=========================================================== {ts}Personal Campaign Page Owner Notification{/ts} =========================================================== {ts}You have received a donation at your personal page{/ts}: {$page_title} >> {$pcpInfoURL} {ts}Your fundraising total has been updated.{/ts} {ts}The donor's information is listed below. You can choose to contact them and convey your thanks if you wish.{/ts} {if $is_honor_roll_enabled} {ts}The donor's name has been added to your honor roll unless they asked not to be included.{/ts} {/if} {ts}Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate} {ts}Amount{/ts}: {$total_amount|crmMoney:$currency} {ts}Name{/ts}: {$donors_display_name} {ts}Email{/ts}: {$donors_email}