==== QUnit Test Suite for CiviCRM ==== QUnit is a JavaScript-based unit-testing framework. It is ideally suited to testing pure-JavaScript modules -- for example, jQuery, Backbone, and many of their plugins test with QUnit. For more details about, see: http://qunitjs.com/ http://qunitjs.com/cookbook/ CiviCRM is a large application and may include some pure-Javascript components -- one should use QUnit to test these components. Note: CiviCRM also includes many non-Javascript components (MySQL, PHP, etc). For integration-testing that encompasses all of CiviCRM's different technologies, see the CiviCRM WebTest suite. QUnit is *only* appropriate unit-testing of pure JS. Note: When making a new JS component, consider designing a package which doesn't depend on CivCRM at all -- put it in its own repo and handle the testing yourself. This is ideal for collaborating with developers on other projects (beside CiviCRM). When the package is stable, you can import your package into CiviCRM's codebase (by way of "packages/" or "vendors/"). Note: The primary benefit of using this system -- rather than a vanilla QUnit deployment -- is that you can include dependencies based on Civi's conventions. The primary drawback is that the test will require CiviCRM to execute. However, if you really need to write a Javascript component in CiviCRM core (or in a CiviCRM extension), then proceed with testing it... ==== QUICKSTART ==== To see an example test-suite: 1. Inspect the example code "civicrm/tests/qunit/example" 2. Run the example code by logging into CiviCRM as administrator and visiting: http://localhost/civicrm/dev/qunit/civicrm/example (Modify "localhost" to match your CiviCRM installation.) To create a new test-suite: 1. Determine a name for the new test-suite, such as "my-stuff". 2. Copy "civicrm/tests/qunit/example" to "civicrm/tests/qunit/my-stuff" 3. Edit the "civicrm/tests/qunit/my-stuff/test.php" to load your JS file (my-stuff.js) as well as any special dependencies (jQuery plugins, Backbone, etc). 4. Edit the "civcrm/tests/qunit/my-stuff/test.js" 5. To run the test-suite, login to CiviCRM as administrator and visit: http://${base_url}/civicrm/dev/qunit/${extension}/${suite} For example, suppose the base_url is "localhost", and suppose the qunit test is part of the core codebase (aka extension="civicrm"), and suppose the suite is "my-stuff". Then navigate to: http://localhost/civicrm/dev/qunit/civicrm/my-stuff ==== CONVENTIONS ==== The following is a quick draft of coding conventions. If there's a problem with it, we can change it -- but please communicate any problems/issues (e.g. via IRC, mailing-list, or forum). * CiviCRM includes multiple test-suites. One test-suite should be created for each logically distinct JavaScript component. Rationale: CiviCRM is a large application with a diverse mix of components written by diverse authors. Each component may present different requirements for testing -- e.g. HTML fixtures, CSS fixtures, third-party JS dependencies, etc. Note: As a rule-of-thumb, if you add a new js file to CiviCRM ("civicrm/js/foo.js"), and if that file is useful on its own, then you might create a new test-suite for it ("civicrm/tests/qunit/foo"). * Each QUnit test-suite for CiviCRM lives in a subdirectory of "tests/qunit/". Rationale: Following a predictable naming convention will help us automate testing/loading across all suites, and it will make the code more recognizable to other developers. * Each QUnit test-suite *may* include the file "test.php" to specify loading of resource files or bundles (such as CSS/JS). The file will be recognized automatically. Rationale: CiviCRM has its own resource-loading conventions. When preparing a test environment, one needs to load JS/CSS dependencies. Since there is no autoloader, this is most easily done with CiviCRM's resource-loader. * Each QUnit test-suite *may* include the file "test.tpl" to specify any HTML or CSS fixtures. The file will be recognized automatically. * Each QUnit test-suite *may* include the file "test.js" to specify assertions. The file will be recognized automatically. If one wants to split the tests into multiple JS files, then each file should registered as a resource in "test.php". ==== TODO ==== * GUI Testing -- Display a browsable list of all tests. * Automatic Testing -- Add an item to the WebTest suite (e.g. WebTest_Core_QUnitTestCase) which iteratively executes each QUnit test-suite and verifies that they pass.