+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# TrustCommerce IPN generator
+# This script generates a TrustCommerece CSV report via a POST request
+# and then loops though the results and contacts CiviCRM to submit IPN
+# requests. This script exists because TrustCommerce does not currently
+# support sending IPNs.
+# Author: Lisa Marie Maginnis, Sr SysAdmin
+# Copyright: Free Software Foundation 2014
+# Load out configs
+. $HOME/etc/ipn.conf.sh
+# Get todays report
+curl -s "$vault_url?custid=$USER&password=$PASS&querytype=transaction&begindate="$(date '+%m-%d-%Y') > $datafile
+# Flip date for consitancy (TC changes this)
+sed 's/\([0-9][0-9]\)-\([0-9][0-9]\)-\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\3-\1-\2/g' -i $datafile
+# Loop though today's IPNs (this is an embedded awk script that generates our query string)
+for link in `awk -F, '
+ if($36!="") {
+ date=$4
+ sub(/[[:blank:]].*/,"",date);
+ sub(/"/,"",date);
+ tid=$5;
+ bid=$36;
+ amount=$7/100;
+ if($13 == "approved") {
+ status=1;
+ } else if($13 == "decline") {
+ status=4;
+ }
+ checks=sprintf("%s%s%s%s", bid, tid, amount, date);
+ command="printf \"%s\" \"" checks "\" | md5sum";
+ command | getline data;
+ close(command);
+ sub(/[[:blank:]].*/,"",data);
+ printf("'$civicrm_url'?reset=1&billingid=%s&amount=%s&trxn_id=%s&date=%s&status=%s&checksum=%s&key=meh&module=contribute\n", bid, amount, tid, date, status, data);
+ }
+}' $datafile`; do
+ # Process IPN URL and log it
+ echo "Running: $link" >> $logfile
+ curl -s $link >> $logfile
+ done