public function getPaymentFormFieldsMetadata() {
//@todo convert credit card type into an option value
$creditCardType = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::creditCard();
+ $isCVVRequired = Civi::settings()->get('cvv_backoffice_required');
+ if (!$this->isBackOffice()) {
+ $isCVVRequired = TRUE;
+ }
return array(
'credit_card_number' => array(
'htmlType' => 'text',
'maxlength' => 10,
'autocomplete' => 'off',
- 'is_required' => Civi::settings()->get('cvv_backoffice_required'),
+ 'is_required' => $isCVVRequired,
'rules' => array(
'rule_message' => ts('Please enter a valid value for your card security code. This is usually the last 3-4 digits on the card\'s signature panel.'),
$this->assertEquals('payment_notification processor_name=Paypal', $log['values'][$log['id']]['message']);
+ /**
+ * Test that CVV is always required for front facing pages.
+ */
+ public function testCVVSettingForContributionPages() {
+ Civi::settings()->set('cvv_backoffice_required', 0);
+ $processor = NULL;
+ $dummyPayment = new CRM_Core_Payment_Dummy("test", $processor);
+ $dummyPayment->setBackOffice(TRUE);
+ $paymentMetaData = $dummyPayment->getPaymentFormFieldsMetadata();
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $paymentMetaData["cvv2"]["is_required"], "CVV should be non required for back office.");
+ $dummyPayment->setBackOffice(FALSE);
+ $paymentMetaData = $dummyPayment->getPaymentFormFieldsMetadata();
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $paymentMetaData["cvv2"]["is_required"], "CVV should always be required for front office.");
+ Civi::settings()->set('cvv_backoffice_required', 1);
+ $dummyPayment->setBackOffice(TRUE);
+ $paymentMetaData = $dummyPayment->getPaymentFormFieldsMetadata();
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $paymentMetaData["cvv2"]["is_required"], "CVV should be required for back office.");
+ $dummyPayment->setBackOffice(FALSE);
+ $paymentMetaData = $dummyPayment->getPaymentFormFieldsMetadata();
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $paymentMetaData["cvv2"]["is_required"], "CVV should always be required for front office.");
+ }
public function testSettingUrl() {
/** @var CRM_Core_Payment_Dummy $processor */
$processor = \Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getById($this->processorCreate());