$sorter = new AfformEntitySortEvent($this->_afform, $this->_formDataModel, $this);
\Civi::dispatcher()->dispatch('civi.afform.sort.prefill', $sorter);
$sortedEntities = $sorter->getSortedEnties();
+ // if submission id is passed then we should display the submission data
+ if (!empty($this->args['sid'])) {
+ $this->prePopulateSubmissionData($sortedEntities);
+ return;
+ }
foreach ($sortedEntities as $entityName) {
$entity = $this->_formDataModel->getEntity($entityName);
$this->_entityIds[$entityName] = [];
+ /**
+ * Load the data from submission table
+ */
+ protected function prePopulateSubmissionData($sortedEntities) {
+ // if submission id is passed then get the data from submission
+ $afformSubmissionData = \Civi\Api4\AfformSubmission::get(TRUE)
+ ->addSelect('data')
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $this->args['sid'])
+ ->execute()->first();
+ foreach ($sortedEntities as $entityName) {
+ foreach ($afformSubmissionData['data'] as $entity => $data) {
+ if ($entity == $entityName) {
+ $this->_entityValues[$entityName] = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Fetch all data needed to display a given entity on this form