12:20 - 13:35 |</span> Lunch</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">13:35 - 14:20 |</span> Block 3B</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">14:20 - 14:30 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">14:30 - 15:15 |</span> Block 4B</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">15:15 - 15:25 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">15:25 - 16:10 |</span> Block 5B</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">16:10 - 16:20 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">16:20 - 17:40 |</span> Block 6B</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">17:40 - 17:50 |</span> Break</h3>
-<h3><span class="text-muted">17:50 - 18:35 |</span> Closing Plenary: Karen Sandler</h3>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/footer.html"-->
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-<script type="text/javascript">
- $("#p-grid-schedule").addClass("active").text("Schedule");
- </script>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
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-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Social Events </title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Social Events</small></h1>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/program-menu.html"-->
-<!--<div id="lp-panel" class="panel panel-default margin-top">
-<p>All times are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is UTC - 4 hours. In room numbers, "32-" refers to MIT Building 32 (the Stata Center), where all conference rooms are located.</p>-->
-<div class="row"> <!-- session row start -->
-       <div class="col-sm-9"> <!-- session column start -->
-               <h1>Thursday, March 19th</h1>
-               <div class="session">
-                       <h4>Unofficial pre-conference dinner -- sorry, it's filled up!</h4>
-                       <p>An informal dinner and drinks for people who are in town on the Thursday night before LibrePlanet.</p>
-                       <p class="session-details">
-                               <strong>When:</strong> 19:00, Thursday 3/19<br>
-                               <strong>Where:</strong> <a href="">Veggie Galaxy</a> at 450 Massachusetts Avenue near Central Station on the Red line<br>
-                               <strong>RSVP:</strong> Required. Please email <a href=""></a> if you plan to attend</p>
-                       </div>
-                       <h1>Friday, March 20th</h1>
-                       <div class="session">
-                               <h4>Free Software Foundation open house</h4>
-                               <p>Mingle at the FSF office before the conference with speakers and other attendees. Refreshments will be served. FSF campaigns staff will lead an optional <a href="">International Day Against DRM</a> strategy session at 18:00 for those who'd like to help plan activities for the next IDAD.
-                               </p>
-                               <p class="session-details">
-                                       <strong>When:</strong> 17:00 - 19:30, Friday 3/20<br>
-                                       <strong>Where:</strong> FSF Office (<a href="../getting_around/index.html#office">transportation tips</a>) at 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110 near Downtown Crossing Station on the Red and Orange Lines
-                               </p>
-                       </div>
-                       <div class="session">
-                               <h4>Women's dinner</h4>
-                               <p>There will once again be a women's dinner (for people who identify as women) before LibrePlanet again this year. It will be held at Chau Chow City, a restaurant in Boston's Chinatown within easy walking distance of the FSF's office. Chau Chow City has plenty of vegetarian and vegan options and a full bar. Plus, this year the <a href="">Open Invention Network</a> has graciously agreed to sponsor our meal!</p>
-                               <p class="session-details">
-                                       <strong>When:</strong> 20:00, Friday, 3/20<br>
-                                       <strong>Where:</strong> <a href="">Chau Chow City Restaurant</a>, 83 Essex St, Boston, MA 02111<br>
-                                       <strong>RSVP:</strong> Email <a href=""></a> with "RSVP Women's Dinner" in the subject line to let us know that you're coming (and how many other women you will bring)</p>
-                                       <p>Please feel free to share this with any other free software/free culture-interested folks who identify as women, whether they are    attending LibrePlanet or not. Please RSVP so that we can make sure the restaurant is ready for us.</p>
-                               </div>
-                               <h1>Saturday, March 21st</h1>
-                               <div class="session">
-                                       <h4>LibrePlanet Party!</h4>
-                                       <p>Enjoy appetizers and pool provided by the FSF and spend time with the LibrePlanet community. Flat Top Johnny's has a full bar and kitchen, and is open to all ages. The restaurant is only nine minutes away from the conference on foot.</p>
-                                       <p class="session-details">
-                                               <strong>When:</strong> 19:00 - 22:00, Saturday, 3/21<br/>
-                                               <strong>Where:</strong> <a href="">Flat Top Johnny's</a> at 1 Kendall Square,
-                                               Cambridge, MA, 02139<br/>
-                                               <strong>Wheelchair access:</strong> On Binney Street
-                                       </p>
-                               </div>
-                               <h1>Sunday, March 22nd</h1>
-                               <div class="session">
-                                       <h4>Sunday pub night</h4>
-                                       <p>Grendel's Den in Harvard Square is a favorite among the Boston-area free software community. Join us at this local institution, which offers reasonable prices on good food and beer in a quirky and cozy atmosphere.
-                                       </p>
-                                       <p class="session-details">
-                                               <strong>When:</strong> 21:00, Sunday, 3/22 - 01:00, Monday, 3/23<br>
-                                               <strong>Where:</strong> <a href="">Grendel's Den</a> at 89 Winthrop Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 near Harvard Station on the Red Line<br>
-                                               <strong>Wheelchair access:</strong> There is elevator access upon request. Call 617-491-1160 to have someone from Grendel's assist you.</p>
-                                       </div>
-                               </div> <!-- session column end -->
-                       </div> <!-- session row end -->
-                       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/footer.html"-->
-                       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/common_js.html"-->
-                       <script type="text/javascript">
-                       $("#p-social").addClass("active").text("Social");
-                       </script>
-                       <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/close.html" -->
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-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Speakers </title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Speakers</small></h1>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/program-menu.html"-->
-<h2>Keynote speakers</h2>
-<div class="row speaker-bio">
-       <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-5">
-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Benjamin Mako Hill - Photo ]"/>
-       </div>
-       <div class="col-md-9 col-sm-8 col-xs-7">
-               <h3 id="hill">Benjamin Mako Hill</h3>
-               <p>Benjamin Mako Hill is a social scientist, technologist, and activist. In all three roles, he works to understand why some attempts at <a href="">peer production</a> — like Wikipedia and GNU/Linux — build large volunteer communities while the vast majority never attract even a second contributor. He is an Assistant Professor in the <a href="">Department of Communication</a> at the <a href="">University of Washington</a>. He is also a faculty affiliate at the <a href="">Berkman Center for Internet and Society</a> and an affiliate at the <a href="">Institute for Quantitative Social Science</a> — both at <a href="">Harvard University</a>. He has also been a leader, developer, and contributor to the free software community for more than a decade as part of the <a href="">Debian</a> and <a href="">Ubuntu</a> projects. He is the author of several best-selling technical books, a member of the <a href="">Free Software Foundation</a> board of directors and an advisor to the <a href="">Wikimedia Foundation</a>. Hill has a Masters degree from the <a href="">MIT Media Lab</a> and a PhD from MIT in an interdepartmental program between the <a href="">Sloan School of Management</a> and the Media Lab.</p>
-       </div>
-<div class="row speaker-bio">
-       <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-5">
-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Karen Sandler - Photo ]"/>
-       </div>
-       <div class="col-md-9 col-sm-8 col-xs-7">
-               <h3 id="sandler">Karen Sandler</h3>
-               <p>Karen M. Sandler is the Executive Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy. She is known for her advocacy for free software, particularly in relation to the software on medical devices. Prior to joining Conservancy, she was Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation where she now serves on the Board of Directors. Before that, she was General Counsel of the Software Freedom Law Center. Karen co-organizes Outreachy, the award winning Outreach Program for Women, and is an advisor to the Ada Initiative. She is also pro bono counsel to the Free Software Foundation, GNOME and QuestionCopyright.Org. Karen is a recipient of the O'Reilly Open Source Award and co-host of the oggcast, Free as in Freedom.</p>
-       </div>
-<div class="row speaker-bio">
-       <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-5">
-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Richard Stallman - Photo ]"/>
-       </div>
-       <div class="col-md-9 col-sm-8 col-xs-7">
-               <h3 id="stallman">Richard Stallman</h3>
-               <p>Richard is a software developer and software freedom activist. In 1983 he announced the project to develop the <a href="">GNU operating system</a>, a Unix-like operating system meant to be entirely free software, and has been the project's leader ever since. With that announcement Richard also launched the Free Software Movement. In October 1985 he started the Free Software Foundation.</p>
-               <p>Since the mid-1990s, Richard has spent most of his time in political advocacy for free software, and spreading the ethical ideas of the movement, as well as campaigning against both software patents and dangerous extension of copyright laws. Before that, Richard developed a number of widely used software components of GNU, including the original Emacs, the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU symbolic debugger (gdb), GNU Emacs, and various other programs for the GNU operating system.</p>
-               <p>Richard pioneered the concept of copyleft, and is the main author of the GNU General Public License, the most widely used free software license.</p>
-               <p>Richard graduated from Harvard in 1974 with a BA in physics. During his college years, he also worked as a staff hacker at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, learning operating system development by doing it. He wrote the first extensible Emacs text editor there in 1975. He also developed the AI technique of dependency-directed backtracking, also known as truth maintenance. In January 1984 he resigned from MIT to start the GNU project. </p>
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-<h2>Session speakers</h2>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Nicole Allen - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="allen">Nicole Allen, SPARC</h3>
-               <p>Nicole Allen is the Director of Open Education for SPARC. In this role she leads SPARC's work on Open Educational Resources (OER), focusing on public policy and engaging and supporting the library community on this issue.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Ellen Ball - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="ball">Ellen Ball, Partners in Health</h3>
-               <p>Ellen Ball is a software engineer at Partners In Health since 2004 where she has developed electronic medical record systems in many countries. Systems are implemented with OpenMRS, free software for developing medical record systems in resource-constrained settings. She is currently working on the ebola response. Ellen has a BS/MS in Electrical/Biomedical Engineering from Rutgers. Before becoming a social justice warrior, she worked at IBM Research on Visualization Data Explorer which became OpenDX.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Ginger Coons - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="coons">ginger coons, University of Toronto/Libre Graphics magazine</h3>
-               <p>ginger "all-lower-case" coons has been variously called a designer, artist, academic-in-training, technician and talker-about-things. When not building, writing, drawing, editing or holding forth, ginger is also PhD candidate in the Critical Making Lab and the Semaphore research cluster in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, studying the movement of born-digital methods to physical production processes through rapid prototyping.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Marianne Corvellec - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="corvellec">Marianne Corvellec, April</h3>
-               <p>Marianne Corvellec has been a Free Software activist with April since 2011. April is an advocacy association which has been promoting and defending Free Software in France and Europe since 1996. Marianne's focus has been on legal and institutional issues.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Dave Crossland - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="crossland">Dave Crossland, Crafting Type</h3>
-               <p>Computers were irresistible to me, growing up in the suburbia of southwest England in the 1990s. But being “good with computers” pointed towards the life depicted in Office Space, so in high school I dropped maths and physics for contemporary art and socio-linguistics. Combining my interests in art and computers eventually led me to graphic design at college. I decided to free fonts.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Molly de Blanc - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="de-blanc">Molly de Blanc</h3>
-               <p>Molly de Blanc likes free culture, education, science, and software. She runs a lightning talk series in Somerville, MA.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Remy DeCausemaker - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="decausemaker">Remy DeCausemaker, Hacks/HackersROC</h3>
-               <p>Remy is a co-founding organizer of the Rochester, NY chapter of Hacks/Hackers, an international organization that brings together journalists and developers to hack the future of News and Reporting.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Martin Dluhoš - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="dluhos">Martin Dluhoš, Charles University</h3>
-               <p>After graduating with a CS degree from a small liberal arts college in Iowa, Martin worked for a year as a sysadmin at the FSF. In 2013, he decided to embark on a six-month volunteering project in Nepal, where he worked with a local educational non-profit Open Learning Exchange affiliated with One Laptop Per Child. Nowadays, he is back home in the Czech Republic taking more CS courses at Charles University in Prague and contemplating what education means.</p>
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-               <h3 id="duffy">Timothy Duffy, yellr</h3>
-               <p>Tim Duffy is an active civic hacker out of Rochester, NY. He is a co-founder of the Rochester chapter of Hacks/Hackers. He is passionate about Free Software, Open Data, Open Gov, and Open Source.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Luis Falcón - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="falcon">Luis Falcón, GNU Health</h3>
-               <p>Dr. Luis Falcón (Las Palmas, Spain) holds a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the California State University (USA) and in Medicine from IUCS, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Luis is a social, animal rights and Free/Libre Software activist. In 2006 founded GNU Solidario, a nonprofit organization that delivers Health and Education with Free Software. He is the author of GNU Health (, the award-winning Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System. He currently lives in Canary Islands, Spain.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Sucheta Ghoshal - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="ghoshal">Sucheta Ghoshal, Wikimedia Foundation</h3>
-               <p>Sucheta Ghoshal has been engaged with MediaWiki development for a long time now -- writing code for Wikipedia mostly in JavaScript and PHP. She is currently working as a front-end developer in the Editing Team of the Wikimedia Foundation. She was an OPW intern with the Wikimedia Foundation, and has also volunteered as a mentor for the same program.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ April Glaser - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="glaser">April Glaser, Library Freedom Project</h3>
-               <p>April Glaser works with the Library Freedom Project to help organize around a range of digital rights issues in libraries. Previously she worked at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Open Technology Institute, and Prometheus Radio Project. April continues to work directly with community organizations interested in promoting free speech, privacy, and innovation in digital spaces, with a current focus on a privacy-conscious mesh networking project in Oakland, CA.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Shauna Gordon-McKeon - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="gordon-mckeon">Shauna Gordon-McKeon, OpenHatch</h3>
-               <p>Shauna Gordon-McKeon is a program director for OpenHatch, where she develops and runs an event series introducing college students to free software. She also volunteers with the Open Science Collaboration, a network of academic and citizen scientists with an interest in open science, metascience, and good scientific practices.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Seda Gürses - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="gurses">Seda Gürses, New York University</h3>
-               <p>I am a post-doctoral research at NYU working on privacy, surveillance, requirements engineering and PETs. I am also a member of the arts collective Constant VZW and Alternatif Bilisim Dernegi, an association based in Turkey working on digital rights.</p>
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-               <h3 id="halperin">Jennie Rose Halperin, Mozilla</h3>
-               <p>Jennie Rose Halperin is a Project Manager and Researcher for the Community Building Team at the Mozilla Corporation. Her work focuses on building healthy digital communities and communities of practice on the Open Web. Jennie's work for Supporting Cultural Heritage Open Source Systems (SCHOSS) through LYRASIS has focused on community and governance in cultural heritage and free software.</p>
-               <p>A Community Superstar, super facilitator, Wikipedian, and Webmaker Mentor, her work explores free software, open access, and open standards in cultural spaces. At Mozilla, she engages with diverse international communities to develop their impact through sustained contribution, recognition, and meaningful projects.</p>
-               <p>Prior to Mozilla, she worked in academic libraries, archives, and museums, curation, and digital scholarship in the United States and Germany. She graduated from Barnard College and received her Masters in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. You can find her on the Internet at She tweets @little_wow.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Sara Hassani - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="hassani">Sara Nephew Hassani, Carmel Institute</h3>
-               <p>Sara Nephew Hassani is Executive Director of Carmel Institute – a small online school for junior high and high school students. Carmel Institute offers a project-based, individualized, relationship-centered alternative to traditional school. We treat programming as an essential literacy that enables students to engage deeply with core subject areas – including science, humanities, social science, and arts. Sara earned her PhD in sociology from Princeton University, where she wrote about the dimensions and implications of the digital divide -- among other topics.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Andrea Hickerson - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="hickerson">Andrea Hickerson</h3>
-               <p>Andrea Hickerson is an Assistant Professor of Journalism in the School of Communication at RIT. She is the co-founder of the Digital Journalism Incubator, funded by a grant from the Knight Foundation, which supports experiments in collaborative multimedia journalism. </p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Sebastien Jodogne  - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="jodogne">Sebastien Jodogne, Orthanc</h3>
-               <p>Sébastien holds a PhD. degree in Computer Science from the University of Liège (Belgium). His research work was acknowledged by the IBM Belgium Award in 2002. Between 2006 and 2011, he implemented high-performance image analysis software for machine vision, CCTV and broadcasting. Since 2011, he has been working as a medical imaging engineer at the University Hospital of Liège, where he develops the free software Orthanc for medical imaging. His research interests include computer vision, machine learning and software engineering.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Frank Karlitschek - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="karlitschek">Frank Karlitschek, ownCloud</h3>
-               <p>Frank Karlitschek is a long time free software contributor and former board member of the KDE e.V. He managed engineering teams for over 10 years and worked as head of unit and managing director at different internet companies. In 2010 he started the ownCloud project and is leading the community project since then. In 2011 he co-founded ownCloud Inc. to offer commercial services around ownCloud.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Bradley Kuhn - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="kuhn">Bradley Kuhn, Software Freedom Conservancy</h3>
-               <p>Bradley M. Kuhn is President and Distinguished Technologist at Software Freedom Conservancy, on Free Software Foundation's Board of Directors, and editor-in-chief of Kuhn was FSF's Executive Director from 2001-2005, where he led FSF's GPL enforcement, launched its Associate Member program, and invented Affero GPL. Kuhn was appointed Conservancy's President in April 2006, volunteered from 2006-2010, and has been on staff since 2011. Kuhn holds a B.S from Loyola University in Maryland, and an M.S. from the University of Cincinnati.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Bassam Kurdali - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="kurdali">Bassam Kurdali, Urchin</h3>
-               <p>Bassam is a 3D animator/filmmaker whose 2006 short, Elephants Dream, was the first "open movie." It established the viability of libre tools in a production environment and set precedent by offering its source data under a permissive license for learning, remixing and re-use. His character, ManCandy, began as an easily animatable test bed for rigging experiments. Multiple iterations have been released to the public, and Bassam demonstrates him in the animated tutorial video + short, The ManCandy FAQ. Under the sign of the urchin, Bassam is continuing to pursue a model of production that invests in commonwealth. He teaches, writes and lectures around the world on free production and free software technique. Raised in Damascus, Bassam trained in the United States as an electrical and software engineer.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Jonathan Le Lous - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="le-lous">Jonathan Le Lous, April</h3>
-               <p>Jonathan has been involved with the Free Software Movement for ten years, in France and now in Canada.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Alison Macrina - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="macrina">Alison Macrina, The Library Freedom Project</h3>
-               <p>Alison Macrina is a librarian and the founder of the Library Freedom Project, an initiative among librarians, technologists, and civil liberties advocates that aims to make real the promises of intellectual freedom and privacy in libraries.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Sanjoy Mahajan - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="mahajan">Sanjoy Mahajan, MIT</h3>
-               <p>Sanjoy Mahajan is Visiting Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and Associate Professor of Applied Science and Engineering at Olin College. He received his PhD in theoretical physics from Caltech, and taught in the physics department at the University of Cambridge. While at Cambridge, he helped found the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cape Town, was its first curriculum director, and taught the first courses in physics and computer science.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Deb Nicholson - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="nicholson">Deb Nicholson, OpenHatch</h3>
-               <p>Deb Nicholson wants to make the world a better place with technology and social justice for all. After many years of local political organizing, she started handling outreach for the Free Software Foundation and became an enthusiastic free software activist. She likes talking to developers about software patents, to project maintainers about leadership and to activists about free software. She is currently the Community Outreach Director at the Open Invention Network and the Community Manager at GNU MediaGoblin. She also serves on the board at Open Hatch, a.k.a. Free Software's Welcoming Committee. She lives with her husband in Cambridge, Massachusetts -- surrounded by a community of food nerds and noisy musicians.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Jonas Öberg - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="oberg">Jonas Öberg, Commons Machinery</h3>
-               <p>Jonas is a Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow where he works on enabling a persistent link between digital works and their metadata, to automate the process of attribution and making it easier for people to use digital works, especially those licensed under free licenses.</p>
-               <p>Prior to working with the Shuttleworth Foundation, he was the Regional Coordinator for Creative Commons in Europe, lecturer in Software Engineering at the University of Gothenburg and co-founded the Free Software Foundation Europe where he also served as vice president for seven years.</p>
-               <p>When he needs to avoid computers and technology, he's renovating a 19th century house in northern Sweden.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Erika Owens - Photo ]"/>
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-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="owens">Erika Owens, Knight-Mozilla OpenNews</h3>
-               <p>Erika is a web journalist based in Philadelphia, Pa. She works with Knight-Mozilla OpenNews to help journalists, developers, designers, data geeks, and civic hackers create awesome projects together on the open web. Prior to joining OpenNews, Erika was web editor at the Philadelphia Public School Notebook where she oversaw the Notebook's site as it became the go-to place for news and conversation about public education in Philadelphia. She loves nonprofit journalism, people watching, and laughing heartily.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Paige Peterson - Photo ]"/>
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-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="peterson">Paige Peterson, MaidSafe</h3>
-               <p>Paige currently works out of San Francisco for MaidSafe doing web development and US communication management and co-organizes bi-monthly events for one of the largest bitcoin meetups in the world. She previously worked for Open Garden doing community management and graduated from MassArt with an MFA in the Studio for Interrelated Media (SIM) program in '10. She believes that by understanding the evolution of natural systems, we can build more sustainable and secure technologies.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Laura Quilter - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="quilter">Laura Quilter, UMass Amherst</h3>
-<p>I'm Laura Quilter, the Copyright and Information Policy Librarian and attorney at the UMass Amherst Libraries. I educate the campus community on copyright and related matters, through workshops and consultations. I believe that individuals can understand enough about copyright to answer their own questions in most instances. I support sharing, and the free and open access to information. I study and work to eliminate abuses of copyright.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Jara Rocha - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="rocha">Jara Rocha, Bau School of Design</h3>
-               <p>Jara Rocha is a cultural mediator, developing projects at the intersection of digital humanities, free culture and design. Her main research questions have to do with the materialities of present cultures, and are conceived through two fundamental gestures: critical thinking and speculative doing. She started the Gender and Technology group at Medialab-Prado and curated the project 404: School Not Found at Intermediae, both based in Madrid. She is a core member of GReDiTS/Objetologías research group at Bau School of Design in Barcelona, where she lives and teaches since 2013.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Ruben Rodriguez Perez - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="rodriguez-perez">Ruben Rodriguez Perez, GNU, Trisquel</h3>
-               <p>Founder of the Trisquel GNU/Linux project, Ruben is a computer engineer and free software developer from Spain. He has worked on free software projects for the last twelve years, with a particular focus on educational software.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Francis Rowe - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="rowe">Francis Rowe, Libreboot</h3>
-               <p>Francis is the lead maintainer behind the libreboot project, free boot firmware that replaces the proprietary BIOS or UEFI firmware on supported hardware. Based on coreboot, the aim of libreboot is to provide users with boot firmware that is 100% free software.</p>
-               <p>He also runs the Gluglug, a company that sells computers with libreboot and Trisquel GNU/Linux pre-installed.</p>
-               <p>More information about libreboot can be found at <a href=""></a></p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Mark Sadecki - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="sadecki">Mark Sadecki, edX</h3>
-               <p>Mark Sadecki is a Web accessibility engineer for edX, a free software MOOC provider and online learning platform where he oversees the organization's accessibility initiative. Previously, Mark worked at the W3C as Staff Contact for the HTML Accessibility Task Force which manages the progress of accessibility solutions in the Open Web Platform. He is passionate about free standards and the decentralization of the Web and works in Web Accessibility because he believes everyone should be able to use the Web.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Seth Schoen - Photo ]"/>
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-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="schoen">Seth Schoen, Electronic Frontier Foundation</h3>
-               <p>Seth Schoen is Senior Staff Technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco. As the first-ever staff technologist at EFF, he helps EFF's staff and the public understand the technologies they use. He works on technology research and development to protect users' freedom and privacy.</p>
-                       <p>Seth has been working on the Let's Encrypt project with EFF, the University of Michigan, Mozilla, and our other partners for several years, and is thrilled to see it poised to launch publicly.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Michael Seaton - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="seaton">Michael Seaton, Partners In Health</h3>
-               <p>Mike is lead software developer at Partners In Health, a Boston-based non-profit whose mission is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. Mike's focus at PIH over the last 9 years has been to develop innovative electronic medical record systems to support patient care in rural health facilities throughout Haiti, Rwanda, Malawi, Peru, and Lesotho. Mike is a long-time core contributor and technical lead of OpenMRS, a free software medical record system.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Ken Starks - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="starks">Ken Starks, Reglue</h3>
-               <p>"Daddy, how does a computer work?" That simple six-word question led Ken down a path that not only changed his life, but the lives of hundreds of others. Since 2005, Ken and his organization has taken in broken or decommissioned computers, refurbished them, and then placed them into the homes of financially disadvantaged kids in Texas. Everything Reglue does is anchored on one simple premise: a child's exposure to technology should never be predicated on the ability to afford it.</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Brett Smith - Photo ]"/>
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-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="smith">Brett Smith, Curoverse/Arvados</h3>
-               <p>Brett Smith has been working with free software for his entire career, starting with college employment as the FSF's shipping manager and Richard Stallman's speaking organizer. Since then, he's been a software engineer, a system administrator, and the FSF's license compliance engineer. Right now he gets paid to develop Arvados full-time. He also holds an Extra class amateur radio license, and uses it to help communications teams at local events like the Boston Marathon.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Ben Sturmfels - Photo ]"/>
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-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="sturmfels">Ben Sturmfels</h3>
-               <p>Ben Sturmfels is a software engineer and free software activist from Ballarat, Australia. He organises Free Software Melbourne and leads the End Software Patents Australia campaign.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Maira Sutton - Photo ]"/>
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-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="sutton">Maira Sutton, Electronic Frontier Foundation</h3>
-               <p>Maira works with the Electronic Frontier Foundation as a Global Policy Analyst, monitoring and advocating for human rights as it applies to emerging tech policy. She leads EFF's international work in defending users rights against expansive copyright provisions that restrict users' rights and impede innovation, particularly in opaque international policymaking venues such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP).</p>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Robinson Tryon - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="tryon">Robinson Tryon, The Document Foundation</h3>
-               <p>Robinson is a Free Software evangelist employed as QA Engineer for The Document Foundation (TDF), the German non-profit behind LibreOffice and the Document Liberation Project, and as volunteer coordinator of LibreOffice community outreach and education in the US. When he's not speaking about LibreOffice or poking at code, you may find him tinkering in his basement, growing beans and hops in his garden, brewing beer in his kitchen, roasting something over the fire, or floating around a lake somewhere.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Ward Vandewege - Photo ]"/>
-       </div>
-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="vandewege">Ward Vandewege, Arvados</h3>
-               <p>Ward Vandewege started his career as a systems administrator and software developer, with a focus on free software. Ward currently leads the engineering and operations teams at Curoverse. He is also responsible for designing, building, and operating the computer clusters for the Personal Genome Project (PGP). Before Curoverse, Ward was at the FSF where he served as senior systems administrator and eventually as CTO.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Christopher Webber - Photo ]"/>
-       </div>
-       <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-               <h3 id="webber">Christopher Webber, GNU MediaGoblin</h3>
-               <p>Lead developer of GNU MediaGoblin. Python developer, free software and free culture activist. Previously tech lead of Creative Commons. Has run two successful crowdfunding campaigns funding MediaGoblin in conjunction with the Free Software Foundation.</p>
-       </div>
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-               <img class="img-responsive" src="//" alt="[ Stefano Zacchiroli - Photo ]"/>
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-               <h3 id="zacchiroli">Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian, IRILL</h3>
-               <p>Associate Professor of Computer Science at University Paris Diderot. His research interests span formal methods and their applications to Quality Assurance in Free Software distributions. He has been an official member of the Debian Project since 2001, taking care of many tasks from package maintenance to distribution-wide Quality Assurance. He has been elected to serve as Debian Project Leader for 3 terms in a row, over the period 2010-2013. He is a Board Director of the Open Source Initiative.</p>
-       </div>
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-                       <h2>Almost done</h2>
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-<h2>Scholarship Application</h2>
-<p style="font-weight: bold;">The official deadline for scholarship applications is passed. Please don't submit one unless the FSF asks you to.</p>
-<p>We are offering a limited number of travel scholarships to assist with expenses related to attending LibrePlanet. While we cannot offer stipends to everyone who applies, we will do our best to bring as many people as possible from as many communities as possible. We are generally unable to cover 100% of your travel and hotel costs, applicants should be prepared to cover some portion of travel expenses. <strong>The application deadline for travel stipends is Sunday, November 30th, 2014 at 19:59 EST (23:59 UTC).</strong></p>
-<p>One of the goals of our scholarship program is to increase participation by marginalized groups in our conference, so we ask some questions about identity. Remember that all of these fields are optional.</p>
-<form  action=";reset=1" class="form-horizontal margin-top" method="post" name="Edit" id="Edit">
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-  <div class="crm-profile-name-GNU_30th_scholarship_application_334"> <!-- div 1 -->
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-         <div id="editrow-first_name" class="form-group">
-               <label for="first_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                 First Name
-                 <span class="field-required">*</span>
-               </label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <input name="first_name" type="text" id="first_name" class="form-control" required>
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-last_name" class="form-group">
-               <label for="last_name" class="control-label col-sm-3">
-                       Last Name
-                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-               </label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <input name="last_name" type="text" id="last_name" class="form-control" required>
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-email-Primary" class="form-group">
-               <label for="email-Primary" class="control-label col-sm-3">Email
-                 <span class="field-required">*</span>
-               </label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <input name="email-Primary" type="email" id="email-Primary" class="form-control" required>
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div class="form-group">
-               <div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-5" id="helprow-street_address-Primary">
-                 <p class="help-block scholarship-input-annotation">
-                       <small>Please tell us where you're coming from.</small>
-                 </p>
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-street_address-Primary" class="form-group">
-               <label for="street_address-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                 Street Address</label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <input name="street_address-Primary" type="text" id="street_address-Primary" class="form-control" />
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-city-Primary" class="form-group">
-               <label class="col-sm-3 control-label" for="city-Primary">City</label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <input name="city-Primary" type="text" id="city-Primary" class="form-control" />
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-postal_code-Primary" class="form-group">
-               <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="postal_code-Primary">
-                 Postal Code
-               </label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <input name="postal_code-Primary" type="number" id="postal_code-Primary" class="form-control" />
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-country-Primary" class="form-group">
-               <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="country-Primary">
-                 Country
-                 <span class="field-required">*</span>
-               </label>
-               <div class="col-sm-5">
-                 <select name="country-Primary" id="country-Primary" class="form-control">
-                       <option value="">- select -</option>
-                       <option value="1228" selected="selected">United States</option>
-                       <option value="1001">Afghanistan</option>
-                       <option value="1241">Åland Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1002">Albania</option>
-                       <option value="1003">Algeria</option>
-                       <option value="1004">American Samoa</option>
-                       <option value="1005">Andorra</option>
-                       <option value="1006">Angola</option>
-                       <option value="1007">Anguilla</option>
-                       <option value="1008">Antarctica</option>
-                       <option value="1009">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
-                       <option value="1010">Argentina</option>
-                       <option value="1011">Armenia</option>
-                       <option value="1012">Aruba</option>
-                       <option value="1013">Australia</option>
-                       <option value="1014">Austria</option>
-                       <option value="1015">Azerbaijan</option>
-                       <option value="1212">Bahamas</option>
-                       <option value="1016">Bahrain</option>
-                       <option value="1017">Bangladesh</option>
-                       <option value="1018">Barbados</option>
-                       <option value="1019">Belarus</option>
-                       <option value="1020">Belgium</option>
-                       <option value="1021">Belize</option>
-                       <option value="1022">Benin</option>
-                       <option value="1023">Bermuda</option>
-                       <option value="1024">Bhutan</option>
-                       <option value="1025">Bolivia</option>
-                       <option value="1250">Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba</option>
-                       <option value="1026">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
-                       <option value="1027">Botswana</option>
-                       <option value="1028">Bouvet Island</option>
-                       <option value="1029">Brazil</option>
-                       <option value="1030">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
-                       <option value="1032">Brunei Darussalam</option>
-                       <option value="1033">Bulgaria</option>
-                       <option value="1034">Burkina Faso</option>
-                       <option value="1036">Burundi</option>
-                       <option value="1037">Cambodia</option>
-                       <option value="1038">Cameroon</option>
-                       <option value="1039">Canada</option>
-                       <option value="1040">Cape Verde</option>
-                       <option value="1041">Cayman Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1042">Central African Republic</option>
-                       <option value="1043">Chad</option>
-                       <option value="1044">Chile</option>
-                       <option value="1045">China</option>
-                       <option value="1046">Christmas Island</option>
-                       <option value="1047">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1048">Colombia</option>
-                       <option value="1049">Comoros</option>
-                       <option value="1051">Congo, Republic of the</option>
-                       <option value="1050">Congo, The Democratic Republic of the</option>
-                       <option value="1052">Cook Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1053">Costa Rica</option>
-                       <option value="1054">Côte d'Ivoire</option>
-                       <option value="1055">Croatia</option>
-                       <option value="1056">Cuba</option>
-                       <option value="1248">Curaçao</option>
-                       <option value="1057">Cyprus</option>
-                       <option value="1058">Czech Republic</option>
-                       <option value="1059">Denmark</option>
-                       <option value="1060">Djibouti</option>
-                       <option value="1061">Dominica</option>
-                       <option value="1062">Dominican Republic</option>
-                       <option value="1064">Ecuador</option>
-                       <option value="1065">Egypt</option>
-                       <option value="1066">El Salvador</option>
-                       <option value="1067">Equatorial Guinea</option>
-                       <option value="1068">Eritrea</option>
-                       <option value="1069">Estonia</option>
-                       <option value="1070">Ethiopia</option>
-                       <option value="1072">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
-                       <option value="1073">Faroe Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1074">Fiji</option>
-                       <option value="1075">Finland</option>
-                       <option value="1076">France</option>
-                       <option value="1077">French Guiana</option>
-                       <option value="1078">French Polynesia</option>
-                       <option value="1079">French Southern Territories</option>
-                       <option value="1080">Gabon</option>
-                       <option value="1213">Gambia</option>
-                       <option value="1081">Georgia</option>
-                       <option value="1082">Germany</option>
-                       <option value="1083">Ghana</option>
-                       <option value="1084">Gibraltar</option>
-                       <option value="1085">Greece</option>
-                       <option value="1086">Greenland</option>
-                       <option value="1087">Grenada</option>
-                       <option value="1088">Guadeloupe</option>
-                       <option value="1089">Guam</option>
-                       <option value="1090">Guatemala</option>
-                       <option value="1245">Guernsey</option>
-                       <option value="1091">Guinea</option>
-                       <option value="1092">Guinea-Bissau</option>
-                       <option value="1093">Guyana</option>
-                       <option value="1094">Haiti</option>
-                       <option value="1095">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1096">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
-                       <option value="1097">Honduras</option>
-                       <option value="1098">Hong Kong</option>
-                       <option value="1099">Hungary</option>
-                       <option value="1100">Iceland</option>
-                       <option value="1101">India</option>
-                       <option value="1102">Indonesia</option>
-                       <option value="1103">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
-                       <option value="1104">Iraq</option>
-                       <option value="1105">Ireland</option>
-                       <option value="1246">Isle of Man</option>
-                       <option value="1106">Israel</option>
-                       <option value="1107">Italy</option>
-                       <option value="1108">Jamaica</option>
-                       <option value="1109">Japan</option>
-                       <option value="1244">Jersey</option>
-                       <option value="1110">Jordan</option>
-                       <option value="1111">Kazakhstan</option>
-                       <option value="1112">Kenya</option>
-                       <option value="1113">Kiribati</option>
-                       <option value="1114">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
-                       <option value="1115">Korea, Republic of</option>
-                       <option value="1251">Kosovo</option>
-                       <option value="1116">Kuwait</option>
-                       <option value="1117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
-                       <option value="1118">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
-                       <option value="1119">Latvia</option>
-                       <option value="1120">Lebanon</option>
-                       <option value="1121">Lesotho</option>
-                       <option value="1122">Liberia</option>
-                       <option value="1123">Libya</option>
-                       <option value="1124">Liechtenstein</option>
-                       <option value="1125">Lithuania</option>
-                       <option value="1126">Luxembourg</option>
-                       <option value="1127">Macao</option>
-                       <option value="1128">Macedonia, Republic of</option>
-                       <option value="1129">Madagascar</option>
-                       <option value="1130">Malawi</option>
-                       <option value="1131">Malaysia</option>
-                       <option value="1132">Maldives</option>
-                       <option value="1133">Mali</option>
-                       <option value="1134">Malta</option>
-                       <option value="1135">Marshall Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1136">Martinique</option>
-                       <option value="1137">Mauritania</option>
-                       <option value="1138">Mauritius</option>
-                       <option value="1139">Mayotte</option>
-                       <option value="1140">Mexico</option>
-                       <option value="1141">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
-                       <option value="1142">Moldova</option>
-                       <option value="1143">Monaco</option>
-                       <option value="1144">Mongolia</option>
-                       <option value="1243">Montenegro</option>
-                       <option value="1145">Montserrat</option>
-                       <option value="1146">Morocco</option>
-                       <option value="1147">Mozambique</option>
-                       <option value="1035">Myanmar</option>
-                       <option value="1148">Namibia</option>
-                       <option value="1149">Nauru</option>
-                       <option value="1150">Nepal</option>
-                       <option value="1152">Netherlands</option>
-                       <option value="1153">New Caledonia</option>
-                       <option value="1154">New Zealand</option>
-                       <option value="1155">Nicaragua</option>
-                       <option value="1156">Niger</option>
-                       <option value="1157">Nigeria</option>
-                       <option value="1158">Niue</option>
-                       <option value="1159">Norfolk Island</option>
-                       <option value="1160">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1161">Norway</option>
-                       <option value="1162">Oman</option>
-                       <option value="1163">Pakistan</option>
-                       <option value="1164">Palau</option>
-                       <option value="1165">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
-                       <option value="1166">Panama</option>
-                       <option value="1167">Papua New Guinea</option>
-                       <option value="1168">Paraguay</option>
-                       <option value="1169">Peru</option>
-                       <option value="1170">Philippines</option>
-                       <option value="1171">Pitcairn</option>
-                       <option value="1172">Poland</option>
-                       <option value="1173">Portugal</option>
-                       <option value="1174">Puerto Rico</option>
-                       <option value="1175">Qatar</option>
-                       <option value="1179">Reunion</option>
-                       <option value="1176">Romania</option>
-                       <option value="1177">Russian Federation</option>
-                       <option value="1178">Rwanda</option>
-                       <option value="1180">Saint Helena</option>
-                       <option value="1181">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
-                       <option value="1182">Saint Lucia</option>
-                       <option value="1183">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
-                       <option value="1184">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
-                       <option value="1185">Samoa</option>
-                       <option value="1186">San Marino</option>
-                       <option value="1207">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
-                       <option value="1187">Saudi Arabia</option>
-                       <option value="1188">Senegal</option>
-                       <option value="1242">Serbia</option>
-                       <option value="1238">Serbia and Montenegro</option>
-                       <option value="1189">Seychelles</option>
-                       <option value="1190">Sierra Leone</option>
-                       <option value="1191">Singapore</option>
-                       <option value="1249">Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)</option>
-                       <option value="1192">Slovakia</option>
-                       <option value="1193">Slovenia</option>
-                       <option value="1194">Solomon Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1195">Somalia</option>
-                       <option value="1196">South Africa</option>
-                       <option value="1197">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1247">South Sudan</option>
-                       <option value="1198">Spain</option>
-                       <option value="1199">Sri Lanka</option>
-                       <option value="1200">Sudan</option>
-                       <option value="1201">Suriname</option>
-                       <option value="1202">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
-                       <option value="1203">Swaziland</option>
-                       <option value="1204">Sweden</option>
-                       <option value="1205">Switzerland</option>
-                       <option value="1206">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
-                       <option value="1208">Taiwan</option>
-                       <option value="1209">Tajikistan</option>
-                       <option value="1210">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
-                       <option value="1211">Thailand</option>
-                       <option value="1063">Timor-Leste</option>
-                       <option value="1214">Togo</option>
-                       <option value="1215">Tokelau</option>
-                       <option value="1216">Tonga</option>
-                       <option value="1217">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
-                       <option value="1218">Tunisia</option>
-                       <option value="1219">Turkey</option>
-                       <option value="1220">Turkmenistan</option>
-                       <option value="1221">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1222">Tuvalu</option>
-                       <option value="1223">Uganda</option>
-                       <option value="1224">Ukraine</option>
-                       <option value="1225">United Arab Emirates</option>
-                       <option value="1226">United Kingdom</option>
-                       <option value="1227">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                       <option value="1229">Uruguay</option>
-                       <option value="1230">Uzbekistan</option>
-                       <option value="1231">Vanuatu</option>
-                       <option value="1232">Venezuela</option>
-                       <option value="1233">Viet Nam</option>
-                       <option value="1031">Virgin Islands, British</option>
-                       <option value="1234">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
-                       <option value="1235">Wallis and Futuna</option>
-                       <option value="1236">Western Sahara</option>
-                       <option value="1237">Yemen</option>
-                       <option value="1239">Zambia</option>
-                       <option value="1240">Zimbabwe</option>
-                 </select>
-               </div>
-         </div>
-         <div id="editrow-state_province-Primary" class="form-group">
-               <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="state_province-Primary">State or Province</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <select name="state_province-Primary" id="state_province-Primary" class="form-control">
-                 <option value="">- select -</option>
-                 <option value="1000">Alabama</option>
-                 <option value="1001">Alaska</option>
-                 <option value="1052">American Samoa</option>
-                 <option value="1002">Arizona</option>
-                 <option value="1003">Arkansas</option>
-                 <option value="1060">Armed Forces Americas</option>
-                 <option value="1059">Armed Forces Europe</option>
-                 <option value="1061">Armed Forces Pacific</option>
-                 <option value="1004">California</option>
-                 <option value="1005">Colorado</option>
-                 <option value="1006">Connecticut</option>
-                 <option value="1007">Delaware</option>
-                 <option value="1050">District of Columbia</option>
-                 <option value="1008">Florida</option>
-                 <option value="1009">Georgia</option>
-                 <option value="1053">Guam</option>
-                 <option value="1010">Hawaii</option>
-                 <option value="1011">Idaho</option>
-                 <option value="1012">Illinois</option>
-                 <option value="1013">Indiana</option>
-                 <option value="1014">Iowa</option>
-                 <option value="1015">Kansas</option>
-                 <option value="1016">Kentucky</option>
-                 <option value="1017">Louisiana</option>
-                 <option value="1018">Maine</option>
-                 <option value="1019">Maryland</option>
-                 <option value="1020">Massachusetts</option>
-                 <option value="1021">Michigan</option>
-                 <option value="1022">Minnesota</option>
-                 <option value="1023">Mississippi</option>
-                 <option value="1024">Missouri</option>
-                 <option value="1025">Montana</option>
-                 <option value="1026">Nebraska</option>
-                 <option value="1027">Nevada</option>
-                 <option value="1028">New Hampshire</option>
-                 <option value="1029">New Jersey</option>
-                 <option value="1030">New Mexico</option>
-                 <option value="1031">New York</option>
-                 <option value="1032">North Carolina</option>
-                 <option value="1033">North Dakota</option>
-                 <option value="1055">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                 <option value="1034">Ohio</option>
-                 <option value="1035">Oklahoma</option>
-                 <option value="1036">Oregon</option>
-                 <option value="1037">Pennsylvania</option>
-                 <option value="1056">Puerto Rico</option>
-                 <option value="1038">Rhode Island</option>
-                 <option value="1039">South Carolina</option>
-                 <option value="1040">South Dakota</option>
-                 <option value="1041">Tennessee</option>
-                 <option value="1042">Texas</option>
-                 <option value="1058">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                 <option value="1043">Utah</option>
-                 <option value="1044">Vermont</option>
-                 <option value="1057">Virgin Islands</option>
-                 <option value="1045">Virginia</option>
-                 <option value="1046">Washington</option>
-                 <option value="1047">West Virginia</option>
-                 <option value="1048">Wisconsin</option>
-                 <option value="1049">Wyoming</option>
-               </select>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div class="form-group" id="helprow-state_province-Primary">
-         <div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-9">
-               <hr />
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_199" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="custom_199">Why do you want to attend LibrePlanet 2015?</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-9">
-               <textarea rows="4" data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Why_do_you_want_to_attend_LibrePlanet_2015_"
-                                 name="custom_199" id="custom_199" class="form-control"></textarea>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div class="form-group" id="helprow-custom_184">
-         <div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-9">
-               <p class="help-block scholarship-input-annotation">
-                 <small>We are working to increase the participation of marginalized
-                 groups at LibrePlanet. Please share any identity information
-                 you feel is important.</small>
-               </p>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_184" class="form-group">
-         <label class="col-sm-3 control-label" for="custom_184">Gender</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <input data-crm-custom="Identity_Free_Response:Gender" name="custom_184" type="text" id="custom_184" class="form-control" />
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_185" class="form-group">
-         <label class="col-sm-3 control-label" for="custom_185">Race/Ethnicity</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <input data-crm-custom="Identity_Free_Response:Race_Ethnicity" name="custom_185" type="text" id="custom_185" class="form-control" />
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-birth_date" class="form-group">
-         <label class="col-sm-3 control-label" for="birth_date_display">Birth Date</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <input formattype="birth" startoffset="100" endoffset="0" format="mm/dd/yy"
-                          name="birth_date" type="text" id="birth_date" class="form-text"
-                          style="display: none;"/>
-               <input type="text" name="birth_date_display" id="birth_date_display"
-                          class="form-control" autocomplete="off"/>
-               <span>
-                 <a href="#" onclick="clearDateTime( 'birth_date' ); return false;">
-                       clear</a>
-               </span>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div class="form-group" id="helprow-custom_186">
-         <div class="col-sm-offset-3 col-sm-9"><p class="help-block scholarship-input-annotation"><small>A space for you to Include any other identity information that doesn't fit in the provided fields, like class background, ability/disability, national origin/citizenship status, sexuality, religion/spiritual practice, geography/regional affiliations, education, types of work, etc.</small></p>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_186" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="custom_186">
-               Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself?</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-9">
-               <textarea data-crm-custom="Identity_Free_Response:How_do_you_self_identify_"
-                                 rows="4" name="custom_186" id="custom_186"
-                                 class="form-control"></textarea>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_200" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="custom_200">How do
-         you plan to bring your experience back to your
-         community?</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-9">
-               <textarea data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:How_do_you_plan_to_bring_your_experience_back_to_your_community_"
-                                 rows="4" name="custom_200" id="custom_200" class="form-control"></textarea>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_203" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="custom_203">
-               Estimated travel and hotel expenses
-         </label>
-         <div class="col-sm-9">
-               <textarea data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Estimated_travel_and_hotel_expenses" rows="4"
-                                 name="custom_203" id="custom_203" class="form-control"></textarea>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-<!--   <div id="editrow-custom_204" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="custom_204">
-               Are there any special accommodations that would make it easier for you to attend LibrePlanet?
-         </label>
-         <div class="col-sm-9">
-         <textarea data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Are_there_any_special_accommodations_that_would_make_it_easier_f" rows="4"
-                               name="custom_204" id="custom_204" class="form-control"></textarea>
-         <span class="help-block">Examples: ASL interpretation, wheelchair accessibility, etc.</span>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_205" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3">Would you be willing to volunteer at the event?</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <label class="radio-inline" for="CIVICRM_QFID_1_2">
-                 <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Would_you_be_willing_to_volunteer_at_the_event_"
-                                value="1" type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_1_2" name="custom_205"  />
-                 Yes
-               </label>
-               <label class="radio-inline" for="CIVICRM_QFID_0_4">
-               <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Would_you_be_willing_to_volunteer_at_the_event_"
-                          value="0" type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_0_4" name="custom_205" />No
-               </label>
-               <span class="radio-clear-link">(<a href="#" title="unselect" onclick="unselectRadio('custom_205', 'Edit'); return false;">clear</a>)</span>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_206" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3">Are you a student?</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <label class="radio-inline" for="CIVICRM_QFID_1_6">
-                 <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Are_you_a_student_"
-                          value="1" type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_1_6" name="custom_206" />
-                 Yes
-               </label>
-               <label class="radio-inline" for="CIVICRM_QFID_0_8">
-               <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Are_you_a_student_" value="0"
-                          type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_0_8" name="custom_206" />No
-               </label>
-               <span class="radio-clear-link">
-                 <a href="#" title="unselect" onclick="unselectRadio('custom_206', 'Edit'); return false;">clear</a>
-               </span>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div id="editrow-custom_207" class="form-group">
-         <label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="custom_207">Free software project affiliation, if any</label>
-         <div class="col-sm-5">
-               <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Scholarship:Free_software_project_affiliation_if_any"
-                          name="custom_207" type="text" id="custom_207" class="form-control" />
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div class="form-group">
-         <div class="col-sm-12">
-         <p>
-        We will not publish or share
-        your information with any party outside the FSF. See our
-        <a href="">
-          privacy policy</a> for more information.
-      </p>
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       <div class="form-group">
-         <div class="col-sm-12">
-               <input class="btn btn-default" accesskey="S" name="_qf_Edit_next" value="Save" type="submit" id="_qf_Edit_next" />
-<!--           <input onclick="location.href=';gid=334'; return false;" class="cancel form-submit default" name="_qf_Edit_cancel" value="Cancel" type="submit" id="_qf_Edit_cancel" /> -->
-         </div>
-       </div>
-       </div>
-  </div>
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-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Sponsors </title>
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-<h1>Thank you to our sponsors!</h1>
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-<img class="sponsor-logo" alt="[ Sponsor - Whole Foods Market ]" src="//">
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-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Volunteer Registration Confirmation</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-                       <h2> Volunteer <small>Registration</small> </h2>
-                       <p>
-                         Thanks for joining the volunteer planning committee!
-                       </p>
-                       <div class="alert alert-info margin-top">
-                         <p>
-                               <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox"></span>
-                               <strong>Please check your email for a confirmation link.</strong>
-                         </p>
-                       </div>
-                       <p>
-                         <a href="/2015/">
-                               Return to the homepage.
-                         </a>
-                       </p>
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-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
-<title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Volunteer Registration</title>
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
-<!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1> Volunteer Registration</h1>
-<h3>We're delighted to say that we now have a large enough team of volunteers for LibrePlanet 2015. Please don't fill out this application unless directed to do so.</h3>
-<p>Volunteers make LibrePlanet great, and have fun doing it. Volunteers also recieve gratis conference admission and a LibrePlanet 2015 t-shirt. We have volunteer tasks for a wide variety of skill sets and interests, even if you can't make to Boston, or can only come during the conference weekend.</p>
-<p>Some past volunteer roles include: welcoming people at the registration desk, managing video streams, doing outreach before the conference, building the conference Web site, escorting speakers, selling merchandise, and organizing dinners during the conference.</p>
-<p>We welcome you to use the #libreplanet channel on Freenode for informal communication with other volunteers before and during the conference. Please email Chrissie at <a href=""></a> with any questions.</p>
-<p><strong>If you are attending the conference, you'll need to <a href="">register</a> in addition to filling out this form. Email <a href=""></a> before registering if you'd like to take advantage of the gratis registration offered volunteers.</strong></p>
-                       <form action=";reset=1"
-                                 class="form-horizontal margin-top" method="post" name="Edit" id="Edit1" role="form">
-                         <div>
-                               <input name="entryURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value=";amp;reset=1&amp;amp;delete=1&amp;amp;cid=744133" />
-                               <!-- change the below URL to
-                                        before merging to stable branch -->
-                               <input name="postURL" type="hidden"
-                                          value="" />
-                               <!-- change the below URL to
-                                        before merging to stable branch -->
-                               <input name="cancelURL" type="hidden" value="" />
-                               <input name="add_to_group" type="hidden" value="805" />
-                               <input name="_qf_default" type="hidden" value="Edit:cancel" />
-                         </div>
-                         <div id="crm-container1" class="crm-container crm-public" lang="en"
-                                  xml:lang="en">
-                               <div id="editrow-email-Primary1" class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="email-Primary1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Email
-                                       <span class="field-required">*</span>
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="email-Primary" type="email" id="email-Primary1"
-                                                  class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" required/>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-first_name"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="first_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       First Name
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="first_name" type="text" id="first_name"
-                                                  class="form-control"/>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-last_name"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="last_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Last Name
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="last_name" type="text" id="last_name"
-                                                  class="form-control"/>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_195" class="form-group">
-                                 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       When would you be interested in
-                                       volunteering?</label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-9">
-                                       <input type="hidden" name="custom_195[1]"
-                                                  value=""/>
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline"
-                                                  for="custom_195_1">
-                                       <input
-                                          data-crm-custom="LP15_Volunteer_Interests:When_would_you_be_interested_in_volunteering_"
-                                          id="custom_195_1" name="custom_195[1]" type="checkbox"
-                                          value="1"
-                                          />During the conference
-                                       </label>
-                                       <input type="hidden"
-                                                  name="custom_195[2]" value=""/>
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline" for="custom_195_2">
-                                       <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Volunteer_Interests:When_would_you_be_interested_in_volunteering_"
-                                                  id="custom_195_2" name="custom_195[2]" type="checkbox"
-                                                  value="1" />
-                                       Before the conference
-                                       </label>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_196" class="form-group">
-                                 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Could you come to
-                                       the Boston area?</label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-9">
-                                       <input type="hidden"
-                                                  name="custom_196[2]" value=""
-                                                  />
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline" for="custom_196_2">
-                                         <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Volunteer_Interests:Could_you_come_to_the_Boston_area_"
-                                                        id="custom_196_2" name="custom_196[2]" type="checkbox"
-                                                        value="1"
-                                                        />
-                                         During the conference
-                                       </label>
-                                       <input type="hidden" name="custom_196[1]"
-                                                  value=""/>
-                                       <label class="checkbox-inline" for="custom_196_1">
-                                         <input data-crm-custom="LP15_Volunteer_Interests:Could_you_come_to_the_Boston_area_"
-                                                  id="custom_196_1" name="custom_196[1]" type="checkbox"
-                                                  value="1"/>
-                                         Before the conference
-                                       </label>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_191"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="custom_191" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Is there something in particular you'd like to
-                                       work on?
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <textarea rows="4"
-                                                         data-crm-custom="LP15_Volunteer_Interests:How_would_you_like_to_help_"
-                                                         name="custom_191" id="custom_191"
-                                                         class="form-control"></textarea>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-custom_79_1" class="form-group">
-                                 <div class="col-sm-3">
-                                       <p class="lp-left-form-checkbox-text">
-                                               Would you also like to receive our
-                                               monthly Free Software Supporter newsletter?
-                                       </p>
-                                 </div>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <div class="checkbox">
-                                         <input type="hidden" name="custom_79[yes]"
-                                                        value="" />
-                                         <label for="custom_79_yes1">
-                                               <input data-crm-custom="Simple_mailing_list_signup:Would_you_like_to_join_our_mailing_list_"
-                                                          id="custom_79_yes1" name="custom_79[yes]"
-                                                          type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked"/>
-                                               Sign me up!</label>
-                                       </div>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-<p>If you want to give us a little more
-                         information about your location, we will be able to
-                         use that in planning future events like LibrePlanet
-                         in different cities.
-                       </p>
-                               <div id="editrow-city-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="city-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       City
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="city-Primary" type="text"
-                                                  id="city-Primary" class="form-control"/>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-state_province-Primary"
-                                  class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="state_province-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                         State
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <select name="state_province-Primary"
-                                                       id="state_province-Primary" class="form-control">
-                                         <option value="">- select -</option>
-                                         <option value="1000">Alabama</option>
-                                         <option value="1001">Alaska</option>
-                                         <option value="1052">American Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1002">Arizona</option>
-                                         <option value="1003">Arkansas</option>
-                                         <option value="1060">Armed Forces Americas</option>
-                                         <option value="1059">Armed Forces Europe</option>
-                                         <option value="1061">Armed Forces Pacific</option>
-                                         <option value="1004">California</option>
-                                         <option value="1005">Colorado</option>
-                                         <option value="1006">Connecticut</option>
-                                         <option value="1007">Delaware</option>
-                                         <option value="1050">District of Columbia</option>
-                                         <option value="1008">Florida</option>
-                                         <option value="1009">Georgia</option>
-                                         <option value="1053">Guam</option>
-                                         <option value="1010">Hawaii</option>
-                                         <option value="1011">Idaho</option>
-                                         <option value="1012">Illinois</option>
-                                         <option value="1013">Indiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1014">Iowa</option>
-                                         <option value="1015">Kansas</option>
-                                         <option value="1016">Kentucky</option>
-                                         <option value="1017">Louisiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1018">Maine</option>
-                                         <option value="1019">Maryland</option>
-                                         <option value="1020">Massachusetts</option>
-                                         <option value="1021">Michigan</option>
-                                         <option value="1022">Minnesota</option>
-                                         <option value="1023">Mississippi</option>
-                                         <option value="1024">Missouri</option>
-                                         <option value="1025">Montana</option>
-                                         <option value="1026">Nebraska</option>
-                                         <option value="1027">Nevada</option>
-                                         <option value="1028">New Hampshire</option>
-                                         <option value="1029">New Jersey</option>
-                                         <option value="1030">New Mexico</option>
-                                         <option value="1031">New York</option>
-                                         <option value="1032">North Carolina</option>
-                                         <option value="1033">North Dakota</option>
-                                         <option value="1055">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1034">Ohio</option>
-                                         <option value="1035">Oklahoma</option>
-                                         <option value="1036">Oregon</option>
-                                         <option value="1037">Pennsylvania</option>
-                                         <option value="1056">Puerto Rico</option>
-                                         <option value="1038">Rhode Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1039">South Carolina</option>
-                                         <option value="1040">South Dakota</option>
-                                         <option value="1041">Tennessee</option>
-                                         <option value="1042">Texas</option>
-                                         <option value="1058">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1043">Utah</option>
-                                         <option value="1044">Vermont</option>
-                                         <option value="1057">Virgin Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1045">Virginia</option>
-                                         <option value="1046">Washington</option>
-                                         <option value="1047">West Virginia</option>
-                                         <option value="1048">Wisconsin</option>
-                                         <option value="1049">Wyoming</option>
-                                       </select>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-country-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="country-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Country
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <select name="country-Primary" id="country-Primary"
-                                                       class="form-control">
-                                         <option value="">- select -</option>
-                                         <option value="1228" selected="selected">United States</option>
-                                         <option value="1001">Afghanistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1241">Åland Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1002">Albania</option>
-                                         <option value="1003">Algeria</option>
-                                         <option value="1004">American Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1005">Andorra</option>
-                                         <option value="1006">Angola</option>
-                                         <option value="1007">Anguilla</option>
-                                         <option value="1008">Antarctica</option>
-                                         <option value="1009">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
-                                         <option value="1010">Argentina</option>
-                                         <option value="1011">Armenia</option>
-                                         <option value="1012">Aruba</option>
-                                         <option value="1013">Australia</option>
-                                         <option value="1014">Austria</option>
-                                         <option value="1015">Azerbaijan</option>
-                                         <option value="1212">Bahamas</option>
-                                         <option value="1016">Bahrain</option>
-                                         <option value="1017">Bangladesh</option>
-                                         <option value="1018">Barbados</option>
-                                         <option value="1019">Belarus</option>
-                                         <option value="1020">Belgium</option>
-                                         <option value="1021">Belize</option>
-                                         <option value="1022">Benin</option>
-                                         <option value="1023">Bermuda</option>
-                                         <option value="1024">Bhutan</option>
-                                         <option value="1025">Bolivia</option>
-                                         <option value="1250">Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba</option>
-                                         <option value="1026">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
-                                         <option value="1027">Botswana</option>
-                                         <option value="1028">Bouvet Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1029">Brazil</option>
-                                         <option value="1030">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
-                                         <option value="1032">Brunei Darussalam</option>
-                                         <option value="1033">Bulgaria</option>
-                                         <option value="1034">Burkina Faso</option>
-                                         <option value="1036">Burundi</option>
-                                         <option value="1037">Cambodia</option>
-                                         <option value="1038">Cameroon</option>
-                                         <option value="1039">Canada</option>
-                                         <option value="1040">Cape Verde</option>
-                                         <option value="1041">Cayman Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1042">Central African Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1043">Chad</option>
-                                         <option value="1044">Chile</option>
-                                         <option value="1045">China</option>
-                                         <option value="1046">Christmas Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1047">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1048">Colombia</option>
-                                         <option value="1049">Comoros</option>
-                                         <option value="1051">Congo, Republic of the</option>
-                                         <option value="1050">Congo, The Democratic Republic of the</option>
-                                         <option value="1052">Cook Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1053">Costa Rica</option>
-                                         <option value="1054">Côte d'Ivoire</option>
-                                         <option value="1055">Croatia</option>
-                                         <option value="1056">Cuba</option>
-                                         <option value="1248">Curaçao</option>
-                                         <option value="1057">Cyprus</option>
-                                         <option value="1058">Czech Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1059">Denmark</option>
-                                         <option value="1060">Djibouti</option>
-                                         <option value="1061">Dominica</option>
-                                         <option value="1062">Dominican Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1064">Ecuador</option>
-                                         <option value="1065">Egypt</option>
-                                         <option value="1066">El Salvador</option>
-                                         <option value="1067">Equatorial Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1068">Eritrea</option>
-                                         <option value="1069">Estonia</option>
-                                         <option value="1070">Ethiopia</option>
-                                         <option value="1072">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
-                                         <option value="1073">Faroe Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1074">Fiji</option>
-                                         <option value="1075">Finland</option>
-                                         <option value="1076">France</option>
-                                         <option value="1077">French Guiana</option>
-                                         <option value="1078">French Polynesia</option>
-                                         <option value="1079">French Southern Territories</option>
-                                         <option value="1080">Gabon</option>
-                                         <option value="1213">Gambia</option>
-                                         <option value="1081">Georgia</option>
-                                         <option value="1082">Germany</option>
-                                         <option value="1083">Ghana</option>
-                                         <option value="1084">Gibraltar</option>
-                                         <option value="1085">Greece</option>
-                                         <option value="1086">Greenland</option>
-                                         <option value="1087">Grenada</option>
-                                         <option value="1088">Guadeloupe</option>
-                                         <option value="1089">Guam</option>
-                                         <option value="1090">Guatemala</option>
-                                         <option value="1245">Guernsey</option>
-                                         <option value="1091">Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1092">Guinea-Bissau</option>
-                                         <option value="1093">Guyana</option>
-                                         <option value="1094">Haiti</option>
-                                         <option value="1095">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1096">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
-                                         <option value="1097">Honduras</option>
-                                         <option value="1098">Hong Kong</option>
-                                         <option value="1099">Hungary</option>
-                                         <option value="1100">Iceland</option>
-                                         <option value="1101">India</option>
-                                         <option value="1102">Indonesia</option>
-                                         <option value="1103">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1104">Iraq</option>
-                                         <option value="1105">Ireland</option>
-                                         <option value="1246">Isle of Man</option>
-                                         <option value="1106">Israel</option>
-                                         <option value="1107">Italy</option>
-                                         <option value="1108">Jamaica</option>
-                                         <option value="1109">Japan</option>
-                                         <option value="1244">Jersey</option>
-                                         <option value="1110">Jordan</option>
-                                         <option value="1111">Kazakhstan</option>
-                                         <option value="1112">Kenya</option>
-                                         <option value="1113">Kiribati</option>
-                                         <option value="1114">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1115">Korea, Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1251">Kosovo</option>
-                                         <option value="1116">Kuwait</option>
-                                         <option value="1117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
-                                         <option value="1118">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1119">Latvia</option>
-                                         <option value="1120">Lebanon</option>
-                                         <option value="1121">Lesotho</option>
-                                         <option value="1122">Liberia</option>
-                                         <option value="1123">Libya</option>
-                                         <option value="1124">Liechtenstein</option>
-                                         <option value="1125">Lithuania</option>
-                                         <option value="1126">Luxembourg</option>
-                                         <option value="1127">Macao</option>
-                                         <option value="1128">Macedonia, Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1129">Madagascar</option>
-                                         <option value="1130">Malawi</option>
-                                         <option value="1131">Malaysia</option>
-                                         <option value="1132">Maldives</option>
-                                         <option value="1133">Mali</option>
-                                         <option value="1134">Malta</option>
-                                         <option value="1135">Marshall Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1136">Martinique</option>
-                                         <option value="1137">Mauritania</option>
-                                         <option value="1138">Mauritius</option>
-                                         <option value="1139">Mayotte</option>
-                                         <option value="1140">Mexico</option>
-                                         <option value="1141">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
-                                         <option value="1142">Moldova</option>
-                                         <option value="1143">Monaco</option>
-                                         <option value="1144">Mongolia</option>
-                                         <option value="1243">Montenegro</option>
-                                         <option value="1145">Montserrat</option>
-                                         <option value="1146">Morocco</option>
-                                         <option value="1147">Mozambique</option>
-                                         <option value="1035">Myanmar</option>
-                                         <option value="1148">Namibia</option>
-                                         <option value="1149">Nauru</option>
-                                         <option value="1150">Nepal</option>
-                                         <option value="1152">Netherlands</option>
-                                         <option value="1153">New Caledonia</option>
-                                         <option value="1154">New Zealand</option>
-                                         <option value="1155">Nicaragua</option>
-                                         <option value="1156">Niger</option>
-                                         <option value="1157">Nigeria</option>
-                                         <option value="1158">Niue</option>
-                                         <option value="1159">Norfolk Island</option>
-                                         <option value="1160">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1161">Norway</option>
-                                         <option value="1162">Oman</option>
-                                         <option value="1163">Pakistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1164">Palau</option>
-                                         <option value="1165">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
-                                         <option value="1166">Panama</option>
-                                         <option value="1167">Papua New Guinea</option>
-                                         <option value="1168">Paraguay</option>
-                                         <option value="1169">Peru</option>
-                                         <option value="1170">Philippines</option>
-                                         <option value="1171">Pitcairn</option>
-                                         <option value="1172">Poland</option>
-                                         <option value="1173">Portugal</option>
-                                         <option value="1174">Puerto Rico</option>
-                                         <option value="1175">Qatar</option>
-                                         <option value="1179">Reunion</option>
-                                         <option value="1176">Romania</option>
-                                         <option value="1177">Russian Federation</option>
-                                         <option value="1178">Rwanda</option>
-                                         <option value="1180">Saint Helena</option>
-                                         <option value="1181">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
-                                         <option value="1182">Saint Lucia</option>
-                                         <option value="1183">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
-                                         <option value="1184">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
-                                         <option value="1185">Samoa</option>
-                                         <option value="1186">San Marino</option>
-                                         <option value="1207">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
-                                         <option value="1187">Saudi Arabia</option>
-                                         <option value="1188">Senegal</option>
-                                         <option value="1242">Serbia</option>
-                                         <option value="1238">Serbia and Montenegro</option>
-                                         <option value="1189">Seychelles</option>
-                                         <option value="1190">Sierra Leone</option>
-                                         <option value="1191">Singapore</option>
-                                         <option value="1249">Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)</option>
-                                         <option value="1192">Slovakia</option>
-                                         <option value="1193">Slovenia</option>
-                                         <option value="1194">Solomon Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1195">Somalia</option>
-                                         <option value="1196">South Africa</option>
-                                         <option value="1197">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1247">South Sudan</option>
-                                         <option value="1198">Spain</option>
-                                         <option value="1199">Sri Lanka</option>
-                                         <option value="1200">Sudan</option>
-                                         <option value="1201">Suriname</option>
-                                         <option value="1202">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
-                                         <option value="1203">Swaziland</option>
-                                         <option value="1204">Sweden</option>
-                                         <option value="1205">Switzerland</option>
-                                         <option value="1206">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
-                                         <option value="1208">Taiwan</option>
-                                         <option value="1209">Tajikistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1210">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
-                                         <option value="1211">Thailand</option>
-                                         <option value="1063">Timor-Leste</option>
-                                         <option value="1214">Togo</option>
-                                         <option value="1215">Tokelau</option>
-                                         <option value="1216">Tonga</option>
-                                         <option value="1217">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
-                                         <option value="1218">Tunisia</option>
-                                         <option value="1219">Turkey</option>
-                                         <option value="1220">Turkmenistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1221">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1222">Tuvalu</option>
-                                         <option value="1223">Uganda</option>
-                                         <option value="1224">Ukraine</option>
-                                         <option value="1225">United Arab Emirates</option>
-                                         <option value="1226">United Kingdom</option>
-                                         <option value="1227">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
-                                         <option value="1229">Uruguay</option>
-                                         <option value="1230">Uzbekistan</option>
-                                         <option value="1231">Vanuatu</option>
-                                         <option value="1232">Venezuela</option>
-                                         <option value="1233">Viet Nam</option>
-                                         <option value="1031">Virgin Islands, British</option>
-                                         <option value="1234">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
-                                         <option value="1235">Wallis and Futuna</option>
-                                         <option value="1236">Western Sahara</option>
-                                         <option value="1237">Yemen</option>
-                                         <option value="1239">Zambia</option>
-                                         <option value="1240">Zimbabwe</option>
-                                       </select>
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                               <div id="editrow-postal_code-Primary"
-                                        class="form-group">
-                                 <label for="postal_code-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
-                                       Postal Code
-                                 </label>
-                                 <div class="col-sm-5">
-                                       <input name="postal_code-Primary"
-                                                  type="number" id="postal_code-Primary"
-                                                  class="form-control" />
-                                 </div>
-                               </div>
-                         </div><!-- end form-layout-compressed for last
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