cleanup(['tablesToTruncate' => $relatedTables]); $this->loadDataSet('DefaultDataSet'); return parent::setUpHeadless(); } /** * Fetch all phone call activities * Expects at least one activity loaded from the data set. */ public function testGetAllHousingSupportActivities() { $results = Activity::get() ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) ->addWhere('activity_type_id:name', '=', 'Phone Call') ->execute(); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($results)); } /** * Fetch all activities with a blue tag; and return all tags on the activities */ public function testGetAllTagsForBlueTaggedActivities() { } /** * Fetch contacts named 'Bob' and all of their blue activities */ public function testGetAllBlueActivitiesForBobs() { } /** * Get all contacts in a zipcode and return their Home or Work email addresses */ public function testGetHomeOrWorkEmailsForContactsWithZipcode() { } /** * Fetch all activities where Bob is the assignee or source */ public function testGetActivitiesWithBobAsAssigneeOrSource() { } /** * Get all contacts which * (a) have address in zipcode 94117 or 94118 or in city "San Francisco","LA" * and * (b) are not deceased and * (c) have a custom-field "most_important_issue=Environment". */ public function testAWholeLotOfConditions() { } /** * Get participants who attended CiviCon 2012 but not CiviCon 2013. * Return their name and email. */ public function testGettingNameAndEmailOfAttendeesOfCiviCon2012Only() { } }