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-<img alt="[ Placeholder - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/placeholder.png"/>
+<img alt="[ Sunil Mohan Adapa - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/adapa.jpg"/>
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-<h2>No DRM in Web standards! Briefing and prep for the evening's demonstration.</h2>
+<h2>No DRM in Web standards! Briefing and prep for the demonstration after LibrePlanet</h2>
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-<p>We have a unique opportunity to make our voices heard at this LibrePlanet. At 18:45 (immediately after the day's closing keynote), we'll be publicly demonstrating against a proposal by Hollywood and major software companies to weave DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) into Web standards.</p>
-<p><strong>Read more about the demonstration in the <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2016/program/social.html#demonstration">Social & Community Events section</a>.</strong> You do not need to attend this session to attend the demonstration.</p>
+<p>We have a unique opportunity to make our voices heard right after LibrePlanet. At 18:45 (immediately after the day's closing keynote), the Free Software Foundation is organizing a public demonstrating against a proposal by Hollywood and major software companies to weave DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) into Web standards.</p>
+<p><strong>Read more about the demonstration on the <a href="https://www.fsf.org/events/demonstration-for-a-web-without-restrictions">FSF Web site</a>.</strong> You do not need to attend this session to attend the demonstration.</p>
<p>The session will start with an overview of the campaign's history, by organizers centrally involved in the effort to stop the proposal. There will be materials on hand to make signs for the demonstration, and volunteer signup and training for two roles: marshaling the demonstration and flyering a meeting of the W3C standards body in shifts leading up to the demonstration. <strong>Please attend this session if you'd like to volunteer.</strong></p>
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<h1>Sunday, March 20</h1>
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- <h3>Demonstration and rally for a Web without restrictions</h3>
- <p>We'll rally in front of the global office of World Wide Web Consortium (which just happens to be in the same building as LibrePlanet) to oppose a disastrous proposal by Hollywood and proprietary tech companies: adding Digital Restrictions Management to the HTML standard that undergirds the Web. We'll hear experts and activists speak on the topic, and distribute flyers, right outside an ongoing W3C event.</p>
- <p>To sign up to volunteer at the rally, get a briefing on the campaign, and optionally make a sign for the rally, join us at the <a href="index.html#day-2-timeslot-14-session-4">LibrePlanet session</a> at 16:55 before the closing keynote. Read more about the <a href="https://www.defectivebydesign.org/no-drm-in-html5">campaign to keep DRM out of HTML and sign the campaign's petition</a>. You don't need to attend the session to join us at the rally.</p>
- <p class="session-details">
- <strong>When:</strong> 18:45 - 19:30, Sunday 3/20<br>
- <strong>Where:</strong> Outside MIT's Stata Center, where LibrePlanet is also taking place<br>
- </p>
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+ <h4>Sunday pub night</h4>
+ <p>Grendel's Den in Harvard Square is a favorite among the Boston-area free software community. Join us at this local institution, which offers reasonable prices on good food and beer in a quirky and cozy atmosphere.
+ </p>
+ <p class="session-details">
+ <strong>When:</strong> 21:00, Sunday, 3/20 - 01:00, Monday, 3/21<br>
+ <strong>Where:</strong> <a href="http://www.grendelsden.com/menu/menu.html">Grendel's Den</a> at 89 Winthrop Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 near Harvard Station on the Red Line<br>
+ <strong>Wheelchair access:</strong> There is elevator access upon request. Call 617-491-1160 to have someone from Grendel's assist you.</p>
+ </div>