generateFileHash() - If we can't generate a secure, then don't generate any token
Falling back to a constant negates any security benefit of using a hash.
IMHO, the edge-case where `CIVICRM_SITE_KEY` is missing should be
obscure/rare and signifies broader problems for the deployment. It needs to
be corrected. If you're worried that having an error-symptom here is too
obscure, then let's add a more prominent error-message via
NOTE: There is one pre-existing case in core where (in absence of a key) it
procedes with a constant in lieu of a `CIVICRM_SITE_KEY` . Specifically,
`CRM_Core_Error::generateLogFileHash()`. That is not a good example to
follow because it is qualitiatively different:
* In `generateLogFileHash`(), `CIVICRM_SITE_KEY` functions as one of
multiple redundant security mechanisms -- e.g. even if
`CIVICRM_SITE_KEY` is missing, the log file remains hard-to-access because
(1) the DSN is part of the hash and (2) the httpd protects `ConfigAndLog`.
(Contrast: The file-hash-code is not *redundant* in the same way.)
* In the context of logging, raising any error (even if it's real error
condition) can provoke a weird loop (because then that error needs to be
logged). The log needs to avoid such loops. (Contrast:
`generateFileHash()` is part of the normal post-boot application logic, so
it's free to register errors normally.)