+ * Generates an image tag
+ *
+ * @param string $src The image source path
+ * @param string $alt Alternate link text (OPTIONAL; default
+ * not used)
+ * @param string $width The width the image should be shown in
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $height The height the image should be shown in
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $border The image's border attribute value
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $class The CSS class name (OPTIONAL; default
+ * not used)
+ * @param string $id The ID name (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $onclick The onClick JavaScript handler (OPTIONAL;
+ * default not used)
+ * @param string $title The image's title attribute value
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $align The image's alignment attribute value
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $hspace The image's hspace attribute value
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ * @param string $vspace The image's vspace attribute value
+ * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
+ *
+ * @return string The desired hyperlink tag.
+ *
+ * @since 1.5.2
+ *
+ */
+function create_image($src, $alt='', $width='', $height='',
+ $border='', $class='', $id='', $onclick='',
+ $title='', $align='', $hspace='', $vspace='') {
+ global $oTemplate;
+ $oTemplate->assign('src', $src);
+ $oTemplate->assign('alt', $alt);
+ $oTemplate->assign('width', $width);
+ $oTemplate->assign('height', $height);
+ $oTemplate->assign('border', $border);
+ $oTemplate->assign('class', $class);
+ $oTemplate->assign('id', $id);
+ $oTemplate->assign('onclick', $onclick);
+ $oTemplate->assign('title', $title);
+ $oTemplate->assign('align', $align);
+ $oTemplate->assign('hspace', $hspace);
+ $oTemplate->assign('vspace', $vspace);
+ return $oTemplate->fetch('image.tpl');
* Generates html tags
* @param string $alt_text Optional. Text for alt/title attribute of image
* @param integer $w Optional. Width of requested image.
* @param integer $h Optional. Height of requested image.
+ *
* @return string $icon String containing icon that can be echo'ed
+ *
* @author Steve Brown
* @since 1.5.2
+ *
function getIcon($icon_theme_path, $icon_name, $text_icon, $alt_text='', $w=NULL, $h=NULL) {
$icon = '';
// If we found an icon, build an img tag to display it. If we didn't
// find an image, we will revert back to the text icon.
if (!is_null($icon_path)) {
- global $oTemplate;
- $oTemplate->assign('src', $icon_path);
- $oTemplate->assign('alt', $alt_text);
- $oTemplate->assign('title', $alt_text);
- $oTemplate->assign('width', $w);
- $oTemplate->assign('height', $h);
- // blank other attributes because the template
- // object might already contain values due to
- // having been used to show another image before
- // this one
- //
- $oTemplate->assign('onclick', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('align', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('border', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('hspace', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('vspace', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('class', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('id', '');
- $icon = $oTemplate->fetch('image.tpl');
+ $icon = create_image($icon_path, $alt_text, $w, $h, '', '', '', '', $alt_text);
} else {
$icon = $text_icon;
* @param string $icon_theme_path User's chosen icon set
* @param string $icon_name File name of the desired icon
+ *
* @return string $icon String containing path to icon that can be used in
* an IMG tag, or NULL if the image is not found.
+ *
* @author Steve Brown
* @since 1.5.2
+ *
function getIconPath ($icon_theme_path, $icon_name) {
global $fallback_icon_theme_path;
displayHtmlHeader( "$org_name - " . _("Login"), $header, FALSE );
-//FIXME: need to remove *ALL* HTML from this file!
/* If they don't have a logo, don't bother.. */
$logo_str = '';
if (isset($org_logo) && $org_logo) {
- $oTemplate->assign('src', $org_logo);
- $oTemplate->assign('alt', sprintf(_("%s Logo"), $org_name));
- $oTemplate->assign('class', 'sqm_loginImage');
if (isset($org_logo_width) && is_numeric($org_logo_width) &&
$org_logo_width>0) {
- $oTemplate->assign('width', $org_logo_width);
+ $width = $org_logo_width;
} else {
- $oTemplate->assign('width', '');
+ $width = '';
if (isset($org_logo_height) && is_numeric($org_logo_height) &&
$org_logo_height>0) {
- $oTemplate->assign('height', $org_logo_height);
+ $height = $org_logo_height;
} else {
- $oTemplate->assign('height', '');
+ $height = '';
- $oTemplate->assign('onclick', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('id', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('title', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('align', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('border', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('hspace', '');
- $oTemplate->assign('vspace', '');
- $logo_str = $oTemplate->fetch('image.tpl');
+ $logo_str = create_image($org_logo, sprintf(_("%s Logo"), $org_name),
+ $width, $height, '', 'sqm_loginImage');
$sm_attribute_str = '';
if (isset($hide_sm_attributions) && !$hide_sm_attributions) {
+//FIXME: need to remove *ALL* HTML from this file!
$sm_attribute_str = _("SquirrelMail Webmail Application")."<br />\n" .
_("By the SquirrelMail Project Team")."<br />\n";
$oTemplate->assign('login_field_value', $loginname_value);
$oTemplate->assign('login_extra', $login_extra);
+//FIXME: need to remove *ALL* HTML from this file!
echo '<body onLoad="squirrelmail_loginpage_onload()">'."\n";
echo '<form action="redirect.php" method="post" onSubmit="document.forms[0].js_autodetect_results.value='. SMPREF_JS_ON .'">'."\n";
do_hook('login_top', $null);
+//FIXME: need to remove *ALL* HTML from this file!
echo "</form>\n";
do_hook('login_bottom', $null);