public function initID() {
// get the domain and contact id arrays
$this->domain = range(1, self::NUM_DOMAIN);
- shuffle($this->domain);
+ $this->domain = $this->shuffle($this->domain);
// Get first contact id
$this->startCid = $cid = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM civicrm_contact");
$this->contact = range($cid + 1, $cid + self::NUM_CONTACT);
- shuffle($this->contact);
+ $this->contact = $this->shuffle($this->contact);
// get the individual, household and organizaton contacts
$offset = 0;
return array($key, $items[$key]);
+ private function shuffle($array) {
+ for ($i = count($array) - 1; $i >= 1; $i--) {
+ $j = $this->randomInt(0, $i);
+ $tmp = $array[$i];
+ $array[$i] = $array[$j];
+ $array[$j] = $tmp;
+ }
+ return $array;
+ }
* @param $chance
$org = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact();
$employees = $this->Individual;
- shuffle($employees);
+ $employees = $this->shuffle($employees);
foreach ($this->Organization as $key => $id) {
$org->primary_contact_id = $website = $email = NULL;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::NUM_ACTIVITY; $i++) {
$activityDAO = new CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity();
$activityId = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('activity_type', NULL, NULL, NULL, ' AND IN ("Tell A Friend", "Pledge Acknowledgment")');
- $activityTypeID = array_rand($activityId);
+ $activityTypeID = $this->randomIndex($activityId);
$activity = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType();
$activityDAO->activity_type_id = $activityTypeID;
$activityDAO->subject = "Subject for $activity[$activityTypeID]";
while ($contact->fetch()) {
$contacts[] = $contact->id;
- shuffle($contacts);
+ $contacts = $this->shuffle($contacts);
$randomContacts = array_slice($contacts, 20, 30);
elseif (($count + 1) % 5 == 0) {
// Grace or expired, memberhsip type is random of 1 & 2
- $randIndex = array_rand($membershipTypes);
+ $randIndex = $this->randomIndex($membershipTypes);
$membershipTypeId = $membershipTypes[$randIndex];
$membershipStatusId = $statuses[$randIndex];
$membershipTypeName = $membershipTypeNames[$randIndex];
while ($contact->fetch()) {
$contacts[] = $contact->id;
- shuffle($contacts);
+ $contacts = $this->shuffle($contacts);
$randomContacts = array_slice($contacts, 20, 50);
$participant = "