+ /**
+ * Add 2 billing addresses using the `CRM_Core_BAO_Address::legacyCreate` mode
+ * Only the first array will remain as primary/billing due to the nature of how `legacyCreate` works
+ */
+ public function testMultipleBillingAddressesLegacymode() {
+ $contactId = $this->individualCreate();
+ $entityBlock = ['contact_id' => $contactId];
+ $params = [];
+ $params['contact_id'] = $contactId;
+ $params['address']['1'] = [
+ 'street_address' => 'E 906N Pine Pl W',
+ 'supplemental_address_1' => 'Editorial Dept',
+ 'supplemental_address_2' => '',
+ 'supplemental_address_3' => '',
+ 'city' => 'El Paso',
+ 'postal_code' => '88575',
+ 'postal_code_suffix' => '',
+ 'state_province_id' => '1001',
+ 'country_id' => '1228',
+ 'geo_code_1' => '31.694842',
+ 'geo_code_2' => '-106.29998',
+ 'location_type_id' => '1',
+ 'is_primary' => '1',
+ 'is_billing' => '1',
+ 'contact_id' => $contactId,
+ ];
+ $params['address']['2'] = [
+ 'street_address' => '120 Terminal Road',
+ 'supplemental_address_1' => 'A-wing:3037',
+ 'supplemental_address_2' => 'Bandra',
+ 'supplemental_address_3' => 'Somewhere',
+ 'city' => 'Athens',
+ 'postal_code' => '01903',
+ 'state_province_id' => '1000',
+ 'country_id' => '1228',
+ 'geo_code_1' => '18.219023',
+ 'geo_code_2' => '-105.00973',
+ 'location_type_id' => '1',
+ 'is_primary' => '1',
+ 'is_billing' => '1',
+ 'contact_id' => $contactId,
+ ];
+ CRM_Core_BAO_Address::legacyCreate($params, $fixAddress = TRUE);
+ $address = CRM_Core_BAO_Address::getValues($entityBlock);
+ $this->assertEquals($address[1]['contact_id'], $contactId);
+ $this->assertEquals($address[1]['is_primary'], 1, 'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($address[1]['is_billing'], 1, 'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($address[2]['contact_id'], $contactId);
+ $this->assertEquals($address[2]['is_primary'], 0, 'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($address[2]['is_billing'], 0, 'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->contactDelete($contactId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add() 2 billing addresses, only the last one should be set as billing
+ * Using the `CRM_Core_BAO_Address::add` mode
+ *
+ */
+ public function testMultipleBillingAddressesCurrentmode() {
+ $contactId = $this->individualCreate();
+ $entityBlock = ['contact_id' => $contactId];
+ $params = [];
+ $params['contact_id'] = $contactId;
+ $params['address']['1'] = [
+ 'street_address' => 'E 906N Pine Pl W',
+ 'supplemental_address_1' => 'Editorial Dept',
+ 'supplemental_address_2' => '',
+ 'supplemental_address_3' => '',
+ 'city' => 'El Paso',
+ 'postal_code' => '88575',
+ 'postal_code_suffix' => '',
+ 'state_province_id' => '1001',
+ 'country_id' => '1228',
+ 'geo_code_1' => '31.694842',
+ 'geo_code_2' => '-106.29998',
+ 'location_type_id' => '1',
+ 'is_primary' => '1',
+ 'is_billing' => '1',
+ 'contact_id' => $contactId,
+ ];
+ CRM_Core_BAO_Address::add($params['address']['1'], $fixAddress = TRUE);
+ // Add address 2
+ $params['address']['2'] = [
+ 'street_address' => '120 Terminal Road',
+ 'supplemental_address_1' => 'A-wing:3037',
+ 'supplemental_address_2' => 'Bandra',
+ 'supplemental_address_3' => 'Somewhere',
+ 'city' => 'Athens',
+ 'postal_code' => '01903',
+ 'state_province_id' => '1000',
+ 'country_id' => '1228',
+ 'geo_code_1' => '18.219023',
+ 'geo_code_2' => '-105.00973',
+ 'location_type_id' => '1',
+ 'is_primary' => '1',
+ 'is_billing' => '1',
+ 'contact_id' => $contactId,
+ ];
+ CRM_Core_BAO_Address::add($params['address']['2'], $fixAddress = TRUE);
+ $addresses = CRM_Core_BAO_Address::getValues($entityBlock);
+ // Sort the multidimensional array by id
+ usort($addresses, function($a, $b) {
+ return $a['id'] <=> $b['id'];
+ });
+ // Validate both results, remember that the keys have been reset to 0 after usort
+ $this->assertEquals($addresses[0]['contact_id'], $contactId);
+ $this->assertEquals($addresses[0]['is_primary'], 0, 'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($addresses[0]['is_billing'], 0, 'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($addresses[1]['contact_id'], $contactId);
+ $this->assertEquals($addresses[1]['is_primary'], 1,'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($addresses[1]['is_billing'], 1,'In line '. __LINE__);
+ $this->contactDelete($contactId);
+ }
* AllAddress() method ( )