| see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
+{* Highlight the required field during import (included within a <script>)*}
-//Highlight the required field during import
-paramsArray = new Array();
-//build the an array of highlighted elements
-{foreach from=$highlightedFields item=paramName}
- paramsArray["{$paramName}"] = "1";
-//get select object of first element
-selObj = document.getElementById("mapper\[0\]\[0\]");
-for ( i = 0; i < selObj.options.length; i++ ) {
- //check value is exist in array
- if (selObj.options[i].value in paramsArray) {
- //change background Color of all element whose ids start with mapper and end with [0];
- cj('select[id^="mapper"][id$="[0]"]').each( function( ) {
- cj(this.options[i]).append(' *').css({"color":"#FF0000"});
- });
- }
-{/literal}{if $relationship}{literal}
- //Highlight the required field during import (Relationship fields*)
- paramsArrayRel = new Array();
- //build the an array of highlighted elements
- {/literal}
- {foreach from=$highlightedRelFields key=relId item=paramsRel}
- {literal}
- paramsArrayRel["{/literal}{$relId}{literal}"] = new Array();
- {/literal}
- {foreach from=$paramsRel item=paramNameRel}
- paramsArrayRel["{$relId}"]["{$paramNameRel}"] = "1";
- {/foreach}
- {/foreach}
- {literal}
- var object = 'select[id^="mapper"][id$="[0]"]';
- cj(object).bind( 'change', function(){highlight(this);});
- cj('div#map-field').one( 'mouseenter', function(){highlight(object);});
- function highlight(obj){
- cj(obj).each(function(){
- // get selected element id
- var currentId = this.id;
- // create relationship related field ID ( replace last [0] with [1] )
- var newId = currentId.replace(/\[0\]$/, "\[1\]");
- // get the option value
- var selected = cj(this).val();
- // get obeject of select field
- selObjRel = document.getElementById(newId);
- if ( paramsArrayRel[selected] != undefined ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < selObjRel.options.length; i++ ) {
- //check value is exist in array
- if (selObjRel.options[i].value in paramsArrayRel[selected]) {
- cj(selObjRel).each( function( ) {
- cj(selObjRel.options[i]).append(' *').css({"color":"#FF0000"});
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
+cj(function($) {
+ var highlightedFields = ["{/literal}{'","'|implode:$highlightedFields}{literal}"];
+ $.each(highlightedFields, function() {
+ $('select[id^="mapper"][id$="_0"] option[value='+ this + ']').append(' *').css({"color":"#FF0000"});
+ });
+ {/literal}{if $relationship}{literal}
+ var highlightedRelFields = {/literal}{$highlightedRelFields|@json_encode}{literal};
+ function highlight() {
+ var select, fields = highlightedRelFields[$(this).val()];
+ if (fields) {
+ select = $(this).next();
+ $.each(fields, function() {
+ $('option[value='+ this + ']', select).append(' *').css({"color":"#FF0000"});
+ });
+ }
+ $('select[id^="mapper"][id$="_0"]').each(highlight).click(highlight);
+ {/literal}{/if}{literal}
\ No newline at end of file