addWhere('type', '=', 'Field')->execute(); $json = json_encode($result); $this->assertStringStartsWith('[{"', $json); $this->assertTrue(is_array(json_decode($json))); } /** * Knowing that the db layer HTML-encodes strings, we want to test * that this ugliness is hidden from us as users of the API. * * @see * @see */ public function testNoDataCorruptionThroughEncoding() { $original = 'hello < you'; $result = Contact::create(FALSE) ->setValues(['first_name' => $original]) ->execute()->first(); $this->assertEquals($original, $result['first_name'], "The value returned from Contact.create is different to the value sent." ); $result = Contact::update(FALSE) ->addWhere('id', '=', $result['id']) ->setValues(['first_name' => $original]) ->execute()->first(); $this->assertEquals($original, $result['first_name'], "The value returned from Contact.update is different to the value sent." ); $result = Contact::get(FALSE) ->addWhere('id', '=', $result['id']) ->execute()->first(); $this->assertEquals($original, $result['first_name'], "The value returned from Contact.get is different to the value sent." ); } /** * There are various ways to get the count of an API result. Some have particular behaviour, documented here. * * @dataProvider dataForTestCounts */ public function testCounts( string $comment, int $matches, int $limit, array $selects, ?int $expectedRowCount, int $expectedCount, int $expectedCountFetched, ?int $expectedCountMatches ) { $expectedExceptionFromCountMatches = $expectedCountMatches === NULL; // Create $matches contacts. $records = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $matches; $i++) { $records[] = [ 'contact_type' => 'Individual', 'first_name' => "testCounts$i", 'last_name' => 'testCounts', ]; } \Civi\Api4\Contact::save(FALSE)->setRecords($records)->execute(); // Do a fetch. $result = \Civi\Api4\Contact::get(FALSE) ->setSelect($selects) ->addWhere('last_name', '=', 'testCounts') ->setLimit($limit) ->execute(); // Test direct access to rowCount property (naughty) for backwards compatibility. $this->assertEquals($expectedRowCount, $result->rowCount, "$comment: Public rowCount failed"); // Test quirks of count() which sometimes returns the fetched count and sometimes the matched count. $this->assertEquals($expectedCount, $result->count(), "$comment: count() method failed"); // We always have countFetched() available, $this->assertEquals($expectedCountFetched, $result->countFetched(), "$comment: countFetched() method failed"); // We only have countMatched() available if row_count appears in the select count. $exceptionThrown = FALSE; try { $countMatchResult = $result->countMatched(); } catch (\Exception $exceptionThrown) { if (!$expectedExceptionFromCountMatches) { // Did not expect this! throw $exceptionThrown; } } if ($expectedCountMatches === NULL) { // We expect this to throw an exception. if (!$exceptionThrown) { $this->fail("$comment: expected an exception but did not get one."); } } else { $this->assertEquals($expectedCountMatches, $countMatchResult, "$comment: countMatched() method failed"); } } /** * */ public function dataForTestCounts() { $withoutRowCount = ['id']; $withRowCount = ['id', 'row_count']; $rowCountOnly = ['row_count']; $expectExceptionFromCountMatches = NULL; return [ ['Limited, with row_count', 1, 1, $withRowCount, 1, 1, 1, 1, ], ['Limited, only row_count', 1, 1, $rowCountOnly, 1, 1, 0, 1, ], ['Unlimited, no row_count', 1, 0, $withoutRowCount, 1, 1, 1, $expectExceptionFromCountMatches, ], ['Unlimited, with row_count', 1, 0, $withRowCount, 1, 1, 1, 1, ], ['Unlimited, only row_count', 1, 0, $rowCountOnly, 1, 1, 0, 1, ], ['Limit effective, and without row_count', 2, 1, $withoutRowCount, NULL, 1, 1, $expectExceptionFromCountMatches, ], ['Limit effective, with row_count', 2, 1, $withRowCount, 2, 2, 1, 2, ], ['Limit effective, only row_count', 2, 1, $rowCountOnly, 2, 2, 0, 2, ], ['Limit ineffective (fewer rows than limit), without row count', 2, 10, $withoutRowCount, 2, 2, 2, $expectExceptionFromCountMatches, ], ['Limit ineffective (fewer rows than limit), with row count', 2, 10, $withRowCount, 2, 2, 2, 2, ], ['Limit ineffective (fewer rows than limit), only row count', 2, 10, $rowCountOnly, 2, 2, 0, 2, ], ]; } }