{literal}getMessage(); $errorCode = $e->getErrorCode(); $errorData = $e->getExtraParams(); return array( 'error' => $errorMessage, 'error_code' => $errorCode, 'error_data' => $errorData, ); }{/literal} return $result; {literal}}{/literal} /** * Function returns array of result expected from previous function. * * @return array * API result array */ function {$function}_expectedresult() {literal}{{/literal} $expectedResult = {$result|@print_array}; return $expectedResult; {literal}}{/literal} /** * This example has been generated from the API test suite. * The test that created it is called * {$testfunction} * and can be found in * https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/blob/master/tests/phpunit/api/v3/{$filename} * * You can see the outcome of the API tests at * https://test.civicrm.org/job/CiviCRM-master-git/ * * To Learn about the API read * http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Using+the+API * * Browse the api on your own site with the api explorer * http://MYSITE.ORG/path/to/civicrm/api * * Read more about testing here * http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/Testing * * API Standards documentation: * http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/API+Architecture+Standards */