{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}

{if $pcpStatus eq 'Approved'}

{ts}Your personal campaign page has been approved and is now live.{/ts}

{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:

  1. {ts}Login to your account{/ts}
  2. {ts}Go to your page{/ts}

{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}

{if $isTellFriendEnabled}

{ts}After logging in, you can use this form to promote your fundraising page{/ts}

{/if} {if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}

{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}

{/if} {elseif $pcpStatus eq 'Not Approved'}

{ts}Your personal campaign page has been reviewed. There were some issues with the content which prevented us from approving the page. We are sorry for any inconvenience.{/ts}

{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}

{ts}Please contact our site administrator for more information{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}

{/if} {/if}