Fix bug whereby cidZero does not prepopulate billing details for selected contact for pay later.
To replicate
1) create a contribution page & select pay later (and no other processor) with 'billing address required'
2) access the contribution page with cid=0 in the url
3) select a contact - witness the contacts detaisl have NOT loaded into the billing block
4) follow the same steps on event
I was trying to reduce complexity on this form for another change when I realised that the variable
to determine whether to show the block was wrong when billing details were required for
pay later and on testing there seemed now downside (other than a very minor performance
hit in obscure circumstances) in just always loading the billing profile details.
I saw no js error when the billing block was NOT present and we are already checking
the person has access to see the contact so that is not an issue here (Profile.get
does a permission check