(REF) CRM_Core_Config - Simplify dependencies between MagicMerge and Runtime
Simplify the dependencies between classes `CRM_Core_Config_MagicMerge` and `CRM_Core_Config_Runtime`.
There is a sort of dependency loop:
class CRM_Core_Config extends CRM_Core_Config_MagicMerge { ... }
class CRM_Core_Config_MagicMerge { ... \Civi\Core\Container::getBootService('runtime')->get() ... }
class CRM_Core_Config_Runtime extends CRM_Core_Config_MagicMerge { ... }
Thus, we have `$config` (an instance of `MagicMerge`) which uses `$runtime` (another
instance of `MagicMerge`). While it works, it twists the brain to understand properties
that actually through each of these layers (e.g. `$config->initialized`).
There is no loop.
class CRM_Core_Config extends CRM_Core_Config_MagicMerge { ... }
class CRM_Core_Config_MagicMerge { ... \Civi\Core\Container::getBootService('runtime')->get() ... }
class CRM_Core_Config_Runtime { ... }
Technical Details
Removing the `extends MagicMerge` bit means that:
1. In `Runtime.php`, it shouldn't call `$this->getSettings()`.
* I believe that this loop was added by
1b81ed503682ef2d88f65673b0dce9f112078000 in order to make use of `getSettings()`.
However, `Civi::settings()` should be equally valid here. (After all, `getSettings()` calls out to `civi::settings()`...)
2. In `Runtime.php`, the property `$initialized` cannot be stored through inherited-magic.
* By declaring the property, we make it similar to all the other properties in `Runtime.php` (which are also declared).
Unit-testing this change would be quite tricky. For testing, I basically wanted to ensure
that `$config->initialized` behaved the same way before+after. To do this, I hacked some log
statements (https://gist.github.com/totten/
4038882da7a5a4014b73c0596057715d) and ran
cv ev 'return CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->initialized;'
This showed that `$initialized` starts out as `null` and becomes `1`. The behavior is the
same before+after the patch. (Actually, it's a little better - since it resolves some
warnings emitted by the first `var_export()` call.)