[ 'civicrm_event', 'civicrm_participant', ], ]; $this->cleanup($cleanup_params); } public function testGetActions() { $result = Participant::getActions(FALSE) ->execute() ->indexBy('name'); $getParams = $result['get']['params']; $whereDescription = 'Criteria for selecting Participants'; $this->assertEquals(TRUE, $getParams['checkPermissions']['default']); $this->assertContains($whereDescription, $getParams['where']['description']); } public function testGet() { $rows = $this->getRowCount('civicrm_participant'); if ($rows > 0) { $this->markTestSkipped('Participant table must be empty'); } // With no records: $result = Participant::get(FALSE)->execute(); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->count(), "count of empty get is not 0"); // Check that the $result knows what the inputs were $this->assertEquals('Participant', $result->entity); $this->assertEquals('get', $result->action); $this->assertEquals(4, $result->version); // Create some test related records before proceeding $participantCount = 20; $contactCount = 7; $eventCount = 5; // All events will either have this number or one less because of the // rotating participation creation method. $expectedFirstEventCount = ceil($participantCount / $eventCount); $dummy = [ 'contacts' => $this->createEntity([ 'type' => 'Individual', 'count' => $contactCount, 'seq' => 1, ]), 'events' => $this->createEntity([ 'type' => 'Event', 'count' => $eventCount, 'seq' => 1, ]), 'sources' => ['Paddington', 'Springfield', 'Central'], ]; // - create dummy participants record for ($i = 0; $i < $participantCount; $i++) { $dummy['participants'][$i] = $this->sample([ 'type' => 'Participant', 'overrides' => [ 'event_id' => $dummy['events'][$i % $eventCount]['id'], 'contact_id' => $dummy['contacts'][$i % $contactCount]['id'], // 3 = number of sources 'source' => $dummy['sources'][$i % 3], ], ])['sample_params']; Participant::create() ->setValues($dummy['participants'][$i]) ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) ->execute(); } $sqlCount = $this->getRowCount('civicrm_participant'); $this->assertEquals($participantCount, $sqlCount, "Unexpected count"); $firstEventId = $dummy['events'][0]['id']; $secondEventId = $dummy['events'][1]['id']; $firstContactId = $dummy['contacts'][0]['id']; $firstOnlyResult = Participant::get(FALSE) ->addClause('AND', ['event_id', '=', $firstEventId]) ->execute(); $this->assertEquals($expectedFirstEventCount, count($firstOnlyResult), "count of first event is not $expectedFirstEventCount"); // get first two events using different methods $firstTwo = Participant::get(FALSE) ->addWhere('event_id', 'IN', [$firstEventId, $secondEventId]) ->execute(); $firstResult = $firstTwo->first(); // verify counts // count should either twice the first event count or one less $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( $expectedFirstEventCount * 2, count($firstTwo), "count is too high" ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $expectedFirstEventCount * 2 - 1, count($firstTwo), "count is too low" ); $firstParticipantResult = Participant::get(FALSE) ->addWhere('event_id', '=', $firstEventId) ->addWhere('contact_id', '=', $firstContactId) ->execute(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($firstParticipantResult), "more than one registration"); $firstParticipantId = $firstParticipantResult->first()['id']; // get a result which excludes $first_participant $otherParticipantResult = Participant::get(FALSE) ->setSelect(['id']) ->addClause('NOT', [ ['event_id', '=', $firstEventId], ['contact_id', '=', $firstContactId], ]) ->execute() ->indexBy('id'); // check alternate syntax for NOT $otherParticipantResult2 = Participant::get(FALSE) ->setSelect(['id']) ->addClause('NOT', 'AND', [ ['event_id', '=', $firstEventId], ['contact_id', '=', $firstContactId], ]) ->execute() ->indexBy('id'); $this->assertEquals($otherParticipantResult, $otherParticipantResult2); $this->assertEquals($participantCount - 1, count($otherParticipantResult), "failed to exclude a single record on complex criteria"); // check the record we have excluded is the right one: $this->assertFalse( $otherParticipantResult->offsetExists($firstParticipantId), 'excluded wrong record'); // retrieve a participant record and update some records $patchRecord = [ 'source' => "not " . $firstResult['source'], ]; Participant::update() ->addWhere('event_id', '=', $firstEventId) ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) ->setLimit(20) ->setValues($patchRecord) ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) ->execute(); // - delete some records $secondEventId = $dummy['events'][1]['id']; $deleteResult = Participant::delete() ->addWhere('event_id', '=', $secondEventId) ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) ->execute(); $expectedDeletes = [2, 7, 12, 17]; $this->assertEquals($expectedDeletes, array_column((array) $deleteResult, 'id'), "didn't delete every second record as expected"); $sqlCount = $this->getRowCount('civicrm_participant'); $this->assertEquals( $participantCount - count($expectedDeletes), $sqlCount, "records not gone from database after delete"); // Try creating is_test participants foreach ($dummy['contacts'] as $contact) { Participant::create() ->addValue('is_test', 1) ->addValue('contact_id', $contact['id']) ->addValue('event_id', $secondEventId) ->execute(); } // By default is_test participants are hidden $this->assertCount(0, Participant::get()->selectRowCount()->addWhere('event_id', '=', $secondEventId)->execute()); // Test records show up if you add is_test to the query $testParticipants = Participant::get()->addWhere('event_id', '=', $secondEventId)->addWhere('is_test', '=', 1)->addSelect('id')->execute(); $this->assertCount($contactCount, $testParticipants); // Or if you search by id $this->assertCount(1, Participant::get()->selectRowCount()->addWhere('id', '=', $testParticipants->first()['id'])->execute()); } }