overflow: auto;
+.abtesting-form-label {
+ width: 30%;
+.abtesting-form-element *{
+ width: 100%;
\ No newline at end of file
if ($scope.preview == true) {
title: 'Preview Mailing',
- width: 1080,
- height: 700,
+ width: 1000,
+ height: 500,
closed: false,
cache: false,
modal: true,
return {
restrict: 'AE',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
- $(element).select2({width: "200px", data: CRM.crmMailing.mailTokens, placeholder: "Insert Token"});
+ $(element).select2({
+ width: "200px",
+ data: CRM.crmMailing.mailTokens,
+ placeholder: "Insert Token"
+ });
$(element).on('select2-selecting', function (e) {
"name": "from_email_address"
}).done(function(result) {
var emailGroupId = result.id;
- console.log(result);
CRM.api3('OptionValue', 'get', {
"sequential": 1,
"option_group_id": result.id
}).done(function(orgEmails) {
- console.log(orgEmails);
- $(element).select2({width:"200px",
- data: orgEmails.values,
- formatResult: format,
+ $(element).select2({
+ class: "abtesting-form-element",
+ data: orgEmails.values,
+ formatResult: format,
formatSelection: format,
placeholder:"Select reply to address"});
return {
restrict: 'AE',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
- $(element).timeEntry({show24Hours: true});
+ $(element).timeEntry({
+ show24Hours: true,
+ showSeconds: true,
+ });
<table class="form-layout-compressed">
- <td class="label">From E-mail Address A</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailA.from_email" ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" required>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">From E-mail Address A</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailA.from_email" ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" required>
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">From E-mail Address B</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailB.from_email" ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" required>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">From E-mail Address B</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailB.from_email" ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" required>
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailA.replyto_email"
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailA.replyto_email"
ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" >
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input id= "subfrom" placeholder="Enter Subject" name="subject" type="text" ng-model="mailA.subject" required>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
- <td>
- <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgroupfrom" ng-model="token" ></input>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgroupfrom" ng-model="token" >
- <td class="label" style="color:red" ng-show="mailing_form.subject.$invalid">
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label" style="color:red" ng-show="mailing_form.subject.$invalid">
Mailing subject required.
- <td class="label">Use Template</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Use Template</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-change="tmp(mailA.msg_template_id,3)" ng-model="mailA.msg_template_id"
ng-options="mstemp.id as mstemp.msg_title for mstemp in tmpList" >
<option value="">-none-</option>
<table class="form-layout-compressed">
- <td class="label">From E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailA.from_email" ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" >
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">From E-mail Address </td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailA.from_email" ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" >
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input type="hidden" replytoselect id= "replyToEmail" ng-model="mailA.replyto_email"
ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" />
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject A</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject A</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input placeholder="Enter Subject A" id="suba" name="subject_a" type="text" ng-model="mailA.subject" required/>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
- <td>
- <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgroupsuba" ></input>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <input type="hidden" groupselect id="subgroupsuba"></input>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject B</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject B</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input placeholder="Enter Subject B" id="subb" name="subject_b" type="text" ng-model="mailB.subject" required/>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgroupsubb" ></input>
- <td class="label" style="color:red" ng-show="mailing_form.subject.$invalid">
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label" style="color:red" ng-show="mailing_form.subject.$invalid">
Mailing subject required.
- <td class="label">Use Template</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Use Template</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-change="tmp(mailA.msg_template_id,3)" ng-model="mailA.msg_template_id"
ng-options="mstemp.id as mstemp.msg_title for mstemp in tmpList" >
<option value="">-none-</option>
<form name="tab1Form" unsaved-warning-form>
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block crmABTesting">
- <br><h3> What would you like to name the Test?</h3><p>
+ <br><h3> What would you like to name the test?</h3><p>
  <input type="text" ng-model="currentABTest.name" name="abname" class="big crm-form-text" required>
<span ng-show="(!currentABTest.name.length && !tab1Form.abname.$pristine)"> *This field is required</span>
<form name="tab3Form" unsaved-warning-form>
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block crmABTesting">
- <h3>Select the groups you would like to add</h3><br>
+ <h3>Select the groups you would like to add</h3>
<select multiple chsgroup ng-model="sparestuff.allgroups" required>
<option id="1" ng-repeat="grp in groups" value="{{grp.id}} civicrm_group include {{grp.title}}"> {{grp.title}}
<option ng-repeat="ml in mailList" value="{{ml.id}} civicrm_mailing include {{ml.title}}"> {{ml.name}}</option>
<option ng-repeat="ml in mailList" value="{{ml.id}} civicrm_mailing exclude {{ml.title}}"> {{ml.name}}</option>
- <br> <br><br><br>
+ <br> <br>
<h3>Select the size of your test group</h3><br>
  Percentage Selected - {{currentABTest.group_percentage}}%
<div sliderbar id="trial" style="margin: 10px;" required></div>
- <h3>How will the winner be decided</h3><br>
-   <input type="radio" ng-model="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id" value=1 name="cri" required > Open <br/><br>
-   <input type="radio" ng-model="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id" value=2 name="cri" >
- Total Unique Clicks <br/><br>
-   <input type="radio" ng-model="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id" value=3 name="cri"> Total
- Clicks on a particular link <br/>
+ <br><h3>How will the winner be decided (metric)</h3><br>
+ <label>
+   <input type="radio" ng-model="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id" value=1 name="cri" required >
+ Opens <br/><br>
+ </label>
+ <label>
+   <input type="radio" ng-model="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id" value=2 name="cri" >
+ Total Unique Clicks <br/><br>
+ </label>
+ <label>
+   <input type="radio" ng-model="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id" value=3 name="cri"> Total
+ Clicks on a particular link
+ </label>
       <input type="text" ng-show="currentABTest.winner_criteria_id==3" ng-model="currentABTest.acturl">
- <br>
+ <br><br>
<h3>Declare the winner by when?</h3><br>
<h3>When to Start</h3><br>
- <input type="radio" name="Start" ng-model="start" value="now" ng-checked="true"> Now  
- <input type="radio" name="Start" ng-model="start" value="later"> Later
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="Start" ng-model="start" value="now" ng-checked="true"> Now  
+ </label>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="Start" ng-model="start" value="later"> Later
+ </label>
<div ng-show="start=='later'">
    <input type="text" class="dateplugin" ng-model="send_date" datepick >
    Time :<input type="text" placeholder="hh:mm" ng-model="currentABTest.latertime" checktimeentry >
<table class="form-layout-compressed">
- <td class="label">From E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailA.from_email"
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">From E-mail Address</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailA.from_email"
ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing" >
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailA.replyto_email"
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailA.replyto_email"
ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing">
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input placeholder="Enter Subject" name="subject" id="twomaila" type="text" ng-model="mailA.subject" required>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
- <td>
- <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgrouptwoa" ></input>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgrouptwoa">
- <td class="label">Use Template</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Use Template</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-change="tmp(mailA.msg_template_id,1)" ng-model="mailA.msg_template_id"
ng-options="mstemp.id as mstemp.msg_title for mstemp in tmpList">
<option value="">-none-</option>
<div class="crm-accordion-wrapper collapsed">
<div class="crm-accordion-header">Header and Footer</div>
<div class="crm-accordion-body">
- <table>
+ <table class="form-layout-compressed">
- <td class="label">Mailing Header</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Header</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-model="mailA.header_id" ng-options="hf.id as hf.name for hf in headerfooter| filter:isHeader">
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Mailing Footer</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Footer</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-model="mailA.footer_id" ng-options="f.id as f.name for f in headerfooter| filter:isFooter">
<option value="">-none-</option>
<table class="form-layout-compressed">
- <td class="label">From E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailB.from_email"
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">From E-mail Address</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailB.from_email"
ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing">
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
- <td>
- <select style="width: 200px" ng-model="mailB.replyto_email"
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Reply to E-mail Address</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <select ng-model="mailB.replyto_email"
ng-options="frm.email as frm.email for frm in eMailing">
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<input placeholder="Enter Subject" id = "twomailb" name="subject" type="text" ng-model="mailB.subject"/>
- <td class="label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
- <td>
- <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgrouptwob" ></input>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Subject Token</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
+ <input type="hidden" groupselect id= "subgrouptwob">
- <td class="label" style="color:red" ng-show="mailing_form.subject.$invalid">
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label" style="color:red" ng-show="mailing_form.subject.$invalid">
Mailing subject required.
- <td class="label">Use Template</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Use Template</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-change="tmp(mailB.msg_template_id,2)" ng-model="mailB.msg_template_id"
ng-options="mstemp.id as mstemp.msg_title for mstemp in tmpList">
<option value="">-none-</option>
<div class="crm-accordion-header">Header and Footer</div>
<div class="crm-accordion-body">
- <table>
+ <table class="form-layout-compressed">
- <td class="label">Mailing Header</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Header</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-model="mailB.header_id" ng-options="hf.id as hf.name for hf in headerfooter| filter:isHeader">
<option value="">-none-</option>
- <td class="label">Mailing Footer</td>
- <td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-label label">Mailing Footer</td>
+ <td class="abtesting-form-element">
<select ng-model="mailB.footer_id" ng-options="f.id as f.name for f in headerfooter| filter:isFooter">
<option value="">-none-</option>