'pseudoconstant' => array(
'optionGroupName' => 'contact_edit_options',
- 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 1',
+ 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 111\ 112\ 114\ 115\ 116\ 117\ 1',
'add' => '4.1',
'title' => 'Editing Contacts',
'is_domain' => 1,
'pseudoconstant' => array(
'optionGroupName' => 'advanced_search_options',
- 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 112\ 113\ 115\ 116\ 117\ 118\ 119\ 1',
+ 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 112\ 113\ 115\ 116\ 117\ 118\ 119\ 1',
'add' => '4.1',
'title' => 'Contact Search',
'is_domain' => 1,
'pseudoconstant' => array(
'optionGroupName' => 'user_dashboard_options',
- 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 1',
+ 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 17\ 18\ 1',
'add' => '4.1',
'title' => 'Contact Dashboard',
'is_domain' => 1,
'pseudoconstant' => array(
'optionGroupName' => 'address_options',
- 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 14\ 15\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 1',
+ 'default' => '\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 1',
'add' => '4.1',
'title' => 'Addressing Options',
'is_domain' => 1,
'name' => 'contact_ajax_check_similar',
'type' => 'String',
'html_type' => 'Text',
- 'default' => NULL,
+ 'default' => '1',
'add' => '4.1',
'title' => 'Ajax Check Similar',
'is_domain' => 1,
'name' => 'activity_assignee_notification',
'type' => 'String',
'html_type' => 'Text',
- 'default' => NULL,
+ 'default' => '1',
'add' => '4.1',
'title' => 'Notify Activity Assignees',
'is_domain' => 1,
'name' => 'activity_assignee_notification_ics',
'type' => 'String',
'html_type' => 'Text',
- 'default' => NULL,
+ 'default' => '0',
'add' => '4.3',
'title' => 'Include ICal Invite to Activity Assignees',
'is_domain' => 1,
'description' => "Selected fields will be displayed in autocomplete dropdown search results for 'Contact Reference' custom fields. Contact Name is always included. NOTE: You must assign 'access contact reference fields' permission to the anonymous role if you want to use custom contact reference fields in profiles on public pages. For most situations, you should use the 'Limit List to Group' setting when configuring a contact reference field which will be used in public forms to prevent exposing your entire contact list.",
'help_text' => NULL,
+ 'contact_smart_group_display' => array(
+ 'group_name' => 'CiviCRM Preferences',
+ 'group' => 'core',
+ 'name' => 'contact_smart_group_display',
+ 'type' => 'String',
+ 'html_type' => 'radio',
+ 'default' => '1',
+ 'add' => '4.7',
+ 'title' => ts('Viewing Smart Groups'),
+ 'is_domain' => 1,
+ 'is_contact' => 0,
+ 'description' => NULL,
+ 'help_text' => NULL,
+ ),
'max_attachments' => array(
'group_name' => 'CiviCRM Preferences',
'group' => 'core',
-- Initial default state of system preferences
--- Initial default state of system settings
-INSERT INTO civicrm_setting
- ( domain_id, contact_id, is_domain, group_name, name, value )
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'contact_view_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 113\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'contact_smart_group_display', '{serialize}1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'contact_edit_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 111\ 112\ 114\ 115\ 116\ 117\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'advanced_search_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 17\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 112\ 113\ 115\ 116\ 117\ 118\ 119\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'user_dashboard_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 17\ 18\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'address_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 13\ 14\ 15\ 16\ 18\ 19\ 110\ 111\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'address_format', '{serialize}{literal}{contact.address_name}
-{contact.city}{, }{contact.state_province}{ }{contact.postal_code}
-{contact.country}{/literal}{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'mailing_format', '{serialize}{literal}{contact.addressee}
-{contact.city}{, }{contact.state_province}{ }{contact.postal_code}
-{contact.country}{/literal}{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'display_name_format', '{serialize}{literal}{contact.individual_prefix}{ }{contact.first_name}{ }{contact.last_name}{ }{contact.individual_suffix}{/literal}{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'sort_name_format', '{serialize}{literal}{contact.last_name}{, }{contact.first_name}{/literal}{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'editor_id', '{serialize}CKEditor{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'contact_ajax_check_similar', '{serialize}1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'activity_assignee_notification', '{serialize}1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'activity_assignee_notification_ics', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'contact_autocomplete_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'contact_reference_options', '{serialize}\ 11\ 12\ 1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Address Standardization Preferences', 'address_standardization_provider', NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Address Standardization Preferences', 'address_standardization_userid', NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Address Standardization Preferences', 'address_standardization_url', NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Campaign Preferences', 'tag_unconfirmed', '{serialize}Unconfirmed{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Campaign Preferences', 'petition_contacts', '{serialize}Petition Contacts{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Event Preferences' , 'enable_cart', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'profile_double_optin', '{serialize}1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'profile_add_to_group_double_optin', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'track_civimail_replies', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'civimail_workflow', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'civimail_server_wide_lock', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'mailing_backend', {literal}'a:1:{s:15:"outBound_option";s:1:"3";}'{/literal} ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Mailing Preferences', 'write_activity_record', '{serialize}1{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Member Preferences' , 'default_renewal_contribution_page', NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Multi Site Preferences', 'is_enabled', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Multi Site Preferences', 'uniq_email_per_site', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Multi Site Preferences', 'domain_group_id', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Multi Site Preferences', 'event_price_set_domain_id', '{serialize}0{/serialize}' ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Directory Preferences', 'uploadDir' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Directory Preferences', 'imageUploadDir' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Directory Preferences', 'customFileUploadDir', NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Directory Preferences', 'customTemplateDir' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Directory Preferences', 'customPHPPathDir' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Directory Preferences', 'extensionsDir' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'URL Preferences', 'userFrameworkResourceURL' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'URL Preferences', 'imageUploadURL' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'URL Preferences', 'customCSSURL' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'URL Preferences', 'extensionsURL' , NULL ),
- ( @domainID, NULL, 1, 'Contribute Preferences', 'contribution_invoice_settings', {literal}'a:7:{s:14:"invoice_prefix";s:4:"INV_";s:19:"credit_notes_prefix";s:3:"CN_";s:8:"due_date";s:2:"10";s:15:"due_date_period";s:4:"days";s:5:"notes";s:0:"";s:8:"tax_term";s:9:"Sales Tax";s:20:"tax_display_settings";s:9:"Inclusive";}'{/literal});
-- mail settings
INSERT INTO civicrm_mail_settings (domain_id, name, is_default, domain) VALUES (@domainID, 'default', true, 'EXAMPLE.ORG');